Here is an update to BUZZ... This version has a much improved text wrap
(Looks better) and uses a disk file to get its information. Just edit
BUZZ.DAT to change it. (And I already had updated ANIMAL.EX, but I used
commands, s, and l to do the updating in case I make a mistake entering
something... Like I do a lot! :)


Begin cut - BUZZ.EX

include get.e

sequence paragraph, leadins, subjects, adjs, verbs
integer column, fn

fn = open("buzz.dat", "r")
if fn = -1 then
    puts(1, "\nCannot open BUZZ.DAT!")
    leadins = get(fn)
    subjects = get(fn)
    adjs = get(fn)
    verbs = get(fn)

    if leadins[1] != GET_SUCCESS or subjects[1] != GET_SUCCESS or
        adjs[1] != GET_SUCCESS or verbs[1] != GET_SUCCESS then
        puts(1, "\nBUZZ.DAT corrupt. Please fix or replace.")
        leadins = leadins[2]
        subjects = subjects[2]
        adjs = adjs[2]
        verbs = verbs[2]
        paragraph = ""
        for i = 1 to 8 do
            paragraph = paragraph &
                        leadins [rand(length(leadins))]  & " " &
                        subjects[rand(length(subjects))] & " " &
                        adjs    [rand(length(adjs))]     & " " &
                        verbs   [rand(length(verbs))]    & " " &
                        subjects[rand(length(subjects))] & ". "
        end for
        puts(1, "\n\t\tComputer Industry Forecast\n")
        puts(1, "\t\t--------------------------\n\n")
        column = 1
        for i = 1 to length(paragraph) do
            puts(1, paragraph[i])
            column = column + 1
            if column > 65 and (paragraph[i] = ' ' or paragraph[i] = '-')
                puts(1, '\n')
                column = 1
            end if
        end for
    end if
end if
puts(1, "\n\n")

End cut - BUZZ.EX

Begin cut - BUZZ.DAT

"In the final analysis,",
"For all intents and purposes",
"We may definitely conclude that",
"Leading industry analysts agree that",
"Without a doubt",
"According to the National Enquirer,",
"It is rumoured that",
"It has been reported that",
"It has been discovered that",
"Of course,"}

{"DVD disks",
"DVD technology",
"Windows NT",
"public domain software",
"Bill Clinton",
"MS Word",
"MS Visual Basic",
"Microsoft Visual C++",
"Borland C++",
"multimedia PCs",
"local bus video",
"PCI video",
"fax modems",
"Bill Gates",
"the Pentium processor",
"Cyrix 6x86 technology",
"MMX technology",
"laptop computers",
"the Information Super Highway",
"the Internet",
"56k modems",
"Windows 95",
"Bulletin Board Systems",
"Creative Labs",
"Sound Blaster",
"US Robotics",
"Gateway 2000",
"the Pentium II",
"the Alpha chip",
"Western Digital",
"the Pentium Pro",
"Iomega's Zip Drive",
"Windows 3.1",
"Rapid Deployment Software",

"could possibly"}

{"no longer support",
"nibble away at the installed base of",
"be the downfall of",
"lead the way to",
"make a mockery of",
"not be compatible with",
"be a great embarassment to",
"bring glory to",
"defeat the purpose of",
"now support"}

-End cut

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