1. Re: Project Programmer Wanter - PERMENUM v1.1 anyone?

CChris wrote:
> The following merges the final file size test with Fernando's code.
> On my WinXP pro machine, the drive size is not available (function not
> supported).
> I incluede a workaround.
> If you are running under actual DOS, this may work for you. Otherwise, oyou
> have to execute an .exw file using exwc.exe, and replace my code by Windows
> API code that fetches available space on drive. Are you stuck with DOS,
> really?

[snipped Eu code]

Firstly, thanks CChris for your implementation and comments!
Secondly, I want to note that I made a mistake in the specification of the limit
of the number of variations (permutations). Actually, the limit of index v in
function VariationRep is 2^53 (maximum contiguous integer in an atom). There are
many powers that are between 2^52 and 2^53 (ex.: 3^33, 21^12, 27^11, 28^11,
37^10, ...). However, in the program, because the argument "a-i" in call to
VariationRep, the actual limit would be (2^53)-1, but with the original test "if
a+1=a" the final limit is (2^53)-2. Actually, these limits will not be reached
because the current storage capacity, so they aren't used in CChris' code.

Following is a version based on CChris' code:

- I guess that a version of Ret's items a to e is implemented.
- A small optimization was made in saving the variations to the file.
- I didn't understand CChris' expression "log(length(s))*(n+1)", so I
substituted it for another one.
- I don't know if CTR-C test (check_break()) works appropriately in DOS. It
seems that in WinXP it doesn't (I can't stop after the beginning of the
generating process).

include get.e
include wildcard.e
include graphics.e
include misc.e
include machine.e
include file.e

atom mb_drive_space,buffer_lo -- # Mo available on drive, DOS buffer
atom file_size_log

constant one_meg=1048576

procedure terminate(integer i)
   puts(1,"\nPlease press any key to terminate the program.\n")
   if wait_key() then end if
end procedure

function VariationRep(atom v, integer n, sequence s)
integer ls
sequence p

   if v < 1 then return {} end if
   v -= 1
   p = repeat(0,n)
   ls = length(s)
   for i = n to 1 by -1 do
      p[i] = s[remainder(v,ls)+1]
      v = floor(v/ls)
   end for
   return p
end function

integer n,fn
atom a,t
sequence s,mode,fname,pos

function OpenFile(sequence fname, sequence mode)
sequence in
integer fn

   if mode[1]='w' then
      fn = open(fname,"r")
      if fn >= 0 then
         puts(1,"That file already exists.\n")
         while 1 do
            in = lower(prompt_string("Overwrite and replace the file [y/n]:"))
            if check_break() then terminate(1) end if
            if equal(in,"n") then return -1 end if
            if equal(in,"y") then exit end if
            puts(1,"Please enter either y or n.\n")
         end while
      end if
   end if
   fn = open(fname,mode)
   if fn < 0 then
      printf(1,"Could not open output file: %s\n",{fname})
puts(1,"Maybe that data storage device does not exist or your entry was
      not written in a proper file name format.\n")
   end if
return fn
end function

function find_drive_space()
    -- get drive for output file
    sequence regs
    atom buffer_hi,truename_ptr,bytes_per_cluster,num_clusters,result
    integer seg16,off16_lo,off16_hi,second_char,num_bksp

    seg16=floor((buffer_lo+256)/#FFFF) -- avoid segment wrap inside buffer
    regs[REG_DS]=seg16  -- src buffer address
    regs[REG_ES]=seg16  -- dst buffer address
    regs[REG_AX]=#6000  -- request true name
    if and_bits(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) then
        return -1
    end if
    -- extract drive name
    if second_char=':' then -- local drive
    elsif second_char!='\\' then -- unlikely
        return 0
    else -- UNC for network drive
         -- some versions need extra support
        while 1 do
            if second_char=0 then
                exit -- unlikely
            elsif second_char='\\' then
                if num_bksp then -- end of second component reached
                else -- end of machine name reached, now scan the drive name
                end if
            end if
        end while
    end if
    -- get cluster size for drive
    regs[REG_CX]=44 -- <128 so we can reuse original fname buffer
    if and_bits(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) or not and_bits(regs[REG_AX],#FF) then
        return 0 -- error, or unsupported call
    end if
    -- get available cluster count for drive
-- In rare cases, this may not be reliable, but reliable 
-- answers are only guaranteed for local drives using the alternate mechanism.
    mb_drive_space *= num_clusters
    num_clusters *= bytes_per_cluster
    return result+floor(num_clusters/one_meg)
end function

fn = 1
puts(1,"PERMENUM - Permutation Enumeration Generator v1.0\n\n")
puts(1,"Generating \"forward\" or \"forward and reverse paired\", right ordered
enumeration\n" &
"of every permutation of any number of positions and any length of
       items.\n\n" &
"Program may be halted at any given moment by pressing the CTR-C and then
       ENTER key.\n")

while 1 do
mode = lower(prompt_string("\nEnter whether to generate either a) \"forward\"
   or b) \"forward and reverse pairs\"\n" &
"of right ordered enumeration of every permutation
                              [e.g.: a]:\n"))
   if check_break() then terminate(1) end if
   if not equal(mode,"a") and not equal(mode,"b") then
      while 1 do
      mode = lower(prompt_string("Please enter either a or b:\n"))
      if check_break() then terminate(1) end if
      if equal(mode,"a") or equal(mode,"b") then exit end if
      end while
   end if
n = prompt_number("\nEnter the number of character places for the permutation
   [e.g.: 4]:\n",{})
   if check_break() then terminate(1) end if 
s = prompt_string("\nEnter the character items to be permutated in the
   desired forward order for\n" &
                     "the enumeration [e.g.: xyz]:\n")
   if check_break() then terminate(1) end if
   while 1 do
fname = prompt_string("\nEnter the file name for the enumeration output to
      be saved as [e.g.: 4toxyz.txt\n" &
                            "or c:\\4toxyz.txt]:\n")
      if check_break() then terminate(1) end if
      fn = OpenFile(fname,"w")
      if fn != -1 then exit end if
   end while
   -- start size testing
   -- a = power(length(s),n) + 1
   -- if a+1 = a then
--    puts(1,"Too many permutations to process. The limit for the total
   number of forward and reverse paired," &
--           "right ordered permutations to be enumerated is 2^52 [n=2,
   --    abort(1)
   -- end if
   if mb_drive_space=0 then
mb_drive_space=prompt_number("\nDo you know how megabytes of free space
       you have on that drive? If so, please enter that number, else 0.\n",{})
       if mb_drive_space=0 then
if compare(prompt_string("\nCould no determine available space on
           drive.\nDo you wish to proceed, AT THE RISK OF OVERRUNNING YOUR DRIVE? (NOT
           RECOMMENDED)\nIf so, type YES, any other answer exits program.\n")
                       ,"YES") then
               puts(1,"\nProgram halted by user.\n")
           end if
       end if
   end if
   -- changed check using logarithms, so as to avoid overflows in power()
   -- file_size_log=log(length(s))*(n+1)
   -- if equal(mode,"b") then
   --     file_size_log+=log(2)
   -- end if
   if equal(mode,"a") then
   -- for mode (a) file_size = power(length(s),n) * (n+2) 
      file_size_log = log(length(s))* n + log(n+2)
   -- for mode (b) file_size = power(length(s),n) * (2*n + 3)
      file_size_log = log(length(s))* n + log(2*n+3)
   end if
if log(one_meg)+log(mb_drive_space) > file_size_log then exit end if-- lhs is
   expected to be below 53*log(2)~36.736
puts(1,sprintf("Too many permutations to process, given the available space
   (%dMb) on selected drive.\n\n",mb_drive_space))
end while

a = power(length(s),n) + 1
t = floor((a-1)/100)
if t=0 then t=1 end if
pos = get_position()
if equal(mode,"a") then
   for i = 1 to a-1 do
      if remainder(i,t) = 0 then
         printf(1,"%d%% done.",100*i/(a-1))
         if check_break() then terminate(1) end if
      end if
      puts(fn,VariationRep(i,n,s)& '\n')
   end for
   for i = 1 to a-1 do
      if remainder(i,t) = 0 then
         printf(1,"%d %% done.",100*i/(a-1))
         if check_break() then terminate(1) end if
      end if
      puts(fn,VariationRep(i,n,s)& ' ')
      puts(fn,VariationRep(a-i,n,s)& '\n')
   end for
end if
puts(1,"100% done.\n")


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