1. Deck of Cards Question...

Guys 'n' gals,

When "using a deck of cards," what's the best way to manipulate the deck?
For instance, is it best to let the functions operate on a global deck?


I would think not...

Should the deck sequence be passed to the function, then have the function
return the new deck?

 deck = shuffle(deck)

I don't mind this approach.

Should I go OOP?


Any hints, tips, suggestions are appreciated!


P.S. I've got all the functionality ready... the shuffle algorithm itself
is written. I just need to know how to best implement it for maintenance.
Speed issues are of no concern to me, as most processors these days can
handle what I'm going to be dishing out.

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2. Re: Deck of Cards Question...

I like OOP so I'd tend towards that, but the second suggestion,...

  shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck)

is okay too. Global variables, like GOTO, can easily be misused and cause
weird bugs. Its a bit unfortunate that Euphoria encourages them, but until
namespace and forward referencing issues are finalized, we have to live with
this little "devil".

Also, the function method makes it easier to implement non-standard decks
(short or enlarged ones, for example.).

   shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck & deck)

   shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck[Spade04 .. SpadeAce] & deck[Club04 ..

Derek Parnell

>When "using a deck of cards," what's the best way to manipulate the deck?
>For instance, is it best to let the functions operate on a global deck?
> shuffle(deck)
>I would think not...
>Should the deck sequence be passed to the function, then have the function
>return the new deck?
> deck = shuffle(deck)
>I don't mind this approach.
>Should I go OOP?
> deck.shuffle

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3. Re: Deck of Cards Question...

Hello Ck,

  One way to handle these kinds of problems is to
use the 'pass the buck' method: pass the variables to the
function, return the same variables, altered by the function's
routines.  This achieves encapsulation at the cost of an added
global function name to the program (usually very tolerable).

global function shuffle(sequence deck)
  --pass deck to be shuffled

  --place shuffle routine here:


  return deck  --returns shuffled deck

end function

Good luck with it.


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4. Re: Deck of Cards Question...

This is as non-standard a deck you can get... It's not actually a "poker"
deck. blink

Right now it has over 80 cards, composed of 7 types of cards, but that will
be customizable, depending on what type of game the players want, and how
playtesting plays out.

If I were to implement it in OOP, can you (or any OOP guru) provide a
template for a deck of cards?

My initial brainwork in pseudo-OOP-speak:

first, define the 'card' object
second, create the types of cards using the 'card' template
third, create a deck composed of card types
fourth, create functions that operate on the deck

Objects have methods and procedures, right? Fun fun fun!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
> [mailto:EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU]On Behalf Of Derek Parnell
> Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 7:17 PM
> Subject: Re: Deck of Cards Question...
> I like OOP so I'd tend towards that, but the second suggestion,...
>   shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck)
> is okay too. Global variables, like GOTO, can easily be misused and cause
> weird bugs. Its a bit unfortunate that Euphoria encourages them, but until
> namespace and forward referencing issues are finalized, we have
> to live with
> this little "devil".
> Also, the function method makes it easier to implement non-standard decks
> (short or enlarged ones, for example.).
>    shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck & deck)
>    shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck[Spade04 .. SpadeAce] & deck[Club04 ..
> ClubAce])
> -----
> cheers,
> Derek Parnell
> >When "using a deck of cards," what's the best way to manipulate the deck?
> >
> >Should I go OOP?
> >
> > deck.shuffle

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5. Re: Deck of Cards Question...


Why not simply {1,2,3,4,5...80} for the deck?
If you need extra info with the deck, you can go two dimensional or
just create a second list: {"Ace","King","Queen",...etc}.
or even
  {{"Ace","Diamonds"},{"Ace","Hearts"}, etc}
The first list acts as a pointer to the second list so you only
have to shuffle the first list.

Good luck with it.


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6. Re: Deck of Cards Question...

OOP is based on the idea that "data knows what to do." If data knows what to
do, then I am not needed as an implementor of algorithms. I will just decide
what data are relevant, then describe my goals to them and let them do what
needs to be done. 8^)

Not that OOP is all bad (14 zillion programmers can't be wrong, can they?),
but sometimes it's just silly. So, when OOP is successfully combined with
"declarative programming" (ala Prolog, perhaps?) maybe I will like it
better. Give me data that REALLY DOES know what to do!

How does Euphoria encourage global variables? I don't feel encouraged to use
them, except as simple control flags where "ctrl_flag=1" is equivalent to,
but more straightforward than, "set_ctrl_flag()" (and similarly for
"ctrl_flag=0" vs. "clear_ctrl_flag()").

Euphoria itself encourages me to use the function method. Euphoria doesn't
let one pass a reference or pointer, so "append(seq1, seq2)" wouldn't do the
job as a statement, it has to be a function, and following that model makes
sense and is good practice.

George Henry

----Original Message Follows----
From: Derek Parnell <derekp at SOLACE.COM.AU>
Reply-To: derekp at solace.com.au
Subject: Re: Deck of Cards Question...
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 12:16:55 +1100

I like OOP so I'd tend towards that, but the second suggestion,...

   shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck)

is okay too. Global variables, like GOTO, can easily be misused and cause
weird bugs. Its a bit unfortunate that Euphoria encourages them, but until
namespace and forward referencing issues are finalized, we have to live with
this little "devil".

Also, the function method makes it easier to implement non-standard decks
(short or enlarged ones, for example.).

    shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck & deck)

    shuffled_deck = shuffle(deck[Spade04 .. SpadeAce] & deck[Club04 ..

Derek Parnell

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7. Re: Deck of Cards Question...

>-----Original Message-----
>From: George Henry [mailto:ghenryca at hotmail.com]

>How does Euphoria encourage global variables? I don't feel
>encouraged to use
>them, except as simple control flags where "ctrl_flag=1" is equivalent to,
>but more straightforward than, "set_ctrl_flag()" (and similarly for
>"ctrl_flag=0" vs. "clear_ctrl_flag()").

I must admit that I said this just to see if somebody would bite. Euphoria
is not much different than most other languages in its encouragement of
global-scoped variables.

The one situation where I'm forced to make the scope of a variable larger
than required, is when a routine needs to use the value of variable that is
only used by the routine, and was set by an earlier invocation of the
routine. For example...

    integer CurVal CurVal = 0
    function xyz(atom cmd)
        integer temp
        if cmd = 0 then
            CurVal = rand(100)
            temp = rand(cmd)
            if temp > CurVal then
               CurVal = temp
            end if
        end if

        return CurVal
    end function

If this function is inside a file with lots of others, then "CurVal" is
exposed. If I put this function in its own include file and make xyz() a
global function, I then have to be aware of potential name clashes with
other (future) include files.

>Euphoria itself encourages me to use the function method. Euphoria doesn't
>let one pass a reference or pointer, so "append(seq1, seq2)"
>wouldn't do the
>job as a statement, it has to be a function, and following that
>model makes
>sense and is good practice.

True it does. And won't it be nice when Robert allows pseudo
pass-by-reference so that we can reduce typing such that

    append(&seq1, seq2)

is syntactically identical to

    seq1 = append(seq1, seq2)

Hey!, I can dream can't I blink

Derek Parnell

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