1. Cabinet Files .cab
- Posted by Euman <euman at bellsouth.net> Jan 11, 2002
Hello all, I left a post the other day that had a link to the Cabfile SDK. Well, I started codeing it a few hours ago and I just dont have time to figure out why the hek FDICreate allocates 2052 bytes then alloc's over 7 meg then proceeds to read a file that hasnt even been created yet. Could be I am overlooking some details that should occur before I setup the FDI Context. Anyway, here's the code I have if anyone wants to take over, otherwise it may be a while before Im able to return to it. Make sure to stick in a trace before hfdi (below) Euman euman at bellsouth.net < CODE ... > include dll.e integer xHeapCreate, xHeapDestroy, xHeapAlloc, xHeapFree, xCreateFile, xReadFile, xWriteFile, xSetFilePointer, xCloseHandle, xFDICreate, xFDIIsCabinet, xFDICopy, xFDIDestroy procedure not_found(sequence name) puts(1, "Couldn't find " & name & '\n') abort(1) end procedure function link_c_func(atom dll, sequence name, sequence args, atom result) integer handle handle = define_c_func(dll, name, args, result) if handle = -1 then not_found(name) else return handle end if end function function link_c_proc(atom dll, sequence name, sequence args) integer handle handle = define_c_proc(dll, name, args) if handle = -1 then not_found(name) else return handle end if end function procedure link_dll_routines() atom kernel32, cabinet kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") if kernel32 = NULL then not_found("kernel32.dll") end if cabinet = open_dll("cabinet.dll") if cabinet = NULL then not_found("cabinet.dll") end if xHeapCreate = link_c_func(kernel32,"HeapCreate",{C_LONG,C_LONG,C_LONG},C_LONG) xHeapDestroy = link_c_func(kernel32,"HeapDestroy",{C_LONG},C_LONG) xHeapAlloc = link_c_func(kernel32,"HeapAlloc",{C_LONG,C_LONG,C_LONG},C_LONG) xHeapFree = link_c_func(kernel32,"HeapFree",{C_LONG,C_LONG,C_LONG},C_LONG) xCreateFile = link_c_func(kernel32,"CreateFileA",{C_POINTER,C_LONG,C_LONG,C_POINTER,C_LONG,C_LONG,C_INT},C_LONG) xReadFile = link_c_func(kernel32,"ReadFile",{C_INT,C_POINTER,C_LONG,C_POINTER,C_POINTER},C_LONG) xWriteFile = link_c_func(kernel32,"WriteFile",{C_INT,C_POINTER,C_LONG,C_POINTER,C_POINTER},C_LONG) xSetFilePointer = link_c_func(kernel32,"SetFilePointer",{C_LONG,C_LONG,C_POINTER,C_LONG},C_LONG) xCloseHandle = link_c_func(kernel32,"CloseHandle",{C_LONG},C_LONG) xFDICreate = link_c_func(cabinet,"FDICreate",{C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_INT,C_LONG},C_LONG) xFDIIsCabinet = link_c_func(cabinet,"FDIIsCabinet",{C_LONG,C_INT,C_POINTER},C_LONG) xFDICopy = link_c_func(cabinet,"FDICopy",{C_LONG,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_INT,C_POINTER,C_POINTER,C_INT},C_LONG) xFDIDestroy = link_c_func(cabinet,"FDIDestroy",{C_LONG},C_INT) end procedure link_dll_routines() object junk constant HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY=#00000008 global atom pHeap pHeap = c_func(xHeapCreate,{0,16384,0}) global function myalloc(atom size) return c_func(xHeapAlloc,{pHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,size}) end function global function myfree(atom pmem) return c_func(xHeapFree,{pHeap,0,pmem}) end function global procedure mypoke(atom mem, object s) poke(mem, s) end procedure global procedure mypoke4(atom mem, object s) poke4(mem, s) end procedure global function mypeek(object si) if integer(si) then return peek(si) else return peek({si[1],si[2]}) end if end function global function mypeek4s(object si) if integer(si) then return peek4s(si) else return peek4s({si[1],si[2]}) end if end function global function mypeek4u(object si) if integer(si) then return peek4u(si) else return peek4u({si[1],si[2]}) end if end function global function allocate_string2(sequence s) atom mem mem = myalloc(length(s)+1) mypoke(mem, s) return mem end function constant GENERIC_READ = #80000000, GENERIC_WRITE = #40000000, FILE_SHARE_READ = 1, FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2, OPEN_EXISTING = 3 function CreateFile(sequence lpFileName, atom dwDesiredAccess, atom dwShareMode, atom lpSecurityAttributes, atom dwCreationDisposition, atom dwFlagsAndAttributes, atom hTemplateFile) atom File, FileName FileName = allocate_string2(lpFileName) --needs code to check flags specifically DesiredAccess --here! File = c_func(xCreateFile,{FileName,dwDesiredAccess,dwShareMode,lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition,dwFlagsAndAttributes,hTemplateFile }) junk = myfree(FileName) return File end function function ReadFile(atom hFile, atom lpBuffer, atom nNumberOfBytesToRead,atom lpNumberOfBytesRead,atom lpOverlapped) atom File --hFile (handle) obtained by CreateFile --must have GENERIC_READ access return c_func(xReadFile,{hFile,lpBuffer,nNumberOfBytesToRead,lpNumberOfBytesRead,lpOverlapped}) --return File end function function WriteFile(atom hFile, atom lpBuffer, atom nNumberOfBytesToWrite, atom lpNumberOfBytesWritten, atom lpOverlapped) atom File --hFile (handle) obtained by CreateFile --must have GENERIC_WRITE access return c_func(xWriteFile,{hFile,lpBuffer,nNumberOfBytesToWrite,lpNumberOfBytesWritten,lpOverlapped}) end function function CloseFile(atom handle) return c_func(xCloseHandle,{handle}) end function function SetFilePos( ) -- to do return 0 end function constant cpuUNKNOWN = -1, cpu80286 = 0, cpu80386 = 1 --typedef struct { constant erfOper = 0, erfType = 4, fError = 8 atom ERF ERF = myalloc(12) global atom PFNALLOC,PFNFREE,PFNOPEN,PFNREAD,PFNWRITE,PFNCLOSE,PFNSEEK PFNALLOC = call_back(routine_id("myalloc")) PFNFREE = call_back(routine_id("myfree")) PFNOPEN = call_back(routine_id("CreateFile")) PFNREAD = call_back(routine_id("ReadFile")) PFNWRITE = call_back(routine_id("WriteFile")) PFNCLOSE = call_back(routine_id("CloseFile")) PFNSEEK = call_back(routine_id("SetFilePos")) atom hfdi hfdi = c_func(xFDICreate,{PFNALLOC,PFNFREE,PFNOPEN,PFNREAD,PFNWRITE,PFNCLOSE,PFNSEEK,cpuUNKNOWN,ERF}) myfree(ERF)