1. Euphoria design

I just wanna express my thought about something.

  I like Euphoria. I like C and C++ (hey, it's the most flexible and
  advanced language I've ever used, well...). I like Pascal, since
  it's the first (programming) language I've ever known.

  I like Euphoria because it is flexible. It also simplifies some
  programming tasks (well, quite a lot at times). But, the bad thing
  shows when it comes to writing code. I think Euphoria's is too
  "descriptive", more like Pascal but even more (hey, "end procedure"?
  "end if"?) Well, even sort of Basic.

  Well, getting code to read is okay. But I think those cryptic
  (C,C++,Java?!) codes are okay. I mean, I really love to write this:
  instead of this: (Pascal)

  And I don't really like the use of
  some symbols which aren't really "standard" (okay I know they're
  language dependent).

  Okay.....okay....... It's a "very" high level programming language
  anyway. But...

  And will (it be possible for) Euphoria (to) have platform-dependent
  compiled code?

  And one more question, since I am total newbie, does (or will?) Eu support
  inline assembler statements?

Please don't forget replying,
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