1. ASM

Can someone explain to me how to use asm.e and euphoria together. For example
say I want to print a string to the screen using asm code. Lets also say that
the string is stored into a variable using euphoria. How can I use that
variable with the asm code. I know how to print stuff in ASM but I don't know
how to get euphoria's variable. Here is the code in asm alone, it probably
isn't completly correct cause I am not testing it but it should work:

.STACK 200h

message  db  "Hello World!$"


mov ax, seg message
mov ds, ax
mov dx, offset message
mov ah, 9
int 21h

mov ah, 4c00h
int 21h

Now lets say that you have a sequence in euphoria like
sequence message
message = "Hello world!"
How would you print that with the asm?


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