1. Getting started in Linux

I've recently installed Euphoria on my Fedora Core 3 system. I followed the 
instructions as described in the install section of the documentation. However,
if I type exu in the terminal, I get a command not found error message. If I 
want Euphoria to run, I must enter the full path first (in my case, 
/euphoria/bin/exu). when I do I get the following prompt:

"Euphoria Interpreter 2.5 for Linux.H2dCopyright (c) Rapid Deployment Software 
2005H3dPermission is freely granted to anyone to copy andH4
dredistribute this Public Domain Edition of Euphoria.H5d6d
file name to execute?" 

complete with the "Hd2" etc included. Even if I make the current directory the 
directory where exu resides, the system still fails to recognise the exu

when the exu command is entered correctly,I then must type the entire path 
of the program I want to Execute. It then attempts to do something, but it 
turns out to be a jumbled mess in the terminal screen, and I can't make head 
nor tail of what the program is doing, or meant to do.

Can anyone give me a pointer as to what I am doing wrong, and help me get 
my programs running correctly? I am running Euphoria 2.5 for Linux.

Thanks and Regards,


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2. Re: Getting started in Linux

Welcome to Euphoria Stephen,

I also run Fedora Core 3, so I know what you are going through.  Unfortunatly,
the problem with the 'Hd2' comes from the fact that the version of ncurses that
comes with Fedora Core, is either to old, to new, or isn't setup properly with
the compile of Euphoria.  Which I have found, to be a recurring problem with
alot of libraries I use.  (EG: wxEuphoria)  I have not yet found a way to fix
that problem.  And the reason why it's a ncurses problem, is cause Euphoria is
compiled with ncurses as it's main support system for doing Screen I/O on linux.

Personally, I think ncurses should be removed from the core of Euphoria, and
set off into an external library.  (Listening Rob?)  It causes quite a few
problems with some programs.  Such as re-directing output, and such.

However, the problem your experincing with the ability to use 'exu' instead
of '/installed/path/to/exu' is a more common problem, one of which I can
actually help with.

If you followed the instructions for System-Wide Usage under all available
accounts, then you edited your /etc/profile or similar configuration file
to add the following lines:

set PATH=$PATH:/euphoria/bin
set EUDIR=/euphoria

If you simply added it to your user account, you edited the configuration
file /home/stephen/.bash_profile, and added the following lines:

set PATH=$PATH:/euphoria/bin
set EUDIR=/euphoria

In either case, you will need to restart your computer, as in shut it down
completely through the Gnome or KDE Desktop, or typing 'reboot' at the prompt
if your in text based system.  Fedora Core has a problem with Modifying the
PATH Enviroment, and actually applying it with new shell instances, and such.

So attempt to reboot your computer first, and to make sure the changes took
hold, enter your Shell, and type the following at the Prompt:

[stephen@localhost ~] echo $EUDIR
[stephen@localhost ~] echo $PATH

The Path one may vary depending on your FC3 setup, but it should have
/euphoria/bin in it, and the EUDIR variable should have /euphoria.

If you did like I did, and converted over from a diffrent Linux Distro, such
as SuSE Pro, or Mandrake, and kept your home partion intact, then I suggest
you do the following as root:

[root@localhost stephen] chown stephen *
<.... long pause here ....>
[root@localhost stephen]

This is cruicial, cause Fedora Core will not change the ownership properly to
the user that you just created, so you have to go in, and make sure your home
directory is owned by you.

Hope this helps, if it doesn't please feel free to post again, as there's
another Fedora Core user besides me on here, and there are pleanty of Linux
users here as well.

Mario Steele
Attaining World Dominiation, one byte at a time...

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3. Re: Getting started in Linux

Thanks for the help Mario,

the solution you gave me seemed to have fixed my "exu" problem. However,
you say that the garbled mess I get when I try to run programs cannot be
When I try to run the demo linux programs supplied, I get gobble-di-goop. I

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4. Re: Getting started in Linux

Thanks for the help Mario,

the solution you gave me seemed to have fixed my "exu" problem. However,
you say that the garbled mess I get when I try to run programs cannot be
When I try to run the demo linux programs supplied, I get gobble-di-goop. I 
can't decypher what's happening on the screen, this will make learning Euphoria
pretty though, and pretty pointless if I can't get programs to display 
meaningful data on the screen. Can Euphoria for Linux generate graphical 
output (i.e. windows, message boxes and the like) as it can in the Windows 



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5. Re: Getting started in Linux

Stephen O'Sullivan wrote:
> Thanks for the help Mario,
> the solution you gave me seemed to have fixed my "exu" problem. However,
> you say that the garbled mess I get when I try to run programs cannot be
> overcome.
> When I try to run the demo linux programs supplied, I get gobble-di-goop. I 
> can't decypher what's happening on the screen, this will make learning
> Euphoria
> pretty though, and pretty pointless if I can't get programs to display 
> meaningful data on the screen. Can Euphoria for Linux generate graphical 
> output (i.e. windows, message boxes and the like) as it can in the Windows 
> version?

Yes, there are several libraries for that, for example wxEuphoria and euGTK.

Then I want to point out that that problem with garbled text does not exist on
Debian (which I am using, :P to Euman :), however, to make exu work in an xterm
and compatible terms in Debian, you'll have to execute:

export TERM=ansi

This is because exu is linked with old versions of everything... therefore, if
you attempt to translate and compile a euphoria program, this problem will go
away. Maybe doing export TERM=ansi on Fedora will fix it there too? Then you
could also try running exu in a real console as opposed to a console emulator.
That is, (sorry if I insult your intelligence now, from what I've seen you seem
to be a linux newbie) press CTRL-ALT-F1/F2/F3 etc to access one of them.

Then a comment on your original post: If you have exu in the current directory,
you can't just type exu and press enter to start it. You'll have to type ./exu
and press enter. This may seem stupid, but it has something to do with security.

Regards, Alexander Toresson

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6. Re: Getting started in Linux

Alexander Toresson wrote:
> export TERM=ansi

*gives Eulex a cold eye*  You.... You.... You.....

*takes a deep breath* Okay, the 'export TERM=ansi' works on my Fedora Core 3,
so i would suggest adding that to your /home/stephen/.bash_profile, or your
/etc/profile.  You may have to restart your computer, in order to make it work,
and do note, it will replace the $TERM Enviroment Variable, which defaults to

Mario Steele
Attaining World Dominiation, one byte at a time...

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7. Re: Getting started in Linux

thanks for your help. I have downloaded wxIDE0.7, but when I try to run it I 
get an error message saying that cannot be open the wxide.edb, and that wxIDE 
cannot be started. It does start, but I can't do anything useful like add forms.
wxide.edb exsists in the same dir as wxIDE.exu, so I don't understand why 
this is happening.  

One more thing. I can run programs now, but I still must do so by typing
through terminal. Why Can't I just double click on programs? I have tried
file associations through Konquerer, but no good.

Thnaks and Regards,


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8. Re: Getting started in Linux

Stephen O'Sullivan wrote:
> Guys,
> thanks for your help. I have downloaded wxIDE0.7, but when I try to run it I 
> get an error message saying that cannot be open the wxide.edb, and that wxIDE 
> cannot be started. It does start, but I can't do anything useful like add
> forms.
> wxide.edb exsists in the same dir as wxIDE.exu, so I don't understand why 
> this is happening.  

File names are case sensitive in Linux.  I do most of my developing under
windows, and unfortunately, some things like this slip through.  Try renaming
wxide.edb to wxIDE.edb.  This will be fixed for the next release.

> One more thing. I can run programs now, but I still must do so by typing
> manually,
> through terminal. Why Can't I just double click on programs? I have tried
> changing
> file associations through Konquerer, but no good.

When running euphoria programs under X, you usually need them to have a
console window already opened.  Unlike Windows, eu won't automatically open
one for you.

Matt Lewis

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9. Re: Getting started in Linux

I've been writing simple shell scripts to start my wxEuphoria programs.
Then I'm able to autostart one with KDE by placing it in ~/.kde/Autostart
and the other has been given an icon and placed on the launcher
beside the Menu button. I just redid this tonight after upgrading my
Mandrake box.

This is one script:

#! /bin/bash
cd /home/bruce/Projetos/Program/Mail\ cleaner
exu mc.exw

Then you make it executable (I do it in properties in Konqueror so I
don't remember the console command that any serious hacker would use!)
The directory change line was necessary for me because this program would
create a new database in whichever directory I happened to call it from.
Don't forget the backslash before any spaces on your command line (although
I think you can place the path in quotes instead).

Bruce Douglas

Matt Lewis wrote:
> When running euphoria programs under X, you usually need them to have a
> console window already opened.  Unlike Windows, eu won't automatically open
> one for you.

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10. Re: Getting started in Linux

Bruce Douglas wrote:

> Then you make it executable (I do it in properties in Konqueror so I
> don't remember the console command that any serious hacker would use!)

Bruce, this command line is 'chmod 755 <file>'  OR, 'chmod a+x <file>'
^.^  *is hackor like that*

Mario Steele
Attaining World Dominiation, one byte at a time...

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11. Re: Getting started in Linux


I've been busy for the last few days, so I am only looking at this now. Firstly,
I managed to get the "double-click" running in kmoquerer. Not sure exactly how
I achieved this. Went ot file asscoication and linked exw to exu and checked
run in terminal, rebooted, and hey-presto now it works. Even when I am viewing a
zip file, and want ot view a exw file, exu is the recommended pogram.

I think the problem with accessing wxIDE.edb is a database issue, and nothing 
to do with wxIDE. I made everything uppercase as suggested, but no good. I did 
some searching and found wxedb-1.27 and downloaded that. Installed everything. 
I can run wxedb.exw, and even use it to access wxIDE.edb. But when I try to run 
Sql.exw I get:

2d/euphoria/include/file.e:30 in function seek()H3dtype_check failure, fn is 
-1H4d... called from /euphoria/include/database.e:302 in procedure safe_seek
() H5d... called from /euphoria/include/database.e:742 in function table_find
() H6d... called from /euphoria/include/database.e:767 in function db_select
_table() H7d8d... called from /root/Desktop/wxedb-1-27-0/eusql.e:1165 in 
function select_table9;1H() H10d... called from /root/Desktop/wxedb-1-27-0/
eusql.e:1217 in function select_curre11;1Hnt() H12d... called from /root
/Desktop/wxedb-1-27-0/eusql.e:7686 in function create_table13;1H() H14d... 
called from/root/Desktop/wxedb-1-27-0/eusql.e:7APress Enter...24d1Gcreate_t
15;1Hable() H16d... called from /root/Desktop/wxedb-1-27-0/eusql.e:7892 in 
function run_create()17;1H H18d... called from /root/Desktop/wxedb-1-27-0/
eusql.e:8018 in function run_query()H19d20dAPress Enter...24d1Gt/Desktop/
wxedb-1-27-0/eusql.e:8050 in function run_sql() H21d... called from 
/root/Desktop/wxedb-1-27-0/Sql.exw:29H22d--> see ex.errH23d24d"

Any ideas? It's late where I am now, but I'll have a proper look at it 


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12. Re: Getting started in Linux

Stephen O'Sullivan wrote:
> Guys,
> I've been busy for the last few days, so I am only looking at this now.
> Firstly,
> I managed to get the "double-click" running in kmoquerer. Not sure exactly how
> I achieved this. Went ot file asscoication and linked exw to exu and checked
> run in terminal, rebooted, and hey-presto now it works. Even when I am viewing
> a
> zip file, and want ot view a exw file, exu is the recommended pogram.
> I think the problem with accessing wxIDE.edb is a database issue, and nothing 
> to do with wxIDE. I made everything uppercase as suggested, but no good. I did
> some searching and found wxedb-1.27 and downloaded that. Installed everything.
> I can run wxedb.exw, and even use it to access wxIDE.edb. But when I try to
> run
> Sql.exw I get:

It sounds like it's not finding the file.  I think it may have to do with
the way the command line is passed under linux.  For windows, you usually
get full path info as to where the executable is.  Not so under Linux.
So it depends on what the current directory is.  Try running wxIDE from
the command line, from the same directory, and see if you get different
results.  It also may depend on what the current directory is after you've
double clicked on a file.  I'm not entirely sure, but I've run into these
sorts of issues myself (I'm not a Linux guru by a long shot!).

I will hopefully be releasing the next version of wxIDE by this weekend,
and it allows you to specify where to look for its database and ini file,
so this should help you.

Matt Lewis

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13. Re: Getting started in Linux

Thnaks Matt,

I changed the code in the wxIDE_GUI.e to point to the correct location of the 
wxIDE.edb and it works. I don't get an error message anymore, so that looks 
like the issue. However, I still can't do anything useful like create frames,
buttons etc.

Thanks and Regards,


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14. Re: Getting started in Linux

Stephen O'Sullivan wrote:
> Thnaks Matt,
> I changed the code in the wxIDE_GUI.e to point to the correct location of the 
> wxIDE.edb and it works. I don't get an error message anymore, so that looks 
> like the issue. However, I still can't do anything useful like create frames,
> buttons etc.

No, that part is pretty broken in the currently released version.  In the
next couple of days I'll be releasing v0.3.0, and those things are mostly
working.  They're not as polished as they should be, but they are at a 
state where they can be helpful.

Matt Lewis

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