1. New to Euphoria

Hi to everyone,

I am testing Euphoria for use in a pet project of mine and I need
runtime created, movable, sizable controls.

I am working from mousetrap.exw (in \Win32Lib\Demo ) which just does that.

Wherever I insert the follwing code I just can't get a runtime control to show
up  :

myControl = create( Button, "Close", 0, 5,125 ,300, 25,{WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE})

Thanks for your guidance,


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2. New to Euphoria


I just figured out that for whatever reason, I had to use newUIObj instead.

Thanks for your patience !


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3. Re: New to Euphoria

Arb wrote:
> Hi,
> I just figured out that for whatever reason, I had to use newUIObj instead.
> Thanks for your patience !
> Arb

I don't think you had to use that function. You could try:
myControl = create( Button, "Close", 0, 5,125 ,300, 25, 0) -- Taken flags out

The flags you tried to define are already defined by the library and you were
the flag that made it a button - BS_PUSHBUTTON. Read the documentation for
create(), in
win32lib/docs. Look at flags, then read the docs for PushButton.

This is my understanding, so someone may argue with me, but see if it works!


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4. New to Euphoria

I am new to euphoria programming and i wanted to know if you knew a nice
free IDE for Euphoria, if Euphoria was an Object Language (manages
classes), and if Pointers are handled.

I wanted allways to know if pre-compiled libraries, like dcu in borland
pascal exist in Euphoria.

Thanks for any advise.


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5. Re: New to Euphoria

> From:    Thierry <ANIROM at WANADOO.FR>
>  Hello,
>  I am new to euphoria programming and i wanted to know if you knew a nice
>  free IDE for Euphoria,

I prefer Dave Cuny's EE or Carl R. White's EE:CS.  There are others, and I
think there are one or two visual IDEs for Windows programming, but I haven't
used them yet.

>  if Euphoria was an Object Language (manages classes),

Euphoria doesn't force OOP on you, but if you like OOP, there are several
different libraries available that implement it.  They vary in complexity,
style, size, and speed, so you can choose the one most suited to your needs.

>  and if Pointers are handled.

In most cases, pointers aren't needed.  When they are, you can allocate
memory,  get a pointer to it, and do whatever you want with it using peek()
and poke().  You can't get pointers to variables declared normally, though.

As for routine pointers, you can get a routine_id, an integer which can be
used to call the routine.  It's not an actual physical memory address, but it
can be used to implement forward-referencing, mutual recursion, and
polymorphism.  If you really need a pointer to the machine code of a routine,
(for low-level speed-critical things, maybe) you can write the routine in
machine code, allocate memory for it, poke it, and call it.

>  I wanted allways to know if pre-compiled libraries, like dcu in borland
>  pascal exist in Euphoria.

Most libraries are made available in source-code form, so you can study them,
modify them, etc.  (And deal with namespace issues)  If you want to, you can
shroud them into a binary form and they can still be used but not easily read
or modified by others.  Of course, you can also use DLLs in Windows.


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6. New to Euphoria

Hi all,

I just subscribed to this list yesterday.  Since I don't want to enter th=
address every time I send mail to the list, please someone verify I have
the address right in the old address book.

I consider myself a very gaullible person, so I do believe what the
documentation says about Euphoria being easier and more powerful than
BASIC, and most other languages, for that matter.  (Hey, even before I
subscribed to this list, I told someone I knew who was managing a C proje=
to take the file C.DOC (which I sent to him) and show it to his
programmers.  That's how gaullible I am, even when only just very recentl=
I finished my first useful program in QBasic.

I just downloaded Euphoria not too long ago, and I want to hear a BASIC
(former BASIC, I suppose) programmer compares BASIC to Euphoria.  I suppo=
I've read the technical differences from the documentation, but I would
like to get an intuitive, personal account.  Is Euphoria really easier?


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7. Re: New to Euphoria

At 05:58 PM 5/11/98 -0400,  Alan Tu wrote:

>I just subscribed to this list yesterday.


>I consider myself a very gaullible person, so I do believe what the
>documentation says about Euphoria being easier and more powerful than
>BASIC, and most other languages, for that matter.  (Hey, even before I
>subscribed to this list, I told someone I knew who was managing a C proje=
>to take the file C.DOC (which I sent to him) and show it to his

You're living dangerously. Those programmers are likely to
react badly to any criticism of their language of choice
(a.k.a. Job Security)

>I finished my first useful program in QBasic.
>I just downloaded Euphoria not too long ago, and I want to hear >a BASIC
(former BASIC, I suppose) programmer compares >BASIC to Euphoria.  I suppose
I've read the technical >differences from the documentation, but I would
like to get an >intuitive, personal account.  Is Euphoria really easier?

I wrote my first for-money program in BASIC, about 20 years
ago, a program to manage materials flow for a recycling firm.
I also realised I had reached the limits of BASIC - let's call
it the "brick wall". That's when it becomes almost impossible
to add even one more thing to your program without it
blowing up permanently. Or, in the case of BASIC, runs
so slowly no one wants to use it.

As soon as Borland began selling Turbo Pascal, with many
useful features, I moved to that, then COBOL (job requirement),
and more recently Delphi and others. All of these languages
have their own "brick wall", some just hit it sooner than others.
Euphoria is no exception; but it is a *huge* improvement over
BASIC, and way simpler than C.

If you don't know BASIC very well, you will have an easier
time learning Euphoria. Not so many bad practices to unlearn.
If you know C, Euphoria looks familiar, but with lots less
"dirty work" to do (type casting and pointer manipulation)
If you know Pascal, Euphoria looks very familiar, but
again, there's less type casting required.

If you're just starting, Euphoria will help you learn to write programs in a
"structured" manner - always a good thing.

Visit my Euphoria Programming Archives:

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8. Re: New to Euphoria

Thanks for your response.

You're living dangerously. Those programmers are likely to
react badly to any criticism of their language of choice
(a.k.a. Job Security)

Well, its a little less dangerous (G).  I'm 16, and the guy I gave this t=
was my dad, who has his own little company.  Just recently also, he told =
some of his people were working on C.  Yesterday, I put two and two
together and sent him that file.  I appended C.DOC to the end of the
message, and told him to delete the message if it didn't mean anything to=

him.  Hey, if those pros know C++, according to you euphoria people,
shouldd be able to learn Euphoria, right?

I wrote my first for-money program in BASIC, about 20 years
ago, a program to manage materials flow for a recycling firm.
I also realised I had reached the limits of BASIC - let's call
it the "brick wall". That's when it becomes almost impossible
to add even one more thing to your program without it
blowing up permanently. Or, in the case of BASIC, runs
so slowly no one wants to use it.

As soon as Borland began selling Turbo Pascal, with many
useful features, I moved to that, then COBOL (job requirement),
and more recently Delphi and others. All of these languages
have their own "brick wall", some just hit it sooner than others.
Euphoria is no exception; but it is a *huge* improvement over
BASIC, and way simpler than C.

Hmmm.  The writer must be a genius, then.

If you don't know BASIC very well, you will have an easier
time learning Euphoria. Not so many bad practices to unlearn.
If you know C, Euphoria looks familiar, but with lots less
"dirty work" to do (type casting and pointer manipulation)
If you know Pascal, Euphoria looks very familiar, but
again, there's less type casting required.

I know just QBasic, well, I think I know it.  Like I said, I just complet=
my first major program.  I'm kind of stuck because I'm taking a class whi=
teaches QBasic first semister and Visual Basic second.  Do your comments =
BASIC apply to Visual Basic as well?

If you're just starting, Euphoria will help you learn to write programs i=
"structured" manner - always a good thing.

True.  I like structured things, too, anything.

Visit my Euphoria Programming Archives:

Did you know there was a site called midwinter.com?  Any relation?


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9. Re: New to Euphoria

At 08:50 PM 5/11/98 -0400, Alan Tu wrote:

 Hey, if those pros know C++, according to you euphoria people,
>shouldd be able to learn Euphoria, right?

Yes, they could easily learn Euphoria. In fact, it might be
useful for lots of little jobs - mainly because it is MUCH
less likely to cause "unexpected results" than C/C++

>Euphoria is .... a *huge* improvement over BASIC, and way >simpler than C.
>Hmmm.  The writer must be a genius, then.

Could be. Robert?

> Do your comments on BASIC apply to Visual Basic as well?

VB is very different from QBASIC. In many ways it reminds
me of Pascal/Delphi. It's good to learn VB, you can get some
jobs writing VB pgms.


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10. Re: New to Euphoria

>You're living dangerously. Those programmers are likely to
>react badly to any criticism of their language of choice
>(a.k.a. Job Security)
>Well, its a little less dangerous (G).  I'm 16, and the guy I gave
>this to was my dad, who has his own little company.  Just recently
>also, he told me some of his people were working on C.  Yesterday, I
>put two and two together and sent him that file.  I appended C.DOC to
>the end of the message, and told him to delete the message if it didn't
>mean anything to him.  Hey, if those pros know C++, according to you
>euphoria people, shouldd be able to learn Euphoria, right?

I'm also 16, learning C, and not messing with QBasic much anymore,
(unless it's just a real quick small program that isn't meant to be
saved) and still learning Euphoria. I think that Euphoria is *MUCH*
easier to program in than any other language. For example, I just started
writing a generic database application that let's you define the database
before you use it. In just a couple of hours, starting from scratch, here
is what I have:

Define your own generic database (ie name the fields, tell if they are
text or numbers, etc)
Add and remove records
Load and save the data
Load and save different filenames
Error checking

It still needs a few more features, but it's a great start. (Although it
will slow down heavily if you get too many records... I'm not really
worried about that yet.)

(The main point is something impressive for a couple hours of work has
arised... Although I have been programming in Euphoria for over a year,
and been programming for 2 years before that...)

I've also been working on a game. It's a vector graphics Asteroids clone
with very decent AI. I'm horrible with coming up names for programs,
though, so it's called Vector. (Nobody even tried to give an alternate
name, and some have told me they like the name... :/ )

>I know just QBasic, well, I think I know it.  Like I said, I just
>completed my first major program.  I'm kind of stuck because I'm
>taking a class which teaches QBasic first semister and Visual Basic

You mean you actually *COMPLETE* your projects?!? ;)
Okay, so what if I've only done one complete project ever.... (ACCOUNT
1.0, main impressive feature is it's GUI created by David Cuny's
TextGUI), only I still have about 10 other big projects and 3 of them are
almost finished! :) (Umm, sorta... Started one today, another is
Vector.... [I'm still trying to make the ship "bounce" off the rocks..
It's harder than it sounds!], and another is a simple Spell Checker with
replacement wordlists)

Euphoria stands for:

End User Programming with Hierarchical
Objects for Robust Interpreted Applications

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