1. Getting this to Work

Can anybody figure out what's wrong with this code?

without warning

include uniquefn.e

global function getRSSFeed( sequence url )
sequence result, sys, lines
object fname, fn, line
atom timer

	result = ""
	fname = uniquefn("")
	sys = "wget -q -b -O " & fname & " -o " & "wget.log " & url
	fn = system_exec(sys,2)
	fn = open(fname,"r")
	timer = time() + 1
	while fn = -1 and time() < timer do
		-- give it a second to open the file
		fn = open(fname,"r")
	end while
	if fn > 0 then -- opened the file
		lines = ""
		line = gets(fn)
		while sequence(line) do
			lines &= line
			line = gets(fn)
		end while
		if length(lines) > 0 then
			result = "Success from " & fname & ":\n" & lines
result = "Failed to get anything from " & fname & " (fn = " &
sprintf("%d",{fn}) & ")"
		end if
		result = "Failed to open file " & fname
	end if
	return result
end function


The uniquefn.e can be gotten from here:


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2. Re: Getting this to Work


I think the problem is that you have the "-b" option in the wget invocation.
The fact that wget has successfully created the file doesn't mean that he have
already downloaded all the page.
I removed the "-b" option from the command line and now it works. 

In order to give two seconds to wget to download the file i've changed
your code like this:

without warning

include uniquefn.e

constant CLOCK_PER_SEC=10000

global function getRSSFeed( sequence url )
sequence result, sys, lines
object fname, fn, line
atom timer, delta

  result = ""
  fname = uniquefn("")
  sys = "wget -q -b -O " & fname & " -o " & "wget.log " & url
  fn = system_exec(sys,2)
  delta = 2 / CLOCK_PER_SEC
  timer = time() + delta
  while time() < timer do
    -- give it two seconds to open the file
    -- no op
  end while

  fn = open(fname,"r")
  if fn > 0 then -- opened the file
    lines = ""
    line = gets(fn)
    while sequence(line) do
      lines &= line
      line = gets(fn)
    end while
    if length(lines) > 0 then
      result = "Success from " & fname & ":\n" & lines
result = "Failed to get anything from " & fname & " (fn = " &
      sprintf("%d",{fn}) & ")"
    end if
    result = "Failed to open file " & fname
  end if
  return result
end function



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3. Re: Getting this to Work

Leonardo Cecchi wrote:

> I think the problem is that you have the "-b" option in the wget invocation.

I removed the -b option and it works!!! I think I had just copied what Rob
posted recently (news.exu) and assumed that was necessary (it puts wget into
the background... whatever that means!).

THANKS LEONARDO!!! I owe you a beer or a burger or whatever... :)

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4. Re: Getting this to Work

c.k.lester wrote:
> Leonardo Cecchi wrote:
> > I think the problem is that you have the "-b" option in the wget invocation.
> I removed the -b option and it works!!! I think I had just copied what Rob
> posted recently (news.exu) and assumed that was necessary (it puts wget into
> the background... whatever that means!).

The -b option causes wget to run as an independent process,
so your program is not blocked waiting for the download to complete
(or a time-out to occur). If your program has nothing better
to do than wait, then you shouldn't use -b.

You may have had trouble with -b because you can't predict
when the file will be created, or when it will contain more than
zero bytes. Either event could take a few seconds or more.
gets() may report EOF, but if you try it again,
gets() might pick up something. It's not really clear when
you can assume it's the final, official EOF, unless maybe you
know what the last part of the file is supposed to look like,
or you assume it must be all done after a certain period of time.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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5. Re: Getting this to Work

c.k.lester wrote:
> Can anybody figure out what's wrong with this code?
> }}}
> 	sys = "wget -q -b -O " & fname & " -o " & "wget.log " & url
> </eucode>

You TRAITOR! All that effort I put into pFinet.ew, for you...
OK, only joshing (and I read it was the -b that knobbled you).
However why not at least try to do this in pure Eu code?

PS any progress on that Edita/FTP design note?

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6. Re: Getting this to Work

Pete Lomax wrote:
> c.k.lester wrote:
> > Can anybody figure out what's wrong with this code?
> <snip> 
> > }}}
> > 	sys = "wget -q -b -O " & fname & " -o " & "wget.log " & url
> > </eucode>

> You TRAITOR! All that effort I put into pFinet.ew, for you...
> OK, only joshing (and I read it was the -b that knobbled you).
> However why not at least try to do this in pure Eu code?

I didn't know!!! I'd LOVE to have it be pure Eu code. Tell me about it. :)

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7. Re: Getting this to Work

c.k.lester wrote:
> Pete Lomax wrote:
> > c.k.lester wrote:
> > > Can anybody figure out what's wrong with this code?
> > <snip> 
> > > }}}
> > > 	sys = "wget -q -b -O " & fname & " -o " & "wget.log " & url
> > > </eucode>

> > You TRAITOR! All that effort I put into pFinet.ew, for you...
> > OK, only joshing (and I read it was the -b that knobbled you).
> > However why not at least try to do this in pure Eu code?
> I didn't know!!! I'd LOVE to have it be pure Eu code. Tell me about it. :)

Oh, while you're at it, I need an XML -> HTML proggie, too.

Thanks in advance. 8)

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8. Re: Getting this to Work

c.k.lester wrote:
> I didn't know!!! I'd LOVE to have it be pure Eu code. Tell me about it. :)

Well I have to recommend Fabio Ramirez's EInetLib.ew, on which my efforts
(pretty much the same only more Edita/Arwen-biased) are made.



mind you, is there nothing in wxEuphoria?


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9. Re: Getting this to Work

Pete Lomax wrote:
> c.k.lester wrote:
> > I didn't know!!! I'd LOVE to have it be pure Eu code. Tell me about it. :)
> Well I have to recommend Fabio Ramirez's EInetLib.ew, on which my efforts
> (pretty
> much the same only more Edita/Arwen-biased) are made.
> mind you, is there nothing in wxEuphoria?

Yes, wxEuphoria can grab a file off the net.   I was using it before Rob
actually started offering rss to see what was required to do so.


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10. Re: Getting this to Work

Pete Lomax wrote:
> mind you, is there nothing in wxEuphoria?

Don't want to use the library for a CGI app.

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11. Re: Getting this to Work

Pete Lomax wrote:
> Well I have to recommend Fabio Ramirez's EInetLib.ew, on which my efforts
> (pretty
> much the same only more Edita/Arwen-biased) are made.

BTW, my current method is x-plat. Is EInetLib?

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12. Re: Getting this to Work

c.k.lester wrote:
> my current method is x-plat. Is EInetLib?
No, windows only. OK you are officially forgiven for using wget blink


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13. Re: Getting this to Work

Matt Lewis wrote:
> Pete Lomax wrote:
> > 
> > c.k.lester wrote:
> > > I didn't know!!! I'd LOVE to have it be pure Eu code. Tell me about it. :)
> > 
> > Well I have to recommend Fabio Ramirez's EInetLib.ew, on which my efforts
> > (pretty
> > much the same only more Edita/Arwen-biased) are made.
> > 
> > mind you, is there nothing in wxEuphoria?
> Yes, wxEuphoria can grab a file off the net.   I was using it before Rob
> actually started offering rss to see what was required to do so.
> Matta
I've still got a demo of this if you want it... I don't know if you've added it
to your wxEuphoria example programs or not.

without warning
include wxEuphoria.e
include wxText.e
include wxButton.e
include wxNet.e

global constant
main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Download Demo", 0, 0, 419, 200,
panel = create( wxPanel, main ),
file_label = create( wxStaticText, {panel, -1, "File name:", 13, 34, 116, 22 }),
file_name = create( wxTextCtrl, {panel, -1,
"http://www.rapideuphoria.com/index.html", 135, 34, 300,  23 }),
download_button = create( wxButton, {panel, -1, "Download Now", 13, 126, 96, 30

procedure on_click( atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event )
    atom wxurl, stream
    integer fn, ix
    sequence url, current, path
    url = get_text_value( file_name )
    path = reverse( url )
    ix = find( '/', path )
    if ix then
        path = reverse( path[1..ix-1] )
        path = reverse( path )      
    end if
    wxurl = create( wxURL, url )
    stream = get_url_input( wxurl )
    if stream then
        fn = open( path, "wb" )
        if fn = -1 then
            puts(2, "Could not open file!\n" )
            current = stream_read( stream )
            puts( fn, current )
            delete_instance( stream )                   
        end if
        puts(2, "Stream failed!\n")
    end if
    delete_instance( wxurl )
end procedure
set_event_handler( download_button, -1, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED,

wxMain( main )

"Any programming problem can be solved by adding a level of indirection."
"Any performance problem can be solved by removing a level of indirection."
--M. Haertel
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare

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14. Re: Getting this to Work

Jason Gade wrote:
> I've still got a demo of this if you want it... I don't know if you've added
> it to your wxEuphoria example programs or not.

Cool.  Here's an update for v0.10.0 (you'll probably need the latest from
svn for this to work well at all).

without warning
include wxeud.e
global constant
main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Download Demo", 0, 0, 419, 200,
panel = create( wxPanel, main ),
file_label = create( wxStaticText, {panel, -1, "File name:", 13, 34, 116, 22 }),
file_name = create( wxTextCtrl, {panel, -1, "http://wxeuphoria.sourceforge.net",
135, 34, 300,  23 }),
download_button = create( wxButton, {panel, -1, "Download Now", 13, 126, 96, 30
html_win = create( wxHtmlWindow, {panel, -1}),
status_bar = create( wxStatusBar, {main}),
vsizer = create( wxBoxSizer, wxVERTICAL ),
hsizer = create( wxBoxSizer, wxHORIZONTAL)

add_window_to_sizer( hsizer, file_label, 0, 0, 0 )
add_window_to_sizer( hsizer, file_name, 1, 0, 0 )
add_sizer_to_sizer ( vsizer, hsizer, 0, wxGROW + wxTOP + wxLEFT, 10 )
add_window_to_sizer( vsizer, download_button, 0, 0, 0 )
add_window_to_sizer( vsizer, html_win, 1, wxGROW, 0 )
set_sizer( panel, vsizer )

set_related_frame( html_win, main, "%s", 0 )

procedure on_click( atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event )
    atom wxurl, stream
    integer fn, ix
    sequence url, current, path
    url = get_text_value( file_name )
    path = reverse( url )
    ix = find( '/', path )
    if ix then
        path = reverse( path[1..ix-1] )
        path = reverse( path )      
    end if
    wxurl = create( wxURL, {url} )
    stream = get_url_input( wxurl )
    if stream then
    	set_html_page( html_win, stream_read( stream ) )
        puts(2, "Stream failed!\n")
    end if
    delete_instance( wxurl )
end procedure
set_event_handler( download_button, -1, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED,

wxMain( main )

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15. Re: Getting this to Work

Thanks, Matt.

I haven't even figured out subversion or cvs or any of those other things yet.
I'm not really developing anything at the moment but I will need to continue with
my shootout project eventually, and will have to learn those.

I'll copy this code for future reference.

"Any programming problem can be solved by adding a level of indirection."
"Any performance problem can be solved by removing a level of indirection."
--M. Haertel
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare

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