1. Background music...

Hi all!

Does any one know how to use background music (MID,IMS file) in a program?
I know WAV playing routine made by Jacques, with which i can play sound,
but, i want to play background "music" more than sound effect.
Is there any util. to convert MID or IMS to WAV?


from Lee woo seob.

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2. Re: Background music...

>  Hi all!
> Does any one know how to use background music (MID,IMS file) in a program?
> I know WAV playing routine made by Jacques, with which i can play sound,
> but, i want to play background "music" more than sound effect.
> Is there any util. to convert MID or IMS to WAV?

        Yeah, there are some programs that play midi and save wav, but it
dumb. ONE floppy disk can mostly hold about 25 seconds of ugly
low-quality compressed sound effect.
        The difference between the formats is that wave save is table with
frequencys and volumes, that your card produces sound with. For the
ODL telephone quality there should be about 11.000 sound frames per
second in such a table. So 11.000 * frequency byte + 11.000 * volume
byte. And this is just 8 bit mono, old-telephone quality.
        Midi is totally different, it is designed to be cpu-friendly, that
means it will not slow your program down a lot, instead you can a
special processor in the sound card, to generate a piece of
wave-table and play it. That piece of wave-table is of a give volume,
frequency and length. Because an other processor is doing the job,
the normal cpu can do other things. You can hardly simulate a real
voice with midi, cause the volumes and frequencies changes to many
time within the second. You can play a sort of piano with it, using
different frequencies, volumes and lengths for each tone. With this
you can have a nice background song. A .MID file contain a piano
chord data, which tone, which length, which volume
        I don't advise you to even try to use wav file for background music
unless you want to give your program on a CD_ROM and it is the only
program on it.  You problely don't even have the hard drive for it,
(to make it, takes too much HD-SPACE also)
        Midi can be programmed in Euphoria, i got the specs, i just am too
confused about ports, pokes, machine code. If someone wants them to
try to code such routines, i got a LOT of specs and tutorials and
        Midi can be used for background music, however it's
musically not very interesting. There is also a way to have music
with real life sounds, which sound much better, call module-music.
The file-extension most used is .MOD but also .S3M and .XM are
popular. These files contain both actually. They contain a piano
chord, and wave files. The program then mixes the wave files on the
frequency and with the volume as in the piano chord in a few
channels. (Each channel produces a wave-table, all the channels are
then mixed together to the soundcard) So instead of an ugly tone, you
now have sounds that are played on different tones, with different
volumes. There are also a few sound effects like volume sliding and
tone sliding. These files are bigger than midi-files, but just a bit,
and there quality is GREAT.
        Maybe Jacques Deschenes can code a module-player? It seems that he
knows a lot about the sound card...

I hope this helps...

Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
nieuwen at xs4all.nl

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3. Re: Background music...

>Subject: Background music...
> Hi all!
>Does any one know how to use background music (MID,IMS file) in a
>I know WAV playing routine made by Jacques, with which i can play sound,
>but, i want to play background "music" more than sound effect.
>Is there any util. to convert MID or IMS to WAV?
>from Lee woo seob.
A midi file can be recorded as a wave file on most sixteen bit sound
cards.  I also have a developer's kit for the sound blaster 16 that
contains routines for playing midi (actually a tone generator).  All the
code is in basic, c, and pascal.  If I can find it I also have a kit for
the sound blaster awe32 to access the better midi it plays.  Let me know
if you want it and I'll try to get it to you.  Same goes for you,

Philip Lettkeman
phil.man at juno.com
Beginner Extraordinare

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4. Re: Background music...

> >Subject: Background music...

I have posted a file sbf4.zip on my Euphoria ftp directory. It has all sorts of
Soundblaster & MIDI stuff, for anyone who is able to convert the C code into



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5. Re: Background music...

At 09:54 97-06-26 +0000, Ralf wrote:
>        Maybe Jacques Deschenes can code a module-player? It seems that he
>knows a lot about the sound card...

  Forget it about MOD player it would have to be done mostly in assembler
because the
interrupt can't call an euphoria procedure, contrary to C where assembler
code can call C procedures, so most of the work can be done in C.  With
euphoria most of the code would have to be done in assembler with no
debugger tools!! Not for me.

  But I'm presently studiing the mid file format and I will probably write a
mid player, because it's a much simpler task.  The assembler coding will be

  Hope to see euphoria for windows soon.  Then we will be able call
functions in the
DLL (except gui ones as it will be console version).  And that means all
sound api will be accessible (provide we know the interface of those
functions). I searched the
net for windows 95 api definitions but didn't find it.  If someone knows
where to find it please let me know.


Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at quebectel.com

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6. Re: Background music...

>  Hope to see euphoria for windows soon.  Then we will be able call
>functions in the
>DLL (except gui ones as it will be console version).  And that means all
>sound api will be accessible (provide we know the interface of those
>functions). I searched the
>net for windows 95 api definitions but didn't find it.  If someone knows
>where to find it please let me know.

 Visual Basic 3,4 and 5 for windows comes with an excellent API list, but I
don't know if API and DLL support in a future Win32 Euphoria would be like
it is in VB. For playing
a wav file in VB for example, just:
Const SYNC = 1
handler = sndPlaySound(ByVal CStr("filename.wav"), SYNC)
and in the declaration section:
Declare Function waveOutGetNumDevs Lib "winmm" () As Long
Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal
lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
It would be great if this future Win32 Euphoria support DLL calls like VB

Ricardo Niederberger Cabral
rnc at infolink.com.br

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