1. Fat Bit

Can someone help me make a FatBit editor I don't know how to go about doing


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2. Re: Fat Bit

Albert Brauneis wrote:

>Can someone help me make a FatBit editor I don't
>know how to go about doing this.

I'll try to put something together for you if I get a chance. It's not that
hard. Take a look at any of my example games (Ex17, Ex18, Ex19, Mines) to
see how hit testing is performed. If replace the game tiles with fatbit
tiles, the code's 90% written.

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Fat Bit

>Can someone help me make a FatBit editor I don't know how to go about doing

What is a FatBit?

    Daniel   Berstein
    daber at pair.com

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4. Re: Fat Bit

Albert Brauneis wrote:

>Can someone help me make a FatBit editor

Here's a program that shows off most of the features you need. I would have
done it in Win32Lib, but I haven't got filled rectangles working yet. When I
get them coded, I'll probably put together a cheezey paint program together
for Win32Lib...

The calculation for the position of the color spots are a bit magical, but
not that difficult to figure out. The rest of the code should be fairly
obvious. blink

Hope this helps!

-- David Cuny

-- fatbits demo
-- demonstrates hit testing
include graphics.e
include mouse.e

    BitWide     = 16,       -- size of bits on screen
    BitmapX     = 60,       -- x position of bitmap
    BitmapY     = 10,       -- y position of bitmap
    SpotSize    = 16        -- size of a color spot

-- holds the bitmap
    bitmap,         -- bitmap being edited
    colorSpots      -- list of rectangles holding colors

-- holds the current color
integer useColor
    useColor = BLACK

procedure Rect( integer color, integer x1, integer y1,
                    integer x2, integer y2 )

    -- draw a framed rectangle

    -- hide the mouse

    -- draw a filled block
    polygon( color, 1, { {x1,y1},
                         {x1,y2}} )
    -- frame it
    polygon( BLACK, 0, { {x1,y1},
                         {x1,y2}} )

    -- show the mouse

end procedure

procedure DrawFatBit( integer x, integer y )
    -- draw a bitmap point on the screen
    integer color

    -- determine color
    color = bitmap[y][x]

    -- adjust onto screen
    x = BitmapX + ((x - 1) * BitWide)
    y = BitmapY + ((y - 1) * BitWide)

    -- show bit
    Rect( color, x, y, x+BitWide, y+BitWide )

end procedure

procedure DrawColorSpots()

    -- draw the color spots
    -- frame color is current color

    sequence spot

    -- frame the color spots
    Rect( useColor, 5, 10, 50, 200 )

    -- build the color pots
    for i = 1 to length( colorSpots ) do

        -- get a spot
        spot = colorSpots[i]

        -- put on window
        Rect( i-1, spot[1], spot[2], spot[3], spot[4] )

    end for

end procedure

procedure SetupScreen()

    -- draw the screen and bitmap

    integer x, y, color
    sequence extent, vc, spot

    -- get the window size
    vc = video_config()
    extent = { vc[VC_XPIXELS], vc[VC_YPIXELS] }

    -- paint the window
    Rect( CYAN, 0, 0, extent[1], extent[2] )

    -- fill with bitmap
    for i = 1 to length( bitmap ) do
        for j = 1 to length( bitmap[1] ) do
        -- draw it
        DrawFatBit( i, j )
        end for
    end for

    -- calcualate position of color spots
    colorSpots = {}
    x = 10
    y = 3
    for i = 1 to 16 do
        -- position the spot
        if i = 9 then
            x = 30
            y = 3
        end if

        -- offset the position
        y = y + 20

        -- build a rectangle
        spot = { x, y, x+SpotSize, y+SpotSize }

        -- add to list
        colorSpots = append( colorSpots, spot )

    end for

    -- display the color spots

end procedure

function HitColorSpot( integer x, integer y )

    -- checks if point falls in color spot
    -- if it does, changes the current color and
    -- redraws palette to show indicated color

    for i = 1 to length( colorSpots ) do
        -- in spot?
        if  x >= colorSpots[i][1]
        and y >= colorSpots[i][2]
        and x <= colorSpots[i][3]
        and y <= colorSpots[i][4] then

            -- pick color
            useColor = i-1

            -- update color spots

            -- indicate a color spot was hit
            return 1

        end if

    end for

    -- indicate no color spots were hit
    return 0

end function

function HitBitmap( integer x, integer y )

    -- test to see if point falls in bitmap
    -- if it does, update the pixel

    integer bmpX, bmpY

    -- convert to a position the the bitmap
    bmpX = (floor((x-BitmapX)/BitWide)+1)
    bmpY = (floor((y-BitmapY)/BitWide)+1)

    -- point falls in bitmap?
    if  bmpY > 0
    and bmpY <= length( bitmap )
    and bmpX > 0
    and bmpX <= length( bitmap[1] ) then

        -- set the color
        bitmap[bmpY][bmpX] = useColor

        -- show the bit
        DrawFatBit( bmpX, bmpY )

        -- indicate the bitmap was hit
        return 1

        -- indicate the bitmap was missed
        return 0

    end if

end function

function FatBits( sequence bmp )

    -- edit bitmap in "fatbits" mode

    integer x, y, bmpX, bmpY, color
    object mouse

    -- save as global
    bitmap = bmp

    -- draw the color spots and bitmap

    -- show mouse

    -- until the esc key is pressed...
    while get_key() != 27 do

        -- poll the mouse
        mouse = get_mouse()
        if sequence( mouse ) then

            -- clicked?
            if and_bits( LEFT_DOWN, mouse[1] ) then

                -- get mouse position
                x = mouse[2]
                y = mouse[3]

                -- what did the mouse hit?
                if HitColorSpot( x, y ) then
                    -- hit a color spot

                elsif HitBitmap( x, y ) then
                    -- hit a bitmap point

                    -- nothing hit

                end if

            end if
        end if

    end while

    -- hide mouse
    return bitmap

end function

-- demonstrate the code
integer result
sequence s

-- set graphics mode
result = graphics_mode( 18 )

-- create a bitmap
s = repeat( repeat( WHITE, 8 ), 8 )

-- edit it
s = FatBits( s )

-- restore normal mode
result = graphics_mode( -1 )

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