1. [OT] Visiting Australia

Hi all Aussie people.
We, that is, my wife and me, are planning to visit Australia and New Zealand 
on our next holyday, from about 5th January 2005 to 25th of the same month.
I'd like to meet then some of you, euphorians, to greet you and have a nice 
If you like to do so, please tell me where and when this migth be possible.
Best regards to all.

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2. Re: [OT] Visiting Australia

Ricardo M. Forno wrote:
> Hi all Aussie people.
> We, that is, my wife and me, are planning to visit Australia and New Zealand
> on our next holyday, from about 5th January 2005 to 25th of the same month.
> I'd like to meet then some of you, euphorians, to greet you and have a nice
> chat.
> If you like to do so, please tell me where and when this migth be possible.
> Best regards to all.

I'm not from Australia or New Zealand but the 5th January 2005 passed a long
time ago.

Don Cole

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3. Re: [OT] Visiting Australia

don cole wrote:
> Ricardo M. Forno wrote:
> > on our next holyday, from about 5th January 2005 to 25th of the same month.
> I'm not from Australia or New Zealand but the 5th January 2005 passed a long
> time ago.

Taht's a good pniot but it jsut geos to sohw how felxilbe teh hmaun barin is at
filriteng out nsoie. :)

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4. Re: [OT] Visiting Australia

ags wrote:
> don cole wrote:
> > 
> > Ricardo M. Forno wrote:
> > > on our next holyday, from about 5th January 2005 to 25th of the same
> > > month.
> > I'm not from Australia or New Zealand but the 5th January 2005 passed a long
> > time ago.
> Taht's a good pniot but it jsut geos to sohw how felxilbe teh hmaun barin is
> at filriteng out nsoie. :)

I read that too.




include Win32lib.ew
without warning

constant win = createEx(Window, "Demo", 0, 20, 20, 400, 280, 0, 0)
constant tool_bar = createEx(ToolBar, "", win, 0, 0, w32Edge, 34, 0, 0)
constant edit = createEx(RichEdit,
"I found that if you paste some Euphoria code into rich edit" &
" and click shuffle, it converts it to C++",
win, 0, 0, w32Edge, {w32Edge, +34}, or_all({ES_NOHIDESEL}), 0)
constant button = createEx(PushButton, "shuffle", tool_bar,
0, 0, 100, 30, 0, 0)
constant Menu_Edit           = createEx(Menu,     "&Menu",      win,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
constant MenuItem_Cut        = createEx(MenuItem, "Cu&t",       Menu_Edit,
0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
constant MenuItem_Copy       = createEx(MenuItem, "&Copy",      Menu_Edit,
0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0)
constant MenuItem_Paste      = createEx(MenuItem, "&Paste",     Menu_Edit,
0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
constant MenuItem_Delete     = createEx(MenuItem, "&Delete",    Menu_Edit,
0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0)
constant MenuItem_Select_All = createEx(MenuItem, "Select&All", Menu_Edit,
0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0)
procedure Cut(atom self, atom event, sequence params)
end procedure
setHandler(MenuItem_Cut, w32HClick, routine_id("Cut"))
procedure Copy(atom self, atom event, sequence params)
end procedure
setHandler(MenuItem_Copy, w32HClick, routine_id("Copy"))
procedure Paste(atom self, atom event, sequence params)
end procedure
setHandler(MenuItem_Paste, w32HClick, routine_id("Paste"))
procedure Delete(atom self, atom event, sequence params)
end procedure
setHandler(MenuItem_Delete, w32HClick, routine_id("Delete"))
--Select All
procedure Select_All(atom self, atom event, sequence params)
setIndex(edit, {1, 0})
end procedure
setHandler(MenuItem_Select_All, w32HClick, routine_id("Select_All"))
--Resize Window
procedure win_on_resize(atom self, atom event, sequence params)
setRect(edit, 0, 0, w32Edge, {w32Edge, +34}, True)
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HResize, routine_id("win_on_resize"))
function create_words()
sequence word, RE_text, output
integer char
word = {}
output = {}
RE_text = getRichText(edit, -1)
for m = 1 to length(RE_text) do
char = RE_text[m]
if char >96 and char <123 then--if lower case letter,
word &= char--add to word
if m = length(RE_text) then
output = append(output, word)
end if
elsif char >64 and char <91 then--upper case
word &= char--add to word
if m = length(RE_text) then
output = append(output, word)
end if
else--often ASCII 32, 46 etc.
if length(word) then
output = append(output, word)
word = {}--start a new word
end if
output = append(output, {char})
end if
end for
return output
end function

function Scramble(sequence s)--from genfunc.e
integer len, k
object temp
len = length(s)
for i = 1 to len do
k = rand(len)
temp = s[k]
s[k] = s[i]
s[i] = temp
end for
return s
end function

procedure shuffle_spelling(atom self, atom event, sequence params)
--leave the first and last letters intact to maintain legibility.
sequence words, output, mid
output = {}
words = create_words()
for n = 1 to length(words) do
if length(words[n]) > 3 then
mid = Scramble(words[n][2..length(words[n])-1])
words[n] = words[n][1] & mid & words[n][length(words[n])]
end if
output &= words[n]
end for
setText(edit, output)
end procedure
setHandler(button, w32HClick, routine_id("shuffle_spelling"))

WinMain(win, Normal)

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5. Re: [OT] Visiting Australia

ags wrote:
> don cole wrote:
> > 
> > Ricardo M. Forno wrote:
> > > on our next holyday, from about 5th January 2005 to 25th of the same
> > > month.
> > I'm not from Australia or New Zealand but the 5th January 2005 passed a long
> > time ago.
> Taht's a good pniot but it jsut geos to sohw how felxilbe teh hmaun barin is
> at filriteng out nsoie. :)


It was a typo... Obviously, I meant January 2007.
Thanks a lot, Ray. However, I'm afraid I am not going to be near Bathurst.
Probably, I will have time only to visit Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland.
Of course, I will get some sightseeing nearby these cities, but not much
far away.
The only extra place I'm sure to visit is East Gosford, some kilometers
north of Sydney, where an Argentine friend of mine resides.
As a matter of fact, I was to Sydney twice in 1990 and 1992. I planned
to move there to work in computers. After receiving a good offer for a job,
I got an immigrant visa for me and my family, but then CSA/AMP ran into
economic problems and they withdrew the job offer.
So, now I'm going there only as a tourist...

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6. Re: [OT] Visiting Australia

Ricardo M. Forno wrote:
> Hi all Aussie people.
> We, that is, my wife and me, are planning to visit Australia and New Zealand
> on our next holyday, from about 5th January 2005 to 25th of the same month.
> I'd like to meet then some of you, euphorians, to greet you and have a nice
> chat.
> If you like to do so, please tell me where and when this migth be possible.
> Best regards to all.

Hi Ricardo, I won't know until early Decemeber.  I usually visit my family in
Melbourne during Jan, but they are pretty out of the way (Frankston, Rye)
otherwise I will be in Auckland during that time... unless I can convince my wife
to get on a plane and we decide to go the Cook Islands instead smile

Feel free to email your itinerary in NZ and we'll see if we can meet up.


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7. Re: [OT] Visiting Australia

Ricardo M. Forno wrote:

> It was a typo... Obviously, I meant January 2007.
> Thanks a lot, Ray. However, I'm afraid I am not going to be near Bathurst.
> Probably, I will have time only to visit Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland.
> Of course, I will get some sightseeing nearby these cities, but not much
> far away.

Then we probably won't meet up ...

Craig, somewhere in a forest in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, north of 
Brisbane, Queensland.

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