1. Win32Lib bug (onDestroy)
- Posted by Brian Broker <bkb at CNW.COM> Nov 21, 2000
onDestroy is being executed twice when the Window is destroyed. This is observed in the latest release (Version: 0.54.5 "Bleeding Edge" 13/Nov/2000). Here is a demo of the bug: ------------------- include win32lib.ew without warning constant Win = create( Window, "onDestroy bug", 0, Default, Default, 200, 200, 0 ), Txt = create( CText, "Close this Window\nto observe the bug", Win, 0, 10, 200, 50, 0 ) procedure onDestroy_Win() warnErr( "onDestroy was run..." ) end procedure onDestroy[Win] = routine_id( "onDestroy_Win" ) WinMain( Win, Normal ) ------------------- -- Brian