1. critical error handler - Craig Gilbert,

Hi Craig Gilbert,

Thanks you for your contribution on the critical error handling.
i downloaded your routine from Eupho home page just before,
and found it works fairly well even in my computer.

anyway, i want to know if your routine is applicable also to the disk
access for "writing" operation(opening file in "w" mode, for example),
as well as "reading".
if applicable, could you make a short example program for it?

Bye! -- from Lee woo seob

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2. Re: critical error handler - Craig Gilbert,

At 06:11 PM 11/11/97 +0900, Lee woo seob wrote:
>Hi Craig Gilbert,
>Thanks you for your contribution on the critical error handling.
>i downloaded your routine from Eupho home page just before,
>and found it works fairly well even in my computer.

        You're welcome.

>anyway, i want to know if your routine is applicable also to the disk
>access for "writing" operation(opening file in "w" mode, for example),
>as well as "reading".
>if applicable, could you make a short example program for it?
>Bye! -- from Lee woo seob

        The routine at present just checks to see if the drive is ready in
general.  I assume you have in mind checking to see if the disk is
write-protected.  For that, add the following lines to the end of the file
drive.e ( test code follows):

sequence mTestFileName
procedure force_drive_write(integer letter)
-- attempt disk write on the given drive
atom f
integer curletter
   -- clumsy way of getting unique filename
   mTestFileName = {letter} & ":\\z"
   curletter = 'z'
   while 1 do
      f = open(mTestFileName,"r")
      if f = -1 then
         mTestFileName = mTestFileName & curletter
         if length(mTestFileName) > 8 then
            curletter = curletter - 1
            if curletter < 'a' then
               -- unlikely that you will go through 248 names w/out finding
               -- one that is unique, but just in case . . .
            end if
            mTestFileName = {letter} & ":\\" & curletter
         end if
      end if
   end while

   f = open(mTestFileName, "w")
   if f != -1 then
   end if

end procedure
global function ready_for_write(integer letter)
-- This function replaces the critical error handler with it's own,
-- attempts to access drive 'letter', then restores the previous
-- critical error handler.
-- Returns 1 if drive ready for write, 0 if not
-- Note that the drive failure may or may not be a write protect error;
-- call critical_error_code() for more info on the drive failure, if any
sequence new_hand, data_segment
atom handler_addr, status_ptr, errcode_ptr
integer drive_status

   drive_status = 0

   if not drive_exist(letter) then
      return drive_status
   end if

   letter = upper(letter)

   data_segment = int_to_bytes( get_seg(1) )

   -- create error code location, preloaded w/ #ff (code not used by DOS)
   errcode_ptr = mem_locked(2)   -- high byte is ignored but needs space
   poke(errcode_ptr, #FF)

   -- create error flag location, preloaded w/ 1 for no error
   status_ptr = mem_locked(1)

   -- construct new handler
   new_hand = {
                  -- save stuff
                  #1E,  -- push ds
                  #53,  -- push ebx
                  -- load data segment
                  #BB} & data_segment & -- mov ebx, data segment value
                { #53,  -- push ebx
                  #1F} &  -- pop ds

                  -- do your thing
                { #FE, #0D } & int_to_bytes(status_ptr) &  -- dec mem
                { #89, #3D } & int_to_bytes(errcode_ptr) & -- mov mem, di

                  -- acknowledge interrupt w/ ignore (zero in al)
                { #32, #C0 } & -- xor eal,eal

                  -- restore stuff
                { #5B,  -- pop ebx
                  #1F,  -- pop ds

                  #CF}  -- iretd

   -- set up new handler
   handler_addr = install_handler(new_hand, #24)

   -- access the drive

   -- check error status
   drive_status =  peek(status_ptr)
   if drive_status = 1 then
      system("del " & mTestFileName,2) -- clean up
      drive_status = 0
   end if

   -- get err code
   mCRITICAL_CODE = peek(errcode_ptr)

   -- reassign INT 24h to previous critical error handler

   return drive_status
end function

        One way to test the above is like this:

if ready_for_write('a') then
   puts(1,"Drive A is OK.\n")
   if critical_error_code() = 00 then
      puts(1,"Drive A is write protected.\n")
      printf(1,"Error code is %x\n",{critical_error_code()})
   end if
end if

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