1. New Looking for Info
- Posted by David Roach <roachd_76 at YAHOO.COM> Nov 28, 1999
Hello All! I am in desperate need of some useful info on this Euphoria stuff. I have been learning programming for the last month or two. Mostly in QBasic. Uck! Any way. I have the win32lib and a visual editor. About all I can do is open a "Simple Window". IS there anywhere I can go to find out how to do simple stuff. Change window color, print words in window, put graphics in window. Stuff like that but just realy simple to start. No user input required. Any help would be great thanks all. lol
2. Re: New Looking for Info
- Posted by Brian Jackson <bjackson at 2FARGON.HYPERMART.NET> Nov 28, 1999
On Sun, 28 Nov 1999 11:54:24 -0500, David Roach <roachd_76 at YAHOO.COM> wrote: >Hello All! I am in desperate need of some useful info on this Euphoria >stuff. I have been learning programming for the last month or two. Mostly in >QBasic. Uck! Any way. I have the win32lib and a visual editor. About all I >can do is open a "Simple Window". IS there anywhere I can go to find out >how to do simple stuff. Change window color, print words in window, put >graphics in window. Stuff like that but just realy simple to start. No user >input required. Any help would be great thanks all. lol Ad and Wolfgang wrote a great tutorial for Win32Lib. You can download it from http://www.king.igs.net/~wolfritz/tutor.htm You will need win32lib.ew version 0.40a, which you can also download from their site. Also, there is a TON of information in win32Lib.doc, if you're patient enough to search for it... Good Luck and enjoy! Brian Jackson
3. Re: New Looking for Info
- Posted by Irv Mullins <irv at ELLIJAY.COM> Nov 28, 1999
----- Original Message ----- From: David Roach <roachd_76 at YAHOO.COM> To: <EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU> Sent: Sunday, November 28, 1999 11:54 AM Subject: New Looking for Info > Hello All! I am in desperate need of some useful info on this Euphoria > stuff. I have been learning programming for the last month or two. Mostly in > QBasic. Uck! Any way. I have the win32lib and a visual editor. About all I > can do is open a "Simple Window". IS there anywhere I can go to find out > how to do simple stuff. Change window color, print words in window, put > graphics in window. Stuff like that but just realy simple to start. No user > input required. Any help would be great thanks all. lol If you're using Dave's IDE, it's fairly simple: Drop a bitmap (the first button on the button bar, the one with the cactus...) onto your window, and size it to suit. It will be named Bitmap1. Then doubleclick on the window _outside_ the bitmap to open the code editor, and select onOpen from the right-hand pulldown menu. add the following line to the MainWindow_onOpen procedure: setBitmap(Bitmap1,"C:\\whatever\\something.bmp") -- change last part to suit. Close the code editor using the top right-hand [x], run the program and your bitmap will show up. Double click on the window, and select (General) from the right-hand pulldown. Add a global procedure like this one: global procedure Say(integer x1, integer y1, sequence msg) setPosition(Window1,x1,y1) wPuts(Window1,msg) end procedure Close the Editor. Double click again on the window, this time pull down onPaint. Add this code to be executed whenever the window is repainted: Say(10,10,"Hello") Say(100,100,"World!") Close the Editor to save your work, and run. To change colors: Add this line to the onClick response: setWindowBackColor(Window1,rand(#FFFFFF)) Now, every time you click on the window, the background color will change. HTH: Irv
4. Re: New Looking for Info
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> Nov 27, 1999
David Roach wrote: > IS there anywhere I can go to find out how to do simple > stuff. Change window color, print words in window, put > graphics in window. Stuff like that but just realy simple > to start. Go through the example programs (EX01.EXW through EX18.EXW) that are included with Win32Lib. Each demo program shows off an additional feature, and builds on the prior example. For example: EX01: create a simple window EX02: display "Hello, World!" in a window EX03: put a command button in a window EX04: attach an action to a command button etc. -- David Cuny