1. Resizable, sortable column headings
- Posted by petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk Jan 15, 2002
Does anyone have any hints to this? EG: Windows Explorer: Name/size/type/modified/attributes. Between Name & Size you can drag the width, or click on (eg) size to sort in that column. Would also like (not shown in explorer) to have a thin line delimiting the columns. Pete
2. Re: Resizable, sortable column headings
- Posted by petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk Jan 16, 2002
Answering my own question: It is prolly a "ListView". (last but one on Judith's Ide Toobox 'Selection' tab) Still not sure how I'll ""tie"" that to the window beneath; but will get there, I'm sure. Pete