1. reverse() function, was:Re: Win32Lib Update

Ralf wrote:
>Why not start a thread ? blink
OK, if you insist blink

>function reverse_flat (sequence s)
>-- Reverses only the top level
>sequence result
>    result =3D {}
>    for index =3D 1 to length(s) do
>        result =3D prepend(result, s[index])
>    end for
>    return result
>end function

>-- The above is the most clean and fastest, as far as I can tell.
But I thought that appending an prepending is slower than first creating =
sequence and then filling it. Or isn't that true for small sequences? Som=
please benchmark above version against mine:

function reverse_flat2(sequence s)
integer len
sequence temp
    len =3D length(s)
    temp =3D repeat("", len)
    for n =3D 1 to len do
        temp[n] =3D s[len - n + 1]
    end for
    return temp
end function

TIA, Ad Rienks

>function reverse (object x)
>-- Reverses all levels in the sequence
>sequence result
>    if atom (x) then
>        return x
>    end if
>    result =3D {}
>    for index =3D 1 to lenght(s) do
>        result =3D prepend (result, reverse (s[index]))
>    end for
>return result
>end function

>-- This too is the fastest (and cleanest possible). I know I can avoid o=
>level of recursion, however Euphoria's
>for-statement-block-containing-only-one-statement-optimization will be
>missed. And for larger sequences (those who need the extra speed the mos=
>this will make a significant difference.

>However, the above is all speculative, until some one starts benchmarkin=


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2. Re: reverse() function, was:Re: Win32Lib Update

-- Here are your (Ralf & Hawke's) versions, plus a couple of other
-- ways off the top of my head, timed:

sequence before, after, start, fini

before = "Now is the time for all good men to come get drunk at the party."

function Reverse1 (sequence s) -- 7 seconds for 100,000 iterations
sequence r
 r = {}
 for i = 1 to length(s) do
    r = prepend(r,s[i])
 end for
return r
end function

function Reverse2(sequence data) -- 4 seconds for 100,000 its.
sequence result
integer len, from
   len    = length(data)
   from   = len --i really could reuse len....
   result = repeat(0,len) --BOOM, call alloc *once*
   for toindex = 1 to len do
        result[toindex] = data[from]
        from = from - 1 --and this takes 1 single tick...
   end for
   return result
end function

function Reverse3 (sequence s) -- 6 seconds for 100,000 its.
atom temp, left, right
left = 1
right = length(s)
while left < right do
  temp = s[left]
  s[left] = s[right]
  s[right] = temp
  left = left + 1
  right = right - 1
end while
return s
end function

function Reverse4 (sequence s) -- 5 seconds
atom x
sequence r
x = length(s)
r = repeat(0,x)
for i = 1 to x do
   r[i] = s[x-i+1]
end for
return r
end function

start = date()
for i = 1 to 100000 do
after = Reverse4(before) -- change the nuber to test other functions
end for
fini = date()
printf(1,"Start: %02d:%02d:%02d\n",{start[4],start[5],start[6]})
printf(1,"Fini:  %02d:%02d:%02d\n",{fini[4],fini[5],fini[6]})

-- I feel sure there is a faster way. Any takers?
-- Irv

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3. Re: reverse() function, was:Re: Win32Lib Update

Sorry: I didn't mean to leave Ad out of the list :)

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