1. The IRC thingie...

Hi all!
Well,everybody is talking here about the IRC,and moving the mailinglist to
the IRC, and etc.
Let's say that NOT everyone here can access to the IRC because of his
ISP,domain and some other problem. For example me. I have two accounts, one
from my school,
it's free,nice,but the IRC Servers don't accept my domain.
My second account is the one I am paying for (with pain),and can't chat
hours about a little source code I need or something else.
I don't understand what bad in this mailinglist. I think mailinglist is the
best thing we could use ever!
There is also another point, that there are people that have ONLY mail
access account,and can't do something else but the mail thing. Btw mail,
does someone knows a good FTPMAIL server outhere? I have six or seven, but
they're all slow.

Well, think about.
Thanks for listenning to me.
Izchak Aronov.

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2. Re: The IRC thingie...

At 11:57  18/01/97 +0200, you wrote:
>I don't understand what bad in this mailinglist. I think mailinglist is the
>best thing we could use ever!

Well, for once your right Izchak (just kidding). This IRC topic is getting
really out of hand. All we need and can get good use out of is this mailing
list, which we all have access to. IRC is tricky and requires lots of people,
and mailing list is just going to make it harder to be heard. And who runs
this mailing list anyways? It's about time someone put their foot down about
this IRC topic!

The Reaper                                    |||||||||||
reaper at auracom.com                            $  @   @  $
"This is not a quote."                         \   !   /
Or is it?                                       \=====/

(yes, the signature does need work...)

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