1. Command line parser...

With people being a little disgruntled of late about the lack of source
code given away, I decided to write something that everone could take

A command line parser in the style of the Unix Korn Shell's "getopts"
function. In other words, it's possible to do things like options after
your program name. e.g. " myprog -a hello -dsv filename.ext ".
This library facilitates that kind of thing. :)

I've included an example application of the parser: Split.ex

Split.ex is a file splitter. I know there's tonnes of them around, but you
get the *source* to this one.
Another plus point is that it'll create a BATchfile to reconstitute the
original file if you ask it to (the -d flag).

One example use is to split a large file into floppy size chunks (yes
PKZIP can do this too)
e.g. " ex split -1423k -vdt bigfile.$%^ "

-1423k : split file into 1423k size chunks (floppy size)
    -v : Tells you what its doing!
    -d : Generate a DOS BATch file to remake the original from the
    -t : Whether this is present or not determines the extensions to the
         chunk files ($%0, $%1 ... $10, $11 ... etc. or
                      xaa, xab, xac ... xba, xbb etc.)

or e.g. " ex split -5 -t bigfile.$%^ "

...splits the file into 5 chunks (however big they may be) using .xaa,
.xab notation

Type " ex split -? " for more info

They're all available from my Euphoria page. Follow link number 2) to my
programs and the code is in the directory "cmdline".

Two points:
1) cmdline.e and split.ex are beta versions. Usual precautions should
2) I'd like some feedback on cmdline.e :)

Carl R White   | e-mail...:                    crwhite- at -comp.brad.ac.uk
               | finger...:             crwhite- at -dcsun1.comp.brad.ac.uk
               | web......: http://www.student.comp.brad.ac.uk/~crwhite/
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