1. Resizing a image
- Posted by Thomas Parslow <patrat at GEOCITIES.COM> Nov 19, 1998
Hello, Does any1 know of a good way to resize an image? I am using a very large image which I want to fill the screen at the beginning, then the user would be able to zoom in on specific bits.
2. Re: Resizing a image
- Posted by Moggie <moggie at INTERLOG.COM> Nov 19, 1998
On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, Thomas Parslow wrote: > Hello, > Does any1 know of a good way to resize an image? > I am using a very large image which I want to fill the screen at the > beginning, then the user would be able to zoom in on specific bits. > Probably the best way to do it is found in most of the older paint programs like Neopaint. What they do is scale up a segment bordered by the mouse pointer by multiplying a factor. For example, if you want to zoom in on a segment in your picture by a factor of 4, a red pixel in that segment would end up filling 4 pixel positions in your zoomed up view. The problem with this approach is that the area being magnified would appear coarse around the edges. David Gay http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/4346 A Beginner's Guide To Euphoria
3. Re: Resizing a image
- Posted by Hawke <mdeland at NWINFO.NET> Nov 19, 1998
Thomas Parslow wrote: > > Hello, > Does any1 know of a good way to resize an image? > I am using a very large image which I want to fill the screen at the > beginning, then the user would be able to zoom in on specific bits. try jiri's scale.e i've used it/tinkered with it, and it works rather fast, with very little image degredation... there is also some libraries/utilities (2 or 3 i think) that 'zoom under mouse' in the archive as well... scale.e should handily solve your problem of an image being too large or small for the screen... the problem of selecting a part of the image and zooming in on it can be a little trickier... what you can do is save the highlighted section of the screen (the area the user wishes zoomed) to an 'image' in memory... by image i mean a 2d sequence of sequences... you could then throw that picture segment/selection image to the scale routine and let scale zoom that for you and then simply display that new zoomed image on the screen... hope this helps--Hawke'
4. Re: Resizing a image
- Posted by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> Nov 19, 1998
- Last edited Nov 20, 1998
------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BE13FC.26BD9E80 charset="iso-8859-1" >Hello, >Does any1 know of a good way to resize an image? >I am using a very large image which I want to fill the screen at the >beginning, then the user would be able to zoom in on specific bits. Well, there are two options, you either: 1) try to use the machine code in texture demo by Pete, but it is not stable, a CW-error every now and then is likely. 2) Use the more euphoric way, and use Jiri's fast 100% euphoria routines, and since the file is *so* small, ive attached it. Hope this helps you.. Ralf ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BE13FC.26BD9E80 name="Scale.e" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
5. Re: Resizing a image
- Posted by Hawke <mdeland at NWINFO.NET> Nov 19, 1998
Thomas Parslow wrote: > Hello, > Does any1 know of a good way to resize an image? > I am using a very large image which I want to fill the screen at the > beginning, then the user would be able to zoom in on specific bits. *last second addendum to my last post* i fergot to mention something, a pitfall that i often forget... (as most have noticed by now, my memory is burnt... a result of reading a C program once out of curiousity :) when (if?) you use scale.e to make the image fit onto the screen... try to remember to keep the actual image at its full size and splendor in memory... it would be better, as opposed to my prior post, to keep the original image in a virtual screen if possible, and zoom in from *that* (after converting to whatever format scale.e wants)... this will contradict the (easier) method in my prior post, and creates a problem, but solves one too... the problem solved is repetitive image degredation as you are always starting with the most detailed picture possible... the problem created is that once you take the original image, scale it, and place it onto the screen, and then allow the user to select a segment of the image they want zoomed, your offsets will be all wrong... the solution to that problem (one i can think of at least) would be: in the beginning, load your picture to a virtual screen, create a temp copy in the format scale.e wants, and scale the temp copy to a specific divisor that will allow the image to fit onto the screen, but not necessarily use the entire screen... hang onto that divisor... when the user selects a portion/segment they want zoomed, multiply the aforementioned divisor to the coordinates of the selection, and use those new multiplied coordinates to select from the main virtual picture screen. copy this new 'offset' area of the main picture to a holding place, convert to the scale.e format, and size that to fit the screen (or what ever zoom factor they want to be applied to *their* segment) this is a little cumbersome, but ensures a relatively high zoom image quality... --Hawke'
6. Re: Resizing a image
- Posted by Thomas Parslow <patrat at GEOCITIES.COM> Nov 20, 1998
Thanks --PatRat (Thomas Parslow) -- ()___() -- (o o) -- =\O/= -- Rat Software -- http://free.prohosting.com/~rats/ratsoft/