1. Future projects...

Hi all,

Excuse my absense during the week, but I just changed of ISP. I would
like to thank for the answers to my "Questions" mail.
Jacques: Does your parent.e "calls" the command AFTER you've
exited Euphoria?

Greg Harris was talking about "agendas", well for those of you who
aren't particulary interested in games I plan to make a GOOD database
engine... I've been studying a lot about data structures and
algorithms and pretend to make a quite "professional" engine. As
opposed to my "dbf access routines" wich are "all-in-one", this engine
will be splitted in several modules, such as:
        -Physical disk access (low level I/O)
        -Data manipulation
        -Memory managment
        -Video output

        This approach has the benefits of giving an easily upgradable
system, and/or configurable (for example someone can develop a low level
module for accessing Paradox files and just use the rest of the
modules). I don't think I'll improve too much the visual output,
specially if the win95 euphoria is coming soon (hurry Rob!), but
the core of the engine will remain unchanged no matter what
platform you use (portable code isn't the goal of GFX programmers I
        Besides a "standard" (read Dbase III+) database engine, I have
a more challenging goal: a REAL database engine for system development.
I've learn a bit of database theory and realized that Dbase isn't the
solution for complex systems (Marcel: maybe we can talk in the same

        Daniel Berstein
        architek at geocities.com

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