1. irc bots
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Aug 20, 2002
EuBot's readme is at: http://www.pell.net/warning/ai/Eubot.html the .zip is at: http://www.pell.net/warning/ai/Eubot_0.13.zip It's a *preliminary* release ( 0.13 ) for experimentation only, and requires strtok v2. Documentation is sparse, it's a work in progress. It may goto tcp.ew instead of tcp4u soon too. The 1999 version (3 years ago already??) of Eu-mirc sockets (in the archives) has been converted to not use win32lib, but not by me, and isn't posted on a web page yet. There are at least two bots using it online that i know of. Mirc makes a great gui for them! And it allows for easy reloading of the Eu script with the mirc section is connected to irc. With some recoding (hint hint) the Eu portion could run on a *nix box, with the mirc in Wine on *nix or on a separate box on a lan. Kat