1. Question

Hi all,

If I were to come up with simple solutions for seemingly=
 complicated things,
if I were to come at at your aid,
would you allow me to do so at my judgement as often as I deem=

Would you be able to bear with me loosing my temper every once in=
 a while,
I'm only human like all of you. I'll promise to control it as=
 much as I can.

If so simply say yes, and I'll be there. Otherwise I'll stay=
 monitoring the list
and helping people on a personal basis,( if they allow me to use=
 a personal
email approach), if I can do so.

EUrs Antoine Tammer

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2. Question

Recently, I downloaded a QLB for QuickBASIC, and it had a function in
there that could get the DOS version number. Is there anything like that
in Euphoria?

When it comes to programming languages, Euphoria is a cut above -
matt1278 at juno.com and matt1421 at juno.com(and soon to be
irisnmatt at prodigy.net. Then again, maybe not) Euphoria programmer

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3. Re: Question

On Fri, 25 Sep 1998, Matt Z Nunyabidness wrote:

> Recently, I downloaded a QLB for QuickBASIC, and it had a function in
> there that could get the DOS version number. Is there anything like that
> in Euphoria?

There are a few things on the Euphoria Homepage that *might*.
DOS.E springs to mind.


PS If you don't have 'net access, where did you find out about Euphoria?

Carl R White
E-mail...: cyrek- at -bigfoot.com -- Remove the hyphens before mailing. Ta :)
Url......: http://www.bigfoot.com/~cyrek/
"Ykk rnyllaqur rgiokc cea nyemdok ymc giququezka caysgr." - B.Q.Vgesa

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4. Re: Question

i found out about it a long time ago on aol, then i d/led it. can u send
me dos.e?

When it comes to programming languages, Euphoria is a cut above -
matt1278 at juno.com and matt1421 at juno.com(and soon to be
irisnmatt at prodigy.net. Then again, maybe not) Euphoria programmer

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

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5. Re: Question

Matt Z Nunyabidness wrote:
>Recently, I downloaded a QLB for QuickBASIC, and it had a function in
>there that could get the DOS version number. Is there anything like >that in
  system("ver > tempver.txt",2)
  sequence version
  integer fn
     if fn=-1 then ....
     version = gets(fn)
     ...blahblahblah u know the drill
not do what you need???

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6. Re: Question

>Recently, I downloaded a QLB for QuickBASIC, and it had a function in
>there that could get the DOS version number. Is there anything like
>that in Euphoria?

In Euphoria 2.0:


In previous versions it would be:


It returns the current directory and the current DOS version. (My copy of
Win95 reports DOS 7.0)

If you don't have it, then upgrade. blink

(Don't you have AOL? Doesn't that have Internet access? Or does that cost
more or something? If you DO have 'Net access, or know a friend that
does, then you can goto http://members.aol.com/FilesEU . . .)

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

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7. Re: Question

ok. thx. I copied the thing out of dosint.ex into my user.e file.

When it comes to programming languages, Euphoria is a cut above -
matt1278 at juno.com and matt1421 at juno.com(and soon to be
irisnmatt at prodigy.net. Then again, maybe not) Euphoria programmer

You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

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8. Question

Hi everybody,

              I'm a new user of Euphoria. My first questions are:

   - How can I create a small interpreter that one works inside the main
     program and other that read a file and interpret it?. The reason is
     that I'm working in a project for my class, (I'm studing Physic and
     a NOVICE in the Programation), and I want my program interpret at
     the moment the instructions I give, for example, commands to draw
     a figure on the screen after I give the instruction and so on.

      The other alternative is to create a small program that reads a ASCII
     file and interprets it by, for example, turning the screen in colors,
     for using it in .BAt files.


                           HAPPY NEW YEAR...........

  P.D: Sorry about my english, because I'm a spanish boy.

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9. Question

*** Reply to note of 01/09/97 04:08
re: how do i write an interpreter.

this is not difficult. first, you need to convert your command into
seperate words. each word must be seperated by a space. here is a function
that will do that:

function split( sequence s )
   sequence word, words
   word = ""
   words = ""
   for i = 1 to length( words ) do
      if s[i] = ' ' or s[i] = '\n' then
         if compare( word, "" ) != 0 then
            words = append( words, word )
            word = ""
         end if
         word = word & s[i]
      end if
   end for
   return words
end function

then you need to interpret the command. here is a simple procedure that
will interpret the command 'color X' and 'line X1 Y1 to X2 Y2'

procedure interpret( sequence s )
   integer x1, y1, x2, y2
   if compare( s[1], "color" ) = 0 then -- first word is 'color'
      x1 = value( [s2] ) -- convert word 2 to a number
      -- color setting code goes here
   elsif compare( s[1], "plot" ) = 0 then -- first word is 'plot'
      x1 = value( s[2] ) -- convert word 2 to number and store in x1
      y1 = value( s[3] ) -- convert word 3 to number and store in y1
      x2 = value( s[5] ) -- convert word 5 to number and store in x2
      y2 = value( s[6] ) -- convert word 5 to number and store in y2
      -- draw line command goes here
      -- put your error routine here
      if compare( s, "" ) != 0 -- don't try to print word #1 if the sequence
                               -- is empty, or you get an error.
         puts( 1, "I don't know how to " & s[1] )
      end if
   end if
end procedure

if you use the function 'value', you'll need to include the file 'get.e'.

i hope this helps.

-- david cuny

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10. Re: Question


At 12:54 9-01-97 +0100, you wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at
>Poster:       Raul Benavides Cordoba <f62becor at UCO.ES>
>Subject:      Question
> Hi everybody,
>              I'm a new user of Euphoria. My first questions are:
>   - How can I create a small interpreter that one works inside the main
>     program and other that read a file and interpret it?. The reason is
>     that I'm working in a project for my class, (I'm studing Physic and
>     a NOVICE in the Programation), and I want my program interpret at
>     the moment the instructions I give, for example, commands to draw
>     a figure on the screen after I give the instruction and so on.
>      The other alternative is to create a small program that reads a ASCII
>     file and interprets it by, for example, turning the screen in colors,
>     for using it in .BAt files.
>                           HAPPY NEW YEAR...........
>  P.D: Sorry about my english, because I'm a spanish boy.

Hi Raul,

I send you as an attachement turtle.e which is an include file implementing
a simple
drawing robot. the commands are single letter.  For how to use it see comment at
beginning of file.


-- NAME: turtle.e
-- OBJECT: graphic drawing using a script language.
-- BY: Jacques Deschenes, Baie-Comeau, Canada, PQ., e-mail: desja at
-- CREATION DATE: December 21th, 1996
--      scripting language:
--  Commands are 1 letter
--  Some commands can have a 1 letter prefix affecting their behavior
--  commands follows each other without any separator
--  some commands act on a sub-script which is enclosed in square bracket
--  distances are in pixels
--  notes: 1) [factor] is a programmable parameter
--         2) all displacements are relative to current turtle position except
--            for command M, which is a move to command.
--         3) 0deg. angle point to right, positive angle are anti clockwise
--            negative angles are clockwise.
--     Fn   turtle move forward  n*factor pixels  where [n] is an integer
--     C    clear screen and reset all turtle states.
--     D    Pen down means turtle leave a trace screen
--     U    Pen up  mean turtle displacement doesn't leave a trace on screen
--     Ha   Set Heading to angle [a] where [a] is a real number (ex. 39.85)
--     Er[,a]  Draw an filled ellipse (! prefix can be used for empty ellipse)
--              parameter: r is radius in pixel centered to turtle pos
--                         a is long/short axes ratio to be omitted for circle
--     Mx,y  Move turtle to x,y screen coordinate.
--     Pc    Set drawing color used by turtle
--     Rn[script]   repeat n times the script enclosed in square bracket.
--     Ta    Turn by the specified [a] angle if a > 0 rotate left else right
--     Wn    Set trace width in pixel. where [n] is a positive integer.
--     X[=|+|-|*|/]n  Set a new scale factor.
--                 =  set factor egal to n
--                 +  increase current factor by a value
--                 -  decrease current factor by a value
--                 *  multiply scale factor by a value
--                 /  divide scale factor by a value
--     %v[=|+|-|*|/]n Set a variable, where v is var. id. in range A..Z
--                 =  set variable v egal to n
--                 +  add n to actual value of the variable
--                 -  substract n to actual value of the variable
--                 *  multiply actual value of var. by n
--                 /  divide actual value of var. by n
--     N  "No update" prefix, to be used before command F or [. Turtle come back
--         to it's original state after execution of prefexed command or
--         subscript.
--         the effect of N is to push on stack all turtle states.
--     !  "No paint" prefix, to be used with E to draw hollow ellipse
--  function UCase(sequence String)
--  procedure DrawTurtle(sequence script)
--  function InitTurtle(integer gmode)

include graphics.e

integer CurrentX,  -- Current x coord of turtle
        CurrentY,  -- Current y coord of turtle
        PenWidth,  -- pen width in pixel
        PenColor   -- pen color

atom    Head,      -- turtle heading angle.
        Factor     -- scale factor.

sequence Stack, -- use to preserve turtle parameters
                     -- {PenWidth,PenColor,Head,Factor,CurrentX,CurrentY}
                     -- see PushState() and PopSate()
         VarList,    -- containt variables values: %A to %Z
         vc          -- video config information. Set by InitTurtle()

constant PI = 3.141592654


global function UCase(sequence String)  -- convert to upper case
sequence UStr
    UStr = {}
    for i = 1 to length(String) do
        if String[i] >= 'a' and String[i] <= 'z' then
            UStr = UStr & String[i] - 'a' + 'A'
            UStr = UStr & String[i]
        end if
    end for
    return UStr
end function -- UCase()


global function InitTurtle(integer gmode)
-- input: gmode  is graphic mode to be set.
-- output: 1 if success else 0
integer junk

  junk = graphics_mode(gmode)
  if junk then
    return 0
  end if
  vc = video_config()
  -- center turtle to screen
  CurrentX = floor(vc[VC_XPIXELS]/2)
  CurrentY = floor(vc[VC_YPIXELS]/2)
  Head = 0
  Factor = 1
  PenWidth = 1
  PenColor = 15
  Stack = {}
  return 1
end function --InitTurtle()


procedure PushState()
-- sequence order is {PenWidth,PenColor,Head,Factor,CurrentX,CurrentY}
    Stack = append(Stack,{PenWidth,PenColor,Head,Factor,CurrentX,
end procedure -- PushSate()


procedure PopState()
sequence last
    if length(Stack) = 0 then
    end if
    last = Stack[length(Stack)]
    PenWidth = last[1]
    PenColor = last[2]
    Head = last[3]
    Factor = last[4]
    CurrentX = last[5]
    CurrentY = last[6]
    Stack = Stack[1..length(Stack)-1]
end procedure -- PopSate()


procedure TurtleEllipse(integer color, -- color of ellipse
                        integer fill,  -- set to 1 to fill ellipse
                        integer width,  -- thickness of the line
                        integer radius, -- radius of ellipse
                        atom ratio      -- x_radiu/y_radius
integer x1,y1,x2,y2
integer rx, ry
    rx = radius*ratio
    ry = floor(radius/ratio)
    x1 = CurrentX - rx
    y1 = CurrentY - ry
    x2 = CurrentX + rx
    y2 = CurrentY + ry
    if fill then
      for i = 0 to width - 1  do
      end for
    end if
end procedure -- TurtleEllipse()


-- trace a line from current position
procedure TurtleForward(integer color, -- pen color
                        integer width, -- pen width
                        integer d,     -- distance
                        atom a,        -- angle
sequence c1,c2,c3,c4
integer NewX, NewY
integer wx, wy

  NewX = floor(CurrentX + cos(a) * d )
  NewY = floor(CurrentY + (-sin(a) * d))
  if width = 1 then
    CurrentX = NewX
    CurrentY = NewY
  end if
  if NewX = CurrentX then -- vertical lines
     wx = floor(width/2)
     wy = wx
     c1 = {NewX - wx,CurrentY}
     c2 = {NewX - wx,NewY}
     c3 = {NewX + wx,NewY}
     c4 = {NewX + wx,CurrentY}
     ellipse(color,1,{CurrentX-wx,CurrentY-wy},{CurrentX + wx,CurrentY+wy})

  elsif NewY = CurrentY then -- horizontal lines
     wy = floor(width/2)
     wx = wy
     c1 = {CurrentX,NewY - wy}
     c2 = {NewX,NewY - wy}
     c3 = {NewX,NewY + wy}
     c4 = {CurrentX,NewY + wy}
  else  -- other angle
     wx = floor((sin(a) * width)/2)
     wy = floor((cos(a) * width)/2)
     c1 = {CurrentX - wx, CurrentY - wy}
     c2 = {NewX - wx, NewY - wy}
     c3 = {NewX + wx, NewY + wy}
     c4 = {CurrentX + wx, CurrentY + wy}
  end if
  CurrentX = NewX
  CurrentY = NewY
end procedure --TurtleForward()


function GetVal(sequence script, integer i)
-- get numerical parameter from script. Scanning start at position i
-- output: {error,value, Updated i}

integer c, q, neg,VarId
atom Nb
    if i > length(script) then
        return {1,0,i}  -- error
    end if
    script = script
    Nb = 0
    q = 0
    neg = 0
    c = script[i]
    if c = '%' then
        i = i + 1
        VarId = script[i]-'A'+1
        if VarId <1 or VarId > 26 then
            return {1,0,i}
        end if
        return {0,VarList[VarId],i+1}

    elsif c = '-' then
      neg = 1
    elsif c = '+' then
      neg = 0
    elsif find(c,"0123456789") then
        Nb = c-'0'
    elsif c = '.' then
        q = 1
        return {1,0,i}
    end if
    i = i + 1
    while i < length(script)  do
        c = script[i]
        i = i + 1
        if find(c,"0123456789") then
            Nb = Nb*10+c-'0'
            q = q*10
        elsif c = '.' then
             if q > 0 then
                i = i - 1
             end if
             q = 1
           i = i - 1
        end if
    end while
    if q > 0 then
        Nb = Nb/q
    end if
    if neg then
        Nb = -Nb
    end if
    return {0,Nb,i}
end function -- GetVal()


global procedure TurtleDraw (sequence script)

  atom    Ratio,    -- ellipse axes ratio
          Radius,   -- ellipse radius
          Param     -- receive command parameter

  integer PenDown,  -- current pen state (1 if down)
          UpDate,   -- set to 1 for  turtle position update
          RepCnt,   -- repetion count for command R
          Fill,     -- set to 1 for filled ellipse
          Depth,    -- square bracket depth
          s_len,    -- script length
          i,        -- index into script
          j,        -- another index into script
          char,     -- Hold char from script[i]
          VarId     -- Variable identifier

  sequence NumVal   -- sequence containing the number returned by GetVal()

  PenDown = 1
  Fill = 1
  UpDate = 1
  i = 1
  script = UCase(script)&' '
  s_len = length(script)

  while i <= s_len do
    char = script[i]
    i = i + 1

    if char = '!' then -- No fill
        Fill = 0

      elsif char = '%' then -- set variable
        VarId = script[i] - 'A' + 1
        if VarId <1 or VarId > 26 then
        end if
        i = i + 1
        char = script[i]
        i = i + 1
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        if char = '=' then
            VarList[VarId] = NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '+' then
            VarList[VarId] = VarList[VarId] + NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '-' then
            VarList[VarId] = VarList[VarId] - NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '*' then
            VarList[VarId] = VarList[VarId] * NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '/' then
            VarList[VarId] = VarList[VarId] / NumVal[2]
        end if

      elsif char = ' ' or char = ','  then --skip blanck and comma

      elsif char = 'C' then

        Head = 0
        PenColor = 15
        PenWidth = 1
        UpDate = 1
        Fill = 1
        Factor = 1
        CurrentX = floor(vc[VC_XPIXELS]/2)
        CurrentY = floor(vc[VC_YPIXELS]/2)
        Stack = {}
        VarList = repeat(0,26)

      elsif char = 'F'  then --forward move
        NumVal = GetVal(script, i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        Param = NumVal[2] * Factor
        if PenDown then
          CurrentX = floor(CurrentX + cos(Head) * Param)
          CurrentY = floor(CurrentY + (-sin(Head) * Param))
        end if
        if not UpDate then
          UpDate = 1
        end if

      elsif char = 'D' then --Pen Down
        PenDown = 1

      elsif char = 'H' then  -- set heading
        NumVal = GetVal(script, i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
            Head = NumVal[2] * PI / 180
        end if

      elsif char = 'E' then  --draw ellipse
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        Radius = NumVal[2] * Factor
        if script[i] != ',' then
          Ratio = 1 --circle
          i = i + 1
          NumVal = GetVal(script, i)
          i = NumVal[3]
          if NumVal[1] then
          end if
          Ratio = NumVal[2]
        end if
        Fill = 1

      elsif char = 'U'  then --Pen Up
        PenDown = 0

      elsif char = 'M' then -- move turtle to
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        CurrentX = floor(NumVal[2])
        i = i + 1
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        CurrentY = floor(NumVal[2])

      elsif char = 'N' then --set No update
        UpDate = 0

      elsif char = 'P'  then --set Pen color
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        PenColor = floor(NumVal[2])

      elsif char = 'R' then --repeat sub-script (use recursive call)
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        RepCnt = NumVal[2]
        if script[i] != '[' then
        end if
        i = i + 1
        j = i
        Depth = 1
        while Depth > 0 and i <= length(script) do
          if script[i] = '[' then
              Depth = Depth + 1
          elsif script[i] = ']' then
            Depth = Depth - 1
          end if
          i = i + 1
        end while
        for nx = 1 to RepCnt do
        end for
        if not UpDate then
           UpDate = 1
        end if

      elsif char = 'T'  then  -- Turn (heading rotation)
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        Head = Head + NumVal[2] * PI / 180

      elsif char = 'W' then -- set pen width
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        PenWidth = floor(NumVal[2])

      elsif char = 'X' then -- change scale factor
        char = script[i]
        i = i + 1
        NumVal = GetVal(script,i)
        i = NumVal[3]
        if NumVal[1] then
        end if
        if char = '=' then
            Factor = NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '+' then
            Factor = Factor + NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '-' then
            Factor = Factor - NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '*' then
            Factor = Factor * NumVal[2]
          elsif char = '/' then
            Factor = Factor / NumVal[2]
        end if
        if Factor < 1 then Factor = 1 end if

      elsif char = '['  then --make recursive call
        j = i
        Depth = 1
        while Depth > 0 and i <= length(script) do
          if script[i] = '[' then
              Depth = Depth + 1
            elsif script[i] = ']' then
                Depth = Depth - 1
          end if
          i = i + 1
        end while
        if not UpDate then
          UpDate = 1
        end if

      elsif char = ']'  then -- get out of recursive call


    end if
  end while
end procedure -- TurtleDraw()

if not InitTurtle(18) then  -- initialise by default to VGA 640X480, 16 COLORS
  puts(1,"Failed to initialise turtle.")
end if


Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at quebectel.com


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