1. Problem with define_c_proc

As far I can tell, this should work.  However I get an error.  
Can somebody figure where I went wrong?
Using v2.4

include dll.e
include machine.e

atom gl
gl = open_dll("OpenGL32.dll")


wglGetProcAddress = define_c_func(gl, "wglGetProcAddress", {C_POINTER},

szglMultiTexCoord1fARB = allocate_string("glMultiTexCoord1fARB")
glMultiTexCoord1f     = c_func(wglGetProcAddress,{szglMultiTexCoord1fARB})
glMultiTexCoord1fARB = define_c_proc("", glMultiTexCoord1f, {C_INT,C_FLOAT})

------------------------ ex.err ------------------------
-- C:\Programming\Euphoria\Include\dll.e:48 in function define_c_proc() 
-- define_c_proc/func: an integer was expected, not a sequence 
--     lib = {}
--     routine_name = 0
--     arg_sizes = {16777220,50331652}

-- ... called from C:\Programming\EUPHORIA\Programs\OpenGL\Test.exw:17 

-- Global & Local Variables

--  C:\Programming\Euphoria\Include\machine.e:
--     mem = 665248
--     check_calls = 1

--  C:\Programming\EUPHORIA\Programs\OpenGL\Test.exw:
--     gl = 1590689792
--     szglMultiTexCoord1fARB = 695752
--     glMultiTexCoord1f = 0
--     glMultiTexCoord1fARB = <no value>
--     wglGetProcAddress = 0

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2. Re: Problem with define_c_proc

Evan Marshall wrote:

> As far I can tell, this should work.  However I get an error.
> Can somebody figure where I went wrong?
> Using v2.4

Recently someone reported a similar problem, using v2.4 *alpha*. Neither
this nor v2.4 beta can use define_c_proc() to define a machine code

Your code work for me, using the Windows interpreter of v2.4 *Official
Release*. Which 2.4 version are you using?


> glMultiTexCoord1fARB = define_c_proc("", glMultiTexCoord1f, {C_INT,C_FLOAT})
> ------------------------ ex.err ------------------------
> -- C:\Programming\Euphoria\Include\dll.e:48 in function define_c_proc()
> -- define_c_proc/func: an integer was expected, not a sequence



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3. Re: Problem with define_c_proc

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> Recently someone reported a similar problem, using v2.4 *alpha*. Neither
> this nor v2.4 beta can use define_c_proc() to define a machine code
> routine.
> <snip>
> Regards,
>    Juergen
> -- 
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>  href="http://www.fortran.com/fortran/come_from.html">http://www.fortran.com/fortran/come_from.html</a>

Thanks Juergen.
I've been using v2.4 beta and hadn't even realized it!


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