1. Hashing

At 09:47 PM 1/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Ralf writes:
>> Why isn't there a hash-table in Euphoria, I haven't quite been
>> thinking about it, (if it would be cleaner to have such a table or not),
>> but why did you decide not to... (I'm not in favor of this, not am
>> against it, I'll give it a bit more thought..)

>What is a hash table? Here's a quick introduction.
>Suppose you have a sequence s of names and you want
>to know if "Ralf" is one of the names. In Euphoria you can
>use find("Ralf", s) which will start with s[1] and compare strings
>until "Ralf" is found, or the end of the sequence is reached.
>If your list consists of 20 or fewer strings this is probably the fastest
>way to search. If your list has 1000 strings it may
>take a long time. If you have hundreds or thousands of names
>that you want to look up, you should consider hashing.
>The idea behind "hashing" is to organize the list of 1000 as
>many short lists, and then search one
>of the short lists. Suppose that you took the first character
>of the name (converted to upper case) and used that as
>an index into a sequence of 26 sequences. All the
>names beginning with 'A' would be on the first sequence, all the
>names beginning with 'B' would be on the second sequence, etc.
>With a nice distribution of names you might then have
>26 sequences with about 1000/26 = 38 names per sequence.
>After indexing to select the correct sequence, you only
>have 38 names to search, not 1000.
        These techniques are similar to the ones I used in the faster float
and string sort progs I posted on the Euphoria home site. I didn't do it
very elegantly but the improvement was large.
Bye,  Art
Arthur P. Adamson, The Engine Man, euclid at isoc.net

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