1. Machine code language

Just a question: machine code language that can be used and called from
Euphoria is Assembler? If not, can anyone give me some more information
about it? (like ftps sites of tutorials and other kinds of help)
 And I need your opinion, do you think that Euphoria can run a great game,
like a RPG of videogames ? I wanted to create one, i have been training and
learning to do my own RPG, please, all thinkings are welcome.
 Thank you.

Eduardo Uemura Okada
e-mail: cool at art.com.br

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2. Re: Machine code language

Eduardo wrote:
>  And I need your opinion, do you think that Euphoria can run a great game,
> like a RPG of videogames ? I wanted to create one, i have been training and
> learning to do my own RPG, please, all thinkings are welcome.
What you have in mind is a traditional RPG like Phantasy Star or Eye of the
Beholder or something similar? If you're not talking free movement from a
first person perspective (like Ultima Underworld), then you can definitly
do it in Euphoria.

My thoughts on an euphorian RPG:
*Use a strong and interesting storyline. What I hate about quite a lot of
RPG's done for home systems (including PC) is that they include a lot of
hack'n slash, and perhaps one item here or there that you need. Instead,
use a lot of dialog and left notes, perhaps riddles and alternative ways
of getting past enemies (not just hit them in the head with a morningstar).
*Do not use a system that relies to much on 'level advancement'. In all
those games I had to wander around and kill monsters for a couple of hours,
before my character could go on with the quest.
*Please do not use the monster system which exist in Phantasy Star, Ultima IV,
Defenders of Oasis etc. In those games the monsters appeared randomly when you
moved from square to square ("Hope there's no monster here." <taps the up button
the character moves 1 square, there's a sound, and..>"Oh no. A monster again")
When you meet monsters randomly all the time, I find it gets boring. Much better
to place the monsters when the game is designed, and not use random monsters.
That way you can give them more personality.
*Which way combat is resolved is important. If you use a turn by turn basis,
almost like tabletop RPG with miniatures, then make sure there's a variety
in the actions the character can conduct. Let there be missile combat and
melee combat. Use sprites which the player can hide his character behind, and
thus provide cover. And all other things. This gives the player opportunity
to develop a strategy.

Well, that's what I can think of now. Remember, they are just my personal
ideas. If you want more of my opinions, I will gladly help. I have played
a lot of pc-RPGs and I still play much tabletop-RPG.

BTW, I can help you developing a storyline, along with programming some
aspects of your game, if you like. Euphoria RPG would be great. Of course,
you might want to do it yourself. But I'm here.

Einar Mogen

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3. Re: Machine code language

>  Just a question: machine code language that can be used and called from
> Euphoria is Assembler?

Machine code is "80x86 Machine Code". If you know how to program in
assembler you are almost ready. The easiest way to get the machine
code of an assembler source code is to use Microsoft utility DEBUG.
If you have an assembler you can also compile your code with listing,
there you can see the transalation the compiler made from ASM to
machine code.

>  And I need your opinion, do you think that Euphoria can run a great game,
> like a RPG of videogames ? I wanted to create one, i have been training and
> learning to do my own RPG, please, all thinkings are welcome.

I've heard the word "RPG" several times on this listserver... what is
it? I know about "RPL" (reverse polish notation) but I guess it has
nothibg to do with that.

  Daniel Berstein
  danielberstein at usa.net

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