1. Alexander's ASM Debugger
- Posted by Matt Lewis <matthewwalkerlewis at yahoo.com> Oct 15, 2004
Alexander, Here are a couple of suggestions to improve this excellent tool. First, change the font to something fixed width (win version). I added:
codelabels = repeat(0, 256) for a = 1 to length(codelabels) do codelabels[a] = create(LText, "", code_panel, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) setVisible(codelabels[a], w32False) -- mwl 10/14/04: setFont( codelabels[a], "Courier New", 9, Normal ) end for -- mwl 10/14/04: setFont( main, "Courier New", 9, Normal )
The other thing that would be nice is the equivalent of 'q' and 'Q' in Euphoria trace mode. Also, a trace(3) style mode, where you write out a log. Matt Lewis