1. Serial ports

How can I read from a serial port (using Win95)?
A friend ask me if I can read "something" (i don't know what) from a serial
port and write it as ASCII text to a file. The comm settings would be: 2400
bauds, 7bits, even, 2 bits stop (what does all this mean!).

Sounds like something similar to Jesus's Thermometer.. ayuda Jesus (aunque
no soy cristiano ;) )

    Daniel   Berstein
    daber at pair.com

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2. Re: Serial ports

Daniel Berstein wrote:
> How can I read from a serial port (using Win95)?
i think you would need ports.e

> The comm settings would be: 2400
> bauds, 7bits, even, 2 bits stop (what does all this mean!).
2400baud   = speed the modems communicate
7bits      = number of bits making a transfer unit (byte)
even       = "even parity" = bitwise parity
2 stop bits= trailing bits signifying end of transfer unit (byte)

btw: this protocol setup is quite rare. the most common
is 8,n,1 which is 8bits, no parity, 1 stop bit...easier
to deal with than your 7,e,2 protocol... on the other
hand tho, with 7bit you only need to deal with the first
~128 characters in ASCII (alphabet & KB char's) and so
dumb terminals are easier to create

> Sounds like something similar to Jesus's Thermometer..
it indeed is... especially with that bizarre protocol...
only other times ive seen 7e2 used is for real-time control
interfacing, real old dumb terminals and certain
atm/C.Card readers approval modems dialing to the
central account database...

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3. Serial ports

I need to write a program to read in a stream of bytes from one of the com
ports. I have tried to use E-term.ex routines, but I cannot get it to work
as it should. Basically the program would wait until some data appears at
the ports and then read it in at 9600 bps till no more is received. Can
anyone help?

Yours Truly
Michael Palffy

michael at igrin.co.nz

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