1. Patching EXEs


George Henry said a while back something about patching EXEs. Attached are
two programs which achieve this.

    takes two files, the old one and the new one and produces a patch file
    >GENPATCH old.exe new.exe patch.dat

The patch file was produced using print.e so isn't space-saving at all.
Perhaps one could come up with a binary form, e.g.
    OFFSET          1 x DWORD

    takes the patch data, the old file and produces a new file
    >PATCHIT patch.dat old.exe new.exe

Initial tests work ok but, of course, if it trashes your life's work, sad.
The code is very raw and took about an hour and a half to figure out. I'd
really appreciate some constructive criticism -- how I could have done it
better, faster, tighter etc.

Bruce M. Axtens
"Who of us is mature enough for offspring before the offspring themselves
arrive? The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that
children produce adults" -- Peter de Vries

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2. Patching EXEs

[I wrote this to the other list. I'd better cross post it here. Don't want
to miss any one.]

George Henry said a while back something about patching EXEs. Below are two
programs which achieve this.

    takes two files, the old one and the new one and produces a patch file
    >GENPATCH old.exe new.exe patch.dat

The patch file was produced using print.e so isn't space-saving at all.
Perhaps one could come up with a binary form, e.g.
    OFFSET          1 x DWORD

    takes the patch data, the old file and produces a new file
    >PATCHIT patch.dat old.exe new.exe

Initial tests work ok but, of course, if it trashes your life's work, sad.
The code is very raw and took about an hour and a half to figure out. I'd
really appreciate some constructive criticism -- how I could have done it
better, faster, tighter etc.

Bruce M. Axtens
"Who of us is mature enough for offspring before the offspring themselves
arrive? The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that
children produce adults" -- Peter de Vries

-- genpatch

include get.e
include print.e
--with trace

puts( 1, "GENPATCH v1.0 (c) Copyright Bruce M. Axtens, 2001.\n" )

sequence patchBlock
patchBlock = {}
integer storeCount
storeCount = 0
integer storeNum
storeNum = -1
procedure store( integer offset, integer byte )
    if offset = storeNum + 1 then
    patchBlock[ length( patchBlock ) ][ 2 ] &= byte
    storeNum = offset
    patchBlock = append( patchBlock, { offset, {byte} } )
    storeNum = offset
    end if
end procedure

sequence cl
sequence bin1, bin2, patch
cl = command_line()
if length( cl ) < 5 then
    puts( 1, "Syntax:\n\tgenpatch <binary1> <binary2> <patchname>\n" )
    abort( 1 )
end if

bin1 = cl[ 3 ]
bin2 = cl[ 4 ]
patch = cl[ 5 ]

integer hbin1, hbin2, hpatch

hbin1 = open( bin1, "rb" )
if hbin1 = -1 then
    puts( 1, "Could not open " & bin1 & "\n" )
    abort( 2 )
end if

hbin2 = open( bin2, "rb" )
if hbin2 = -1 then
    puts( 1, "Could not open " & bin2 & "\n" )
    abort( 3 )
end if

hpatch = open( patch, "w" )

constant EOBIN1 = 1, EOBIN2 = 2
sequence res
integer bin1byte, bin2byte
integer status
integer offset
offset  = 1

while 1 do
    res = get_bytes( hbin1, 1 )
    if length( res ) = 0 then
    status = EOBIN1
    end if
    bin1byte = res[ 1 ]

    res = get_bytes( hbin2, 1 )
    if length( res ) = 0 then
    status = EOBIN2
    end if
    bin2byte = res[ 1 ]

    if bin1byte != bin2byte then
    store( offset, bin2byte )
    storeCount += 1
    end if

    offset += 1

end while
if status = EOBIN1 then
    while 1 do
    res = get_bytes( hbin2, 1 )
    if length( res ) = 0 then
    end if
    store( offset, res[ 1 ] )
    storeCount += 1
    offset += 1
    end while
elsif status = EOBIN2 then
end if
close( hbin1 )
close( hbin2 )
print( hpatch, patchBlock )
close( hpatch )
printf( 1, "%d changes after comparing %s with %s stored in %s.\n", {
storeCount, bin1, bin2, patch } )

include get.e
--with trace
puts( 1, "PATCHIT v1.0 (c) Copyright Bruce M. Axtens, 2001.\n" )

integer patchCount
patchCount = 0

sequence patchBlock

sequence cl
sequence patch, bin1, bin2
cl = command_line()
if length( cl ) < 5 then
    puts( 1, "Syntax:\n\tpatchit <patchname> <binary1> <binary2>\n" )
    abort( 1 )
end if

patch = cl[ 3 ]
bin1 = cl[ 4 ]
bin2 = cl[ 5 ]

integer hbin1, hbin2, hpatch

hbin1 = open( bin1, "rb" )
if hbin1 = -1 then
    puts( 1, "Could not open " & bin1 & "\n" )
    abort( 2 )
end if

hbin2 = open( bin2, "wb" )
if hbin2 = -1 then
    puts( 1, "Could not open " & bin2 & "\n" )
    abort( 3 )
end if

hpatch = open( patch, "r" )

patchBlock = get( hpatch )
if patchBlock[ 1 ] != GET_SUCCESS then
    puts( 1, "Could not load the patch information\n" )
    abort( 4 )
end if
patchBlock = patchBlock[ 2 ]
sequence res
atom bin1byte
integer offset
offset  = 0
integer patched
patched = 0
integer eopatch
eopatch = 0
integer looper
looper = 1
while 1 do
    for i = 1 to looper do
    res = get_bytes( hbin1, 1 )
    offset += 1
    end for
    if length( res ) = 0 then
    end if
    bin1byte = res[ 1 ]
    patched = 0
    for i = 1 to length( patchBlock ) do
    if patchBlock[ i][ 1 ] > offset then
        looper = 1
    end if
    if offset = patchBlock[ i ][ 1 ] then
        puts( hbin2, patchBlock[ i ][ 2 ] )
        patchCount += 1
        looper = length( patchBlock[ i ][ 2 ] )
        patchBlock = patchBlock[ 2 .. length( patchBlock ) ]
        if length( patchBlock ) = 0 then
        eopatch = 1
        end if
        patched = 1
    end if
    end for

    if patched = 0 then
    puts( hbin2, bin1byte )
    end if

    if eopatch then
    end if
end while
close( hbin1 )
if length( patchBlock ) > 0 then
    puts( hbin2, patchBlock[ length( patchBlock ) ][ 2 ] )
    patchCount += 1
end if
close( hbin2 )
close( hpatch )
printf( 1, "%d patches in %s applied to %s to give %s.\n", { patchCount,
patch, bin1, bin2 } )

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