1. DLLs, a better split()

Hi everybody,

Does anybody know of a Windows utility that can show you the routines in
a dll? Is it possible to do such a thing? I thought I heard mention of
one a while back...

Also, I'm writing a simple split function; does anyone have a better way?

-- a simple split
function split( atom a, sequence b )
   sequence x, buf   buf = {}   x = {}
   for i = 1 to length( b ) do
      if compare( a, b[i] ) != 0 then
         buf = buf & b[i]
         x = append( x, buf )
         buf = {}
      end if
   end for
   return x
end function

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2. Re: DLLs, a better split()

Buddy Hyllberg wrote:

>Also, I'm writing a simple split function; does anyone have a better way?
>-- a simple split
>function split( atom a, sequence b )
>   sequence x, buf   buf = {}   x = {}
>   for i = 1 to length( b ) do
>      if compare( a, b[i] ) != 0 then
>         buf = buf & b[i]
>      else
>         x = append( x, buf )
>         buf = {}
>      end if
>   end for
>   return x
>end function

Yes, Buddy, I have a couple of routines in my toolbox that are both
better and faster than yours:

function split(integer c, sequence s)
    -- split string s using c as delimiter
    sequence os
    integer i
    while i do
        if i>1 then os=append(os,s[1..i-1]) end if
    end while
    if length(s) then return append(os,s) end if
    return os
end function

function words(sequence c, sequence s)
    -- split string s using *every* element of c as delimiter
    sequence os
    integer i,j,inword
    while j<=length(s) do
        if inword then
            if find(s[j],c) then
            end if
        elsif not find(s[j],c) then
        end if
    end while
    if inword then os=append(os,s[i..j-1]) end if
    return os
end function

The problem with your function is that leading as well as trailing
occurrences of the delimiter show up as empty strings each, and so do
multiple occurrences of it inside the string.

Now, I cannot even remember whether I wrote the above functions
myself, or just stole them from someone else (but I usually make a
note of all stolen bits) - would the rightful owner put up his/her
hand?! jiri

ps I leave the Windows (dll) query to the masochists on the list.

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3. Re: DLLs, a better split()

Buddy Hyllberg wrote:
> Also, I'm writing a simple split function; does anyone have a better way?

try this:

-----------begin split.ex
   --the safe, tested, verbose, and error checking version
function split1(atom lookfor, sequence data)
   --makes the sequence data into 2 sequences, at the point
   --lookfor.  the resulting pair of sequences are such that
   --the first part is up to and including the split point
   --lookfor, and the last half of the result begins just
   --after the lookfor point and continues to the end of data.
integer where,len
   len = length(data)
   if len < 2 then
        puts(1,"Error in function split: data=invalid sequence.\n")
        return data
   end if
   where = find(lookfor, data)
   if not where then
        puts(1,"Error in function split: lookfor not found.\n")
        return data
   end if
   --need this, where+1 might be past end of data
   if where=len then
        return {data,{}}
   else return {data[1..where],data[where+1..len]}
   end if
end function

   --the stripped, no error check, fast, code only version
function split2(atom lookfor, sequence data)
integer where
   where = find(lookfor, data)
   return {data[1..where],data[where+1..length(data)]}
end function

sequence mary
mary="mary had a little lamb; whose fleece was white as snow."
puts(1,mary & "\n" )
puts(1,mary[1] & "\n" & mary[2] & "\n" )

-------------------end split.ex

i put split2 in there so you could see the actual algorithm...
it could actually be made into 1 line, but it would be slower
since you would have to call find() twice.
hope this helps...

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4. Re: DLLs, a better split()

Hawke wrote:
> i put split2 in there so you could see the actual algorithm...
> it could actually be made into 1 line, but it would be slower
> since you would have to call find() twice.
> hope this helps...
> --Hawke'
errrr.... a line i intended in this close somehow became vaporware.
One other thing about my split.ex is that it's more
tuned to strings (1 dimension sequences) as that is what
your code seemed to me was doing...
I didn't read your code, however, with a very fine-toothed comb.
If that is not what you needed for your split, then jiri's
reply would be more appropriate.  If you need simple
string splitting, I think mine might run faster... not sure.

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5. Re: DLLs, a better split()

I posted my split and split_match () some time ago, I dunno about speed, but
they are much more simpeler than the ones offered here. And they dont assume
your sequence is a string. You can have any kind of delimiter (object,
sequence) wich is then compared against either every element of the search
sequence (split) or as a whole sequence (split_match).

Here is my split.e again:

-- Split & Split_Match by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen (nieuwen at xs4all.nl)
-- Use NiceForm /d splits.e to get some documentation

function split (object x, sequence s)
  --/ Usage: s = split (delimiter, sequence)
  --/ The sequence (second arg) will be divided in pieces by the delimiter
  --/ The delimiter object is compared agains every element of the sequence
  --/ All pieces are returned in one sequence

  sequence ret
  integer pos, prev

  ret = {}
  prev = 1
  pos = find (x,s)
  while pos do
    ret = append(ret, s[prev..pos])
    prev = pos + 1
    pos = find(x, s[prev..length(s)])
  end while

  return append(ret, s[prev..length(s)])
end function

function split_match (object x, sequence s)
  --/ Usage: s = split_match (delimiter, sequence)
  --/ The sequence (second arg) will be divided in pieces by the delimiter
  --/ The delimiter object is matched against any section of the sequence
  --/ All pieces are returned in one sequence

  sequence ret
  integer pos, prev

  ret = {}
  prev = 1
  if atom(x) then x = {x} end if
  pos = match (x,s)
  while pos do
    ret = append(ret, s[prev..pos])
    prev = pos + length(x)
    pos = match(x, s[prev..length(s)])
  end while

  return append(ret, s[prev..length(s)])
end function

>The problem with your function is that leading as well as trailing
>occurrences of the delimiter show up as empty strings each, and so do
>multiple occurrences of it inside the string.

Yes, when two delimiters follow each other up, an empty sequence is added,
but thats the most consitent and wanted behaviour. Because, there is missing
something. If we do \n\n we dont want ex.exe to think that we only jump down
one line do we ?

>Now, I cannot even remember whether I wrote the above functions
>myself, or just stole them from someone else (but I usually make a
>note of all stolen bits) - would the rightful owner put up his/her
>hand?! jiri

There most definately not mine. Any one wish to start bench marking on this


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6. Re: DLLs, a better split()

Commenting on a posted split() function I originally wrote:

>>The problem with your function is that leading as well as trailing
>>occurrences of the delimiter show up as empty strings each, and so do
>>multiple occurrences of it inside the string.

Ralf responded:

>Yes, when two delimiters follow each other up, an empty sequence is added,
>but thats the most consitent and wanted behaviour. Because, there is
>something. If we do \n\n we dont want ex.exe to think that we only jump
>one line do we ?

There is definitely something missing in there ok, how about a bit of
common sense and some logic? So three spaces will convert to two extra
empty strings (or is it two extra one line jumps?), and the most
common DOS line delimiter (cr lf) will force double spacing... Thanks,
but most definitely not in mine! jiri

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7. Re: DLLs, a better split()

Jiri wrote:

>>Yes, when two delimiters follow each other up, an empty sequence is added,
>>but thats the most consitent and wanted behaviour. Because, there is
>>something. If we do \n\n we dont want ex.exe to think that we only jump
>>one line do we ?
>There is definitely something missing in there ok, how about a bit of
>common sense and some logic? So three spaces will convert to two extra
>empty strings (or is it two extra one line jumps?), and the most
>common DOS line delimiter (cr lf) will force double spacing... Thanks,
>but most definitely not in mine! jiri

The most common line delimiter works fine using my split_match ()
And to your first question, if space (32) is the delimiter, yes.

Jiri, that are many cases, your function works fine, and nice, and it the
removal of empty sequences is the wanted behaviour. But there are also many
cases when this is not the wanted behaviour.
With my function the choice is left to the user. But to make it even easier
for those cases..

function clean (sequence s)
sequence ret
object item
    for index = 1 to length(s) do
        item = s[index]
        if compare (item, {}) then
            ret = append(ret, item)
        end if
    end for
    return ret
end function

So now you can do things like this to get the jiri-type-of-result:

    ? clean(split (32, "The number of   spaces   in between   dont matter

The use of clean has the advantage you know that a number of delimiters are
However, to split up lines:

    ? split ( 32, "The number of \n lines used \n\n in this thingie \n are
five !")

And you can be certain the number of delimiters are one less than the number
of elements in the sequence returned.

Jiri happy again ?


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