1. Date conversions


Does anyone have a routine for converting dates in the
"Day of our lord Bill Gates" format, i.e. days counted
starting with 01/01/1980, into normal MM/DD/YYYY format?

Record  Actual date  BG day     bytes as stored
 1      01/01/1980        1     25 72 0 0 {37,114,0,0}
 2      01/02/1980        2     26 72 0 0 {38,114,0,0}
 3      02/01/1980       32     44 72 0 0 {68,114,0,0}
 4      01/01/1981      367     93 73 0 0 {147,115,0,0}
 5      12/31/1981      731     FF 74 0 0 {255,116,0,0}
 6      05/01/1999     7061     B9 8D 0 0 {185,141,0,0}
 7      05/02/1999     7062     BA 8D 0 0 {186,141,0,0}
 8      05/03/1999     7063     BB 8D 0 0 {187,141,0,0}
 9      06/01/1999     7092     D8 8D 0 0 {216,141,0,0}
10      12/31/1999     7305     AD 8E 0 0 {173,142,0,0}
11      01/01/2000     7306     AE 8E 0 0 {174,142,0,0}

These are snipped from some VBasic data files, with the
"Actual dates" typed in by me. I'll be getting new files
every day, which I must turn into reports.
It would be really nice to be able to read the dates!

Thanks, (please reply before 7092 ADBG)

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2. Re: Date conversions

From: Irv
>Does anyone have a routine for converting dates in the
>"Day of our lord Bill Gates" format, i.e. days counted
>starting with 01/01/1980, into normal MM/DD/YYYY format?

     I tried it and came up with the following, which seems to work okay (at
least on the test set).  But if you're going to be dealing with years beyond
2080 you'd need to expand the table.  And if you're going to be dealing with
'negative' years before 1980, you'd probably have to redo the whole thing...

--- BGDates ---

--year lookup table
sequence ey, em
integer x
ey = {}
x = 0

for y = 1980 to 2080 do
   if not remainder( y, 4 ) then
      if not remainder( y, 100 ) then
         if not remainder( y, 400 ) then
            --leap century
            x = x + 366
            x = x + 365
         end if
         --leap year
         x = x + 366
      end if
      x = x + 365
   end if
   ey = ey & x
end for

--month lookup table
em = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}

global function BG_to_mmddyyyy( atom BGDay )
   integer year, month, day, x
   --atom BGDay

   year = 1980
   month = 1
   day = 1

   x = 1
   while BGDay > ey[x] do
      x = x + 1
   end while
   x = x - 1

   if x then
      year = year + x
      BGDay = BGDay - ey[x]
   end if

   em[2] = 28
   if not remainder( year, 4 ) then
      if not remainder( year, 100 ) then
         if not remainder( year, 400 ) then
            --leap year
            em[2] = 29
         end if
         --leap year
         em[2] = 29
      end if
   end if

   for c = 1 to 12 do
      if BGDay > em[c] then
         BGDay = BGDay - em[c]
         month = month + 1
      end if
   end for

   day = BGDay

   return( {month, day, year} )
end function

--===== TEST CODE =====--

sequence testdates
testdates =
{ 1,

for c = 1 to length( testdates ) do
   printf( 1, "%02d/%02d/%4d\n", BG_to_mmddyyyy( testdates[c] ) )
end for

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3. Re: Date conversions

> 1      01/01/1980        1     25 72 0 0 {37,114,0,0}
>11      01/01/2000     7306     AE 8E 0 0 {174,142,0,0}

   Oh, just noticed the part about the way the bytes are stored.  Conversion
to atoms appears to be a straightforward (b2 * #100 + b1 - 29220).  Don't
know why that is, but I guess it could go back a few years (however many are
in 29220 days) before 1980, since 01/01/1980 is stored as 29221.

revised test code:
--===== TEST CODE =====--

sequence testdates
testdates =
{ 1,

sequence testbytes
testbytes =

{ {#25, #72},
  {#26, #72},
  {#44, #72},
  {#93, #73},
  {#FF, #74},
  {#B9, #8D},
  {#BA, #8D},
  {#BB, #8D},
  {#D8, #8D},
  {#AD, #8E},
  {#AE, #8E}

for c = 1 to length( testdates ) do
   printf( 1, "%02d/%02d/%4d\n", BG_to_mmddyyyy( testdates[c] ) )
end for

atom blah
for c = 1 to length( testbytes ) do
   position( c, 15 )
   blah = testbytes[c][2] * #100 + testbytes[c][1] - 29220
   printf( 1, "%02d/%02d/%4d\n", BG_to_mmddyyyy( blah ) )
end for

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4. Re: Date conversions

On Wed, 26 May 1999, Scott Murray wrote:

>    Oh, just noticed the part about the way the bytes are stored.  Conversion
> to atoms appears to be a straightforward (b2 * #100 + b1 - 29220).  Don't
> know why that is, but I guess it could go back a few years (however many are
> in 29220 days) before 1980, since 01/01/1980 is stored as 29221.

Thanks for your help! (Yes, I forgot to mention that the Euphoria function
bytes_to_int() seems to work for the conversion, and then subtracting the
29220 gets you to square 1)


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5. Re: Date conversions

29220 days before 1980 is 1900, or in the computers reckoning, 00

Scott Murray wrote:

> > 1      01/01/1980        1     25 72 0 0 {37,114,0,0}
> >11      01/01/2000     7306     AE 8E 0 0 {174,142,0,0}
>    Oh, just noticed the part about the way the bytes are stored.  Conversion
> to atoms appears to be a straightforward (b2 * #100  b1 - 29220).  Don't
> know why that is, but I guess it could go back a few years (however many are
> in 29220 days) before 1980, since 01/01/1980 is stored as 29221.

[snip code]

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6. Re: Date conversions

Greg Phillips wrote:

>29220 days before 1980 is 1900, or in the computers reckoning, 00

Actually, if you want to be *really* picky (though I hope not *too* picky...
:) ), 29220 days before 1/1/1980 is really 12/31/1899. Why VB counts its
date values from 12/31/1899 = 1 is anyone's guess, though it could be that
VB thinks 1900 was a leap year (it wasn't).

Be seeing you,
   Gabriel Boehme

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