1. How do I get off this train. . .lol

I wonder, I have been a member of this list for almost two years now, most of
the stuff that I have read, has no actual significance to me, so how do I get
removed from the list. . .

Paul. . .

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2. Re: How do I get off this train. . .lol

To leave the Euphoria mailing list,
send an e-mail message to:


The subject of your message doesn't matter, but
the first line of your message must be:


To avoid possible confusion, do not put any other text
in the body of your message, not even a signature.

You can also try the Web interface for leaving the list:

Visit:  http://www.RapidEuphoria.com/listserv.htm
for other list server commands, such as the DIGESTS
command that will give you just one (large) message
per day.

You can also view the mailing list from our main page.
Click on "most recent messages" near the bottom.

Possible Problems:

Be sure to send the SIGNOFF command from the
same e-mail address that you used to subscribe in the
first place. Sometimes this is not possible because your
service provider has changed your address in some way.
If LISTSERV rejects your request to signoff, it will reply
with a lengthy message. Somewhere in that message
is the address of a human being (not myself) who can take you
off the list manually. Allow a few days for this to happen.

If you are still stuck, e-mail me personally and I will
contact the list owner for you.

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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3. Re: How do I get off this train. . .lol

Go to rapideuphoria.com to get the e-mail address to get off of the mailing
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul <hptruckandtransport at HOME.COM>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 12:13 PM
Subject: How do I get off this train. . .lol

> I wonder, I have been a member of this list for almost two years now, most
of the stuff that I have read, has no actual significance to me, so how do I
get removed from the list. . .
> Paul. . .

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4. Re: How do I get off this train. . .lol

Hi Paul, (if you haven't figured out how to unsubscribe yet!)

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 12:13:51 -0600, Paul <hptruckandtransport at HOME.COM>

>I wonder, I have been a member of this list for almost two years now,
>most of the stuff that I have read, has no actual significance to me,
>so how do I get removed from the list. . .
>Paul. . .

Is that because your not really interested in using Euphoria, OR
alot of things are discussed that don't interest you?

Maybe their should be an "Announcement" mail list where only updates
of Euphoria and major updates/releases of libraries/programs are

I imagine this new list would receive no more than a few emails a week
and you would still be aware of Euphoria's progress without having
to go through and delete all the details your not interested in???

Just an idea.  What do others think?

Just another idea ... this list could become the Announcement list and the
email received once you join could give details of other Euphoria list(s)
that discuss different areas of Euphoria (as has been discussed previously)

Ray Smith

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