1. print_centered

I have found it hard to center text on the screen and made a little
procedure that will do it for you.  Some of you may have already done this,
but for those who haven't here it is:

procedure print_centered( sequence s)
for x=1 to ((80-length(s))/2) do -- works in default text mode only
puts(1," ")                      -- but you can tweak it to work in other
end for                          -- modes, can't you? (just change the 80)
end procedure

print_centered("Cyrbgod at hotmail.com\n")
print_centered("Vicas Patel\n")
print_centered("Now THIS is centered Text!!!")
|  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/8858/home.htm   |
| It's so difficult to work in groups when you are omnipotent. -Q |

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2. Re: print_centered

At 22:08 20-12-96 -0500, you wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at
>Poster:       Vic <cybrgod at IBM.NET>
>Subject:      print_centered
>I have found it hard to center text on the screen and made a little
>procedure that will do it for you.  Some of you may have already done this,
>but for those who haven't here it is:
>procedure print_centered( sequence s)
>for x=1 to ((80-length(s))/2) do -- works in default text mode only
>puts(1," ")                      -- but you can tweak it to work in other
>end for                          -- modes, can't you? (just change the 80)
>end procedure
>print_centered("Cyrbgod at hotmail.com\n")
>print_centered("Vicas Patel\n")
>print_centered("Now THIS is centered Text!!!")
> _________________________________________________________________
>|  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/8858/home.htm   |
>| It's so difficult to work in groups when you are omnipotent. -Q |

another solution to this problem could be.


Merry Chrismass Vic
Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at quebectel.com

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3. Re: print_centered

Hello all!
Can someone please offer a tip or two on communicating to/from the comm
I've tried Jacques' PORTS.E' but keep getting a type error.
I want to send/receive strings of text in a BBS door environment.
How should the 'file' be opened?
Any existing code for this type of I/O?


Ray in Colorado
The Chalk Board BBS

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