1. guess the animal - editor

previously I posted a persistent database version
of guess the animal  (available on euphoria web site)
the following is a database editor for the database used
by that program.
Overall the database isn't extendable into other applications,
but you might find the mechanism used to link nodes of interest.

                       -- DATA EDITOR FOR       --
                       -- GUESS THE ANIMAL      --
                       -- (C) Doug Edmunds      --
                       -- VERS 1.20 8/9/97      --
include get.e
include wildcard.e
--    NODE_TYPE = 1,
         ANIMAL = 2,
    QUESTION    = 2,
    WHEN_TRUE   = 3,
    WHEN_FALSE  = 4,
    EDIT_VALUE  = 5,
    ADD_ANIMAL  = 6,
    UP          = 1,
    QUIT        = 0
    TRUE = 1,
    FALSE = 0

    KEYBOARD = 0,
    SCREEN = 1

    DB_NAME = "animal.dat",
    BACK_NAME = "animal.dbk"

--ideally, there would be no global variables (horrid bugs usually result)
object database, pl, prev_answer
integer db, data_changed
data_changed = FALSE

function Yes()  -- returns TRUE if the answer is yes
    object answer

    answer = '?'
    while answer = '?' do
        answer = upper(gets(KEYBOARD))
        if length(answer) > 1 then
            if answer[1] = 'Y' then
                answer = TRUE
            elsif answer[1] = 'N' then
                answer = FALSE
                answer = '?'
            end if
            answer = '?'
        end if
        if answer = '?' then
            puts(SCREEN, "\nPlease answer Y or N: ")
        end if
    end while
    return answer
end function

function MoveAround(sequence chain)
    object answer
    if length(chain) > 0 and database[pl][1] = DESCRIPTION then
       puts(SCREEN, "\n\tSelect:  Edit Yes No Up Review Quit: ")
    elsif length(chain) = 0 and database[pl][1] = DESCRIPTION then
       puts(SCREEN, "\n\tSelect:  Edit Yes No Review Quit: ")
       puts(SCREEN, "\n\tSelect:  Edit Add Up Review Quit: ")
    end if
    answer = '?'
    while answer = '?' do
        answer = upper(gets(KEYBOARD))
        if length(answer) > 1 then
            if answer[1] = 'Y' then
                answer = WHEN_TRUE
            elsif answer[1] = 'N' then
                answer = WHEN_FALSE
            elsif answer[1] = 'U' then
                answer = UP
            elsif answer[1] = 'Q' then
                answer = QUIT
            elsif answer[1] = 'E' then
                answer = EDIT_VALUE
            elsif answer[1] = 'A' then
                answer = ADD_ANIMAL
            elsif answer[1] = 'R' then
                answer = REVIEW_CHAIN
                answer = '?'
            end if
            answer = '?'
        end if
        if answer = '?' then
         if length(chain) > 0 and database[pl][1] = DESCRIPTION then
           puts(SCREEN, "\n\tSelect:  Edit Yes No Up Review Quit: ")
         elsif length(chain) = 0 and database[pl][1] = DESCRIPTION then
           puts(SCREEN, "\n\tSelect:  Edit Yes No Review Quit: ")
           puts(SCREEN, "\n\tSelect:  Edit Add Up Review Quit: ")
         end if

        end if
    end while
    return answer
end function

function Change_Value(sequence old_value)
  sequence new_value
  printf(SCREEN, "\n\n\t-----EDIT MODE-----\n\tLeave blank to
  printf(SCREEN, "\n\tOld Value: %s", {old_value})
  printf(SCREEN, "\n\tNew Value: ", {old_value})
  new_value = gets(KEYBOARD)
  if length(new_value) > 1 then
     printf(SCREEN, "\n\tSave these changes (to memory)? ", {old_value})
     if Yes() then
        data_changed = TRUE
        new_value = new_value[1..length(new_value)-1]    -- remove return key
        if new_value[length(new_value)] = '?' then
           new_value = new_value[1..length(new_value)-1] --remove ques.mark
        end if
        return new_value
        return old_value
     end if
     return old_value
  end if
end function

function Add_Animal (object database_entry, sequence chain)
   object new_animal, new_question, new_record
   puts(SCREEN, "\n\tName of new animal: ")
   new_animal = gets(KEYBOARD)
   if length(new_animal) > 1 then
        new_animal = new_animal[1..length(new_animal)-1]
        database = append(database, {ANIMAL, new_animal})
        new_record = length(database)
      return database_entry
   end if
   while TRUE do
     printf(SCREEN, "\n%s%s%s%s\n",
     {"Type a question to distinguish ",
     database[pl][QUESTION], " from ", new_animal})
     new_question = gets(KEYBOARD)
     if length(new_question) >1 then
       new_question = new_question[1..length(new_question)-1]
       if new_question[length(new_question)] = '?' then
         new_question = new_question[1..length(new_question)-1]
       end if
     end if
   end while
   printf(SCREEN, "\nFor %s the answer would be: ", {new_animal})
   if Yes() then
     database = append(database, {DESCRIPTION, new_question, new_record, pl})
     database = append(database, {DESCRIPTION, new_question, pl, new_record})
   end if
   database[chain[length(chain)]][prev_answer] = length(database)
   data_changed = TRUE
   return database_entry
end function

procedure Review_Chain (sequence chain)
-- review the links that got to this point
  if length(chain) = 0 then
      puts(1,"\n\t--top of chain--")
    for x = 1 to length(chain)-1 do
      if database[chain[x]][WHEN_TRUE] = chain[x+1] then
         puts(1, "\t-- YES")
         puts(1, "\t-- NO")
      end if
    end for
    if database[chain[length(chain)]][WHEN_TRUE] = pl then
      puts(1, "\t-- YES")
      puts(1, "\t-- NO")
    end if
  end if
end procedure

global procedure Main_Loop()
-- updates database of animal information

    object answer
    integer direction
    sequence chain  --history of traversal
    direction = 1
    pl = 1          --db record now visiting
    chain ={}
    printf(SCREEN, "%s\n",
          {"\nHit <cr> when you are ready, q to quit"})
    answer = gets(KEYBOARD)
    if length(answer) > 1 then
       if upper(answer[1]) = 'Q' then
       end if
    end if

    while direction != QUIT do

        printf(SCREEN, "\n\n\tBranch:  %s",
        if database[pl][1] = DESCRIPTION then
          printf(SCREEN, "\n\t   Yes:  %s \n\t    No:  %s",
        end if
        direction = MoveAround(chain)
        if direction = WHEN_TRUE and database[pl][1] = DESCRIPTION then
           chain = append (chain, pl)
           pl = database[pl][WHEN_TRUE]
           prev_answer = WHEN_TRUE
        elsif direction = WHEN_FALSE and database[pl][1] = DESCRIPTION then
           chain = append (chain,pl)
           pl = database[pl][WHEN_FALSE]
           prev_answer = WHEN_FALSE
        elsif direction = UP and length(chain) > 0 then
           pl = chain[length(chain)]
           chain = chain[1..length(chain)-1]
        elsif direction = EDIT_VALUE then
           database[pl][2] = Change_Value(database[pl][2])
        elsif direction = ADD_ANIMAL then
           database[pl] = Add_Animal(database[pl], chain)
        elsif direction = REVIEW_CHAIN then
        end if
    end while
end procedure

procedure Open_File()
   -- open database file on disk
sequence new_database
      --the next line starts a database if one is not found
      new_database = {{1,"Change to a Yes-No question",2,3},
                      {2,"Put the Yes answer here"},
                      {2,"Put the No answer here"}}

      db = open(DB_NAME, "r")
      if db = -1 then
        puts(1, "\nError opening data file\nIf first use, just continue")
        puts(1, "\nContinue? ")
        if Yes() then
          database = new_database
          db = open (DB_NAME,"w")
          print (db, database)
          close (db)
          db = open(DB_NAME,"r")
        end if
      end if

      database = get (db)
      if database[1] != 0 then
        puts(1, "\nError accessing data\n")
        database = database[2]
      end if
end procedure

procedure Save_and_Close_File()
-- save the data to file for next run
if data_changed then
printf(SCREEN, "%s", {"\n\tMake changes permanent? (Save to disk) "})
if Yes() then
  system("copy " & DB_NAME & " " & BACK_NAME & " > NUL", 2)
  db = open(DB_NAME, "w")
  if db = -1 then
    system("copy " & BACK_NAME & " " & DB_NAME & " > NUL", 2)
    puts (1,"\nCan't save database - recover from backup file")
  end if
  print (db, database)
end if
close (db)
end if
end procedure

---main program starts here
printf(SCREEN, "%s\n",
  {"\nEditor for Animaldb.ex Database\nPress first letter of selection"})
Main_Loop()  -- loop

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