1. codes

It seem that lately my messages Are not going to the list even if reported as
so by the list server.  My provider as change is domain name this is
creating some confusion.

  So resend this message posted saturday evening.

>answer to Wallace,
>It's true that at the beginning ASCII was a 7 bits code and it's why most
unix system are still communicating in 7 bits.
>ANSI stand for American Natonial Standard Institute and like IEEE it's
purpose is to
>define standard for the industrie.  The so called ANSI character table has been
>defined by this institute based the original ASCII table and extended to 8
bits which is sometimes called extended ASCII.
>There is some confusion about ANSI (institute), ANSI (character table which
is only
>one standard define by this institute) and  ANSI driver.
>  the ANSI character table not only define a character table it also define
control sequences  which begin by ESC ]  {27, 93}
>  The ANSI driver that comes with DOS is a substitute for CON which is the
standard console driver used by DOS.  This ANSI driver only implement a
subset of the
>ANSI control sequences.
> Either original ASCII or extended ASCII (ANSI standard) define 7 as BELL.
>The fact that Euphoria doesn't sound beep when character 7 is put on screen
only mean
>that euphoria doesn't use DOS to put on screen (or maybe Causeway does it
itself).  for the character ROM on the video card all codes (0 to 255) are
displayable so if
>puts() send character to video memory instead of using DOS call you get
those funny
>You can still sound a beep by using dos_interrupt call.
>procedure dos_beep()
>sequence r
>  r = repeat(0,10)
>  r[REG_AX] = #200  -- output character to console AH = 2
>  r[REG_DX] = 7     -- character to output DL = 7 -> beep
>  r = dos_interrupt(#21,r) -- #21 is dos multiplex function call.
>end procedure
>or try this from debug
> mov ah, 2 ; write character to console
> mov dl, 7 ; character 7 BELL
> int 21    ; dos function call
> int 3     ; debug end execution
>for more  information about ANSI standards consult http://www.ansi.org

Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at globetrotter.qc.ca

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2. codes

To Jacques:

>  It seem that lately my messages Are not going to the list even
>if reported as so by the list server.  My provider as change is
>domain name this is creating some confusion.

>  So resend this message posted saturday evening.

This message was on the listserver, and I think I remember seeing other
messages too by you, lately. So there seems to be no reason for panic, on=
thing I've seen was the name change of your provider. Maybe the same has
happened to you as I experienced the other day: I got my mail back with a=

messages saying that the receiver was unknown. But the mail was there and=

so was the report from the listserver. I don't know were this problem


Ad Rienks
email Ad_Rienks at compuserve.com
writing at 18:38 , =

on maandag 11 augustus 1997
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