1. Wiki for and at Euphoria

JP Software (4nt/Tcmd) is in the process of starting a Wiki on its site 
for JP Software products. It seems to me that a Wiki on the Euphoria main
site would be good. I do not envision an encyclopedia about Euphoria.
I envision a comprehensive and wide ranging repository of documentation, 
information, tips, comments and source code snippets.

It could be a single place where all the knowledge that we (developers and 
users) possess could be put and be available to all. As with any good Wiki
we would need administrators/managers, but everyone could share useful
information and code.

The various official documentation and files would likely be the core or 
beginning, but the Wiki would grow (I think) as our talented users and
developers add to the Wiki.

Wouldn't it be great to have ALL useful information about Euphoria and 
various libraries and tips in one place which is searchable and structured?
It would be better in many ways than the current search abilities 
for the forum and submitted scripts.

What think ye?

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2. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Terry Constant wrote:
> It seems to me that a Wiki on the Euphoria main site would be good.

I could not agree more, and thus the idea is doomed blink

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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3. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Terry Constant wrote:
> JP Software (4nt/Tcmd) is in the process of starting a Wiki on its site 
> for JP Software products. It seems to me that a Wiki on the Euphoria main
> site would be good. I do not envision an encyclopedia about Euphoria.
> I envision a comprehensive and wide ranging repository of documentation, 
> information, tips, comments and source code snippets.
> It could be a single place where all the knowledge that we (developers and 
> users) possess could be put and be available to all. As with any good Wiki
> we would need administrators/managers, but everyone could share useful
> information and code.
> The various official documentation and files would likely be the core or 
> beginning, but the Wiki would grow (I think) as our talented users and
> developers add to the Wiki.
> Wouldn't it be great to have ALL useful information about Euphoria and 
> various libraries and tips in one place which is searchable and structured?
> It would be better in many ways than the current search abilities 
> for the forum and submitted scripts.
> What think ye?

I like the idea, but how would I set it up?
What software would I need to install?

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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4. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria


LOL Derek. 

That does seem to be the way of Eu - to stick to the list.

I would advise you to do it for yourself, if anyone else adds anything, then
thats great, but don't get disheartened if no one else does.

Personally I much prefer the forum, rather than the list, format.

Be sure to link to my (slowly) developing wiki




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5. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Robert Craig wrote:
> Terry Constant wrote:
> > JP Software (4nt/Tcmd) is in the process of starting a Wiki on its site 
> > for JP Software products. It seems to me that a Wiki on the Euphoria main
> > site would be good. I do not envision an encyclopedia about Euphoria.
> > I envision a comprehensive and wide ranging repository of documentation, 
> > information, tips, comments and source code snippets.
> > 
> > It could be a single place where all the knowledge that we (developers and 
> > users) possess could be put and be available to all. As with any good Wiki
> > we would need administrators/managers, but everyone could share useful
> > information and code.
> > 
> > The various official documentation and files would likely be the core or 
> > beginning, but the Wiki would grow (I think) as our talented users and
> > developers add to the Wiki.
> > 
> > Wouldn't it be great to have ALL useful information about Euphoria and 
> > various libraries and tips in one place which is searchable and structured?
> > It would be better in many ways than the current search abilities 
> > for the forum and submitted scripts.
> > 
> > What think ye?
> I like the idea, but how would I set it up?
> What software would I need to install?
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    <a href="http://www.RapidEuphoria.com">http://www.RapidEuphoria.com</a>

You wouldn't need to - just use one of the freely available wiki s out there.
But that would be good, an officially endorsed wiki!



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6. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

> > Wouldn't it be great to have ALL useful information about Euphoria and 
> > various libraries and tips in one place which is searchable and structured?
> > It would be better in many ways than the current search abilities 
> > for the forum and submitted scripts.
> I like the idea, but how would I set it up?
> What software would I need to install?
>    Rob Craig


As you know there are many factors (host hardware, server software, programming
language, etc.) to consider in choosing the software to install and many Wiki
software packages and solutions.

I suggest that you go to WikiMatrix.org:
where you can compare the features of many Wiki programs solutions.

One nice feature is that the site has a "Wiki Choice Wizard" which helps to
quickly narrow down your choices. You can also compare Wiki packages in a
features matrix.

The site is up to date. You are the person who should choose the Wiki software
or at least narrow down the choices to the packages that will work for you.

I have used Wikis, as a contributor, but I have not set up a Wiki site. I will
be glad to work with you on this project. Perhaps some other users, such as Chris
who has some experience, would like to assist.

This first step of choosing the Wiki package is the biggest single hurdle.
Then comes the policy setting and design phase. In any case, I think that
WikiMatrix will help you/us get started.

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7. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Terry Constant wrote:


> What think ye?

I like the idea. There are Wikis for many other software products these days.


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8. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

It sounds like a good addition to the site to me.  

All we need is for Derek and Vincent and a few others to say that it will
totally ruin Eu's future and Rob will have it up and running in a day or two :).


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9. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

> posted by: Jeremy Peterson <ptl99 at hotmail.com>
> It sounds like a good addition to the site to me.  
> All we need is for Derek and Vincent and a few others to say that it
> will totally ruin Eu's future and Rob will have it up and running in a
> day or two :).

Ok, i'll chime in then: the php msg board was implicated in bringing 
down Karl's Bach site. I prefer the email listserv and existing web 



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10. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Terry Constant wrote:
> I have used Wikis, as a contributor, but I have not set up a Wiki site. I will
> be glad to work with you on this project. Perhaps some other users, such as
> Chris who has some experience, would like to assist. 

If you mean me, then no, I don't, I created the allegro wiki as a plaything,
but hope to see it become a repository for all things allegro / euphoria.


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11. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

christian cuvier wrote:
> Wikis are attractive, granted. But who will migrate the ton of existing
> knowledge currently scattered in the archive to a wiki? 

I don't envision the new Wiki replacing any existing things, at least 
not for a good long while. Some things would be put into the Wiki to 
begin it. Then it will grow as time goes by.

As for the migration of information you mention, it would likely occur 
naturally. For example, if a user found good information in the current 
archive that is not in the Wiki, then that user could add the 
information to the Wiki. One advantage would be that the information in 
the Wiki would be more current and on point in many cases. We users, 
over a period of time, would have a place, the Wiki, to which to come 
first to get the information that is more likely to be pertinent (with 
less effort on our parts).

In short, we would begin a Wiki, not present the final product at the 


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12. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Hi there,

I cant help but think it would be a good idea too.
At least try it.

I can see it being a sort of online encyclopedia for Euphoria,
where users contribute and the base of knowledge grows.

Take care,

E boa sorte com sua programacao Euphoria!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

 From "Black Knight":
"I can live with losing the good fight,
 but i can not live without fighting it".
"Well on second thought, maybe not."

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13. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Why can't we just write the Wiki in Euphoria? I may regret this, but
how hard could it be?

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14. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

> christian cuvier wrote:
> > Wikis are attractive, granted. But who will migrate the ton of
> > existing knowledge currently scattered in the archive to a wiki? 
> >   
> I don't envision the new Wiki replacing any existing things, at least
> not for a good long while. Some things would be put into the Wiki to
> begin it. Then it will grow as time goes by.

Can you imagine the /wiki/win32lib.html in a couple years? Will it 
just point to the M$ SDK then? Will RDS hire someone to maintain 
it for each windoze version? Hmm, ok, i'll vote for it!


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15. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

> Can you imagine the /wiki/win32lib.html in a couple years? Will it
> just point to the M$ SDK then? Will RDS hire someone to maintain
> it for each windoze version? Hmm, ok, i'll vote for it!

I would image that the Win32Lib stub would have a simple discription
of its usage and a link to Derek's documentation. Maybe some comments
and examples, but nothing more.

Being a Wiki, those who feel it gets to large can simply truncate it at will.


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16. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 12:20:23 -0500, Kat <kat12 at coosahs.net> wrote:

>Can you imagine the /wiki/win32lib.html in a couple years?
Umm. "Ask Derek" blink.
One thing that seems pretty clear to me is that a "win32lib" manual is
basically impractical. What I mean is that anyone who knows it really
can't write /anything/ that captures the whole enchilada....

There is obviously a reason I jumped ship from win32lib to arwen,
and we're close here. More I think that I felt I might be able to
understand the source of arwen rather than the documentation per se,
but now I am very intimate with arwen innards, I do look in horror at
the docs, not only because I realise it is not that great, if not to
be honest pretty awful for a novice to digest, but it is much the way
I would (still!) write it too!

Anyway, lets' not do that. Instead, let's answer:
	"I want a treeview"
	"I want a listview"
And put win32lib/arwen/direct api/... examples instead.
Of course all libraries would gain seeing how much easier it is in
something else, and/or the ones with more functions could hammer home
their benefits.

>Will it just point to the M$ SDK then?
imo there should definitely be "more" of that...
>Will RDS hire someone to maintain it for each windoze version?
.. but to files we have, like win32.hlp, rather than www.microsoft.XXX
- most links don't last 12 months in my experience[1]
There is no particular reason why it is down to RDS alone to document
future/backward incompatibilities, is there?

[1] I would not struggle to find examples that are 8 years old, but I
recall it was a real pain last year, lot less since (that dead PC was
a bit of a cut-off point).

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17. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Greg Haberek wrote:
> Why can't we just write the Wiki in Euphoria? I may regret this, but
> how hard could it be?

You mean something like this? http://www.fluidae.com/euwiki_demo/euwiki.exu

It's incomplete, but it works so far. It can be formatted to look nice, of
course. The source code is available if anyone wants to try it.

If there is going to be an "official" euphoria wiki, i think it should be
written in euphoria and integrated into the authentication system that Rob
already has for the user contributions and EUforum (same username & password).

~Ryan W. Johnson

Fluid Application Environment

[cool quote here, if i ever think of one...]

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18. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

On Thu, 07 Sep 2006 16:17:39 -0700, "Ryan W. Johnson"
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>Greg Haberek wrote:
>> Why can't we just write the Wiki in Euphoria? I may regret this, but
>> how hard could it be?
>You mean something like this? http://www.fluidae.com/euwiki_demo/euwiki.exu
>It's incomplete, but it works so far. It can be formatted to look nice, of
>course. The source code is available if anyone wants to try it.
>If there is going to be an "official" euphoria wiki, i think it should be
>written in euphoria and integrated into the authentication system that Rob
>already has for the user contributions and EUforum (same username & password).
I agree completely. One thing I noticed is if you go into preferences
on aku's wiki and select myskin, it looks very similar. Even if Rob
does not want to get involved, maybe Jeurgen could add a simple
password feature to stop other people editing his pages blink


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19. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Pete Lomax wrote:


> I agree completely. One thing I noticed is if you go into preferences
> on aku's wiki and select myskin, it looks very similar. Even if Rob
> does not want to get involved, maybe Jeurgen could add a simple
> password feature to stop other people editing his pages blink

Thanks for the suggestion, but the issue that you are trying to solve
doesn't exist any nore. blink
I'll just keep sending contributions to other places (such as German as
well as international scientific journals and textbooks). No problem.


Please excuse my flawed English. My native language is Euphoria.

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20. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> Pete Lomax wrote:
> <snip>
> > I agree completely. One thing I noticed is if you go into preferences
> > on aku's wiki and select myskin, it looks very similar. Even if Rob
> > does not want to get involved, maybe Jeurgen could add a simple
> > password feature to stop other people editing his pages blink
> Thanks for the suggestion, but the issue that you are trying to solve
> doesn't exist any nore. blink
> I'll just keep sending contributions to other places (such as German as
> well as international scientific journals and textbooks). No problem.

Sorry to be a bother Juergen, but what exactly is the issue you had? I'm having
a lot of trouble seeing what the problem was/is. You seem offended or agrieved in
some manner and I'm not aware of what could have caused it. I ask because I'm
wanting to avoid doing the same to other people when using this Wiki.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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21. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Derek Parnell wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
> >
> > Pete Lomax wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > > I agree completely. One thing I noticed is if you go into preferences
> > > on aku's wiki and select myskin, it looks very similar. Even if Rob
> > > does not want to get involved, maybe Jeurgen could add a simple
> > > password feature to stop other people editing his pages blink
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestion, but the issue that you are trying to solve
> > doesn't exist any nore. blink
> > I'll just keep sending contributions to other places (such as German as
> > well as international scientific journals and textbooks). No problem.
> Sorry to be a bother Juergen, but what exactly is the issue you had? I'm
> having
> a lot of trouble seeing what the problem was/is.

Derek, all this is almost nothing but a waste of time for me, so please
be so kind and stop this pointless discussion.

> You seem offended or agrieved
> in some manner and I'm not aware of what could have caused it. I ask because
> I'm wanting to avoid doing the same to other people when using this Wiki.

In your previous post in this thread, you have well described how Wikis
work and what can happen. I do not know what will offend or aggrieve
person A or person B.


Please excuse my flawed English. My native language is Euphoria.

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22. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

On Fri, 08 Sep 2006 11:00:13 -0700, Juergen Luethje
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>Derek Parnell wrote:
>> Sorry to be a bother Juergen, but what exactly is the issue you had? I'm
>> having
>> a lot of trouble seeing what the problem was/is.
>Derek, all this is almost nothing but a waste of time for me, so please
>be so kind and stop this pointless discussion.

Hey Jeurgen, now you're famous: http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje
Tip: if you want this thread to die, stop replying to it!

One thing I would say to EVERYBODY is:
Don't put any EFFORT[1] into a wiki (bar initial setup/advertising); 
what you do is VISIT it, TWEAK it, and when MADNESS overcomes you, 
submit a WHOLE NEW PAGE, then wish you hadn't. Basically at heart you 
should treat it no different to EuForum.

Regards (with humour and affection),
[1] TLC does not count as effort if you love doing it.

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23. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Pete Lomax wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Sep 2006 11:00:13 -0700, Juergen Luethje
> <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:
> >Derek Parnell wrote:
> >> Sorry to be a bother Juergen, but what exactly is the issue you had? I'm
> >> having
> >> a lot of trouble seeing what the problem was/is.
> >
> >Derek, all this is almost nothing but a waste of time for me, so please
> >be so kind and stop this pointless discussion.
> Hey Jeurgen, now you're famous: <a
> href="http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje">http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje</a>
> Tip: if you want this thread to die, stop replying to it!
> One thing I would say to EVERYBODY is:
> Don't put any EFFORT[1] into a wiki (bar initial setup/advertising); 
> what you do is VISIT it, TWEAK it, and when MADNESS overcomes you, 
> submit a WHOLE NEW PAGE, then wish you hadn't. Basically at heart you 
> should treat it no different to EuForum.
> Regards (with humour and affection),
> Pete
> [1] TLC does not count as effort if you love doing it.
I see the humor, but a part of me says, "That's just not right."

"Any programming problem can be solved by adding a level of indirection."
"Any performance problem can be solved by removing a level of indirection."
--M. Haertel
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare

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24. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Pete Lomax wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
>> Derek Parnell wrote:
>>> Sorry to be a bother Juergen, but what exactly is the issue you had? I'm
>>> having
>>> a lot of trouble seeing what the problem was/is.
>> Derek, all this is almost nothing but a waste of time for me, so please
>> be so kind and stop this pointless discussion.
> Hey Jeurgen, now you're famous: <http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje>
> Tip: if you want this thread to die, stop replying to it!

Derek asked me a question, and it would have been very impolite to
ignore his post. I felt free not to be impolite. smile



Who is general fault, and why does he read my hard disk?

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25. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 03:13:43 +0100, Pete Lomax
<petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

>Hey Jeurgen, now you're famous: http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje

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26. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

Pete Lomax wrote:

> On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 03:13:43 +0100, Pete Lomax
> <petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hey Jeurgen, now you're famous: <a
>> href="http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje">http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje</a>

 From the page <http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Special:Recentchanges>:
(deleted "Juergen Luethje": suggested for deletion. btw the jokes were great)

Is this what you people need a Wiki for?
To secretly make chicken-hearted jokes about other people?
Social skills far below the freezing point ...

Without regards,

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27. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 14:18:23 -0700, Juergen Luethje
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>Is this what you people need a Wiki for?
>To secretly make chicken-hearted jokes about other people?
>Social skills far below the freezing point ...

No offence, but take a chill pill,

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28. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

> On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 14:18:23 -0700, Juergen Luethje
> <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:
>>Is this what you people need a Wiki for?
> Absolutely.
>> To secretly make chicken-hearted jokes about other people?
>> Social skills far below the freezing point ...
> Absolutely.
> No offence, but take a chill pill,
> Pete

Instead of repeatedly givung me "good tips", you better should learn
some basic social skills. No offense, just a good tip by me.


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29. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria


please delete this page: http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje

I'm pretty sure you want the Wiki to be or to become a serious resource,
and not a children's playground or a place for placing dumb personal
attacks against members of the Eu community.
Also note that nobody is entitled to play around with my name.


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30. Re: Wiki for and at Euphoria

posted by: Juergen Luethje <j.lue at gmx.de>

akusaya wrote:

>> Aku,
>> please delete this page: <http://euwiki.ayo.biz/Juergen_Luethje>
>> I'm pretty sure you want the Wiki to be or to become a serious resource,
>> and not a children's playground or a place for placing dumb personal
>> attacks against members of the Eu community.
>> Also note that nobody is entitled to play around with my name.
>> Regards,
>>    Juergen
> It's already deleted since 2 days ago...

And now you have created a new page ... <sigh>



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