1. Re: HRMouse_pointer() doesn't work

At 19:14 5/01/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Poster:       Piotr Dubla <voretex at NEW.CO.ZA>

>I am currently developing a game and am using HRmouse, problem I need to
>remove the pointer from the screen when updating it and HRMouse_pointer(0)
>should work as stated in the documentation but it doesn't could someone
>please advise. Am am using this primarily for the fact the the cursor is
>stored in a mouse.bmp and is easy to change. I am running my program in

Hi Piotr,

My new E-mail address is <hmi at powerup.com.au>

Oops, sorry about that. The version I have is as follows:

global procedure HRMouse_pointer(integer sm)

    --turn pointer on/off (1/0)
    if sm=0 then

        if db_on>-1 then
        end if


    elsif show_mouse=0 then


    end if


end procedure

I must have fixed that one and forgot to post an update
(My memory's not much chop).

I added the drag-box support after writing the pointer on/off
routine and forgot to add a check to see if a drag box was
active before trying to turn it off.

HRM was the first program I wrote in EU and despite finishing
it only 7 months ago (re-checks date stamp and shakes head in
dis-belief) it seems more like 7 years.

BTW have you tried passing bitmap sequences to HRM to change
the pointer on the fly?

Graeme Burke

<hmi at powerup.com.au>

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