1. Listview help needed

Hi all,
 I have been confused and would like some assistance,
           Let me try to explain to you what i'm trying to do before i ask
this question. I'm creating a program that
has a listview with 4 columns.

inboxlv = create(ListView,"",mainwindow,124,43,506,100,or_all({LVS_REPORT,
--Columns for the inbox listview
insertListViewColumn(inboxlv,0,0,LVCFMT_LEFT,45, "Priority",0)
insertListViewColumn(inboxlv,1,0,LVCFMT_LEFT,160, "From:",0)

the program also has a menu containing four menuitems, i want when the first
menuitem is pressed, the first
column "Priority" is sorted in ascending order, if the second menu item is
pressed the second column is
sorted in ascending order ans so on......(Just ascending order)

	I read something in the win95hlp that if you simply use LVS_SORTASCENDING
the work would be done for
me automatically however that is not working, when i create my listview with
that style, no listview item is
	I'm currently using the win32lib ver 55.5 , i tried copying a procedure
found in win32lib 56 called
sort items(). it does the work but if you call it the second time it sorts
in the opposite of the first sort, more like
what is done, when you click a column header of a listview that was made
without using this style

Some one give assistance please.......or code on how you can make a listview
column sort in only ascending order, when a menuItem is clicked

Jordah Ferguson
<jorfergie03 at yahoo.com>

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2. Re: Listview help needed

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.



I think your answer is written in the attachment.
I didn't write it myself, i'm still learning EU & English : )


PS : thx to all EU-users who send their thoughts, it helps me a lot with my
        Hope some day I will have something to write too ; )

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Lewis" <matthewwalkerlewis at YAHOO.COM>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: Listview help needed

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: jordah ferguson [mailto:jorfergie03 at yahoo.com]
> >
> > Some one give assistance please.......or code on how you can
> > make a listview
> > column sort in only ascending order, when a menuItem is clicked
> This is a quick fix (it won't allow for descending sorts).  In w32lv.ew,
> just comment out anything using 'sign':
>     integer sign, subitem, column, owner
>     sequence text
>     sequence textvalue
>     owner = find(id, lv_id)
>     column = lv_allowsort[owner]
>     if column  < 0 then
>         --sign = -1
>         column = - column
>     --else
>     --    sign = 1
>     end if
>     text = { peek_string(lvitem_data[lParam1][2][column][1] ),
>              peek_string(lvitem_data[lParam2][2][column][1] ) }
>     if lv_columnattr[owner][column][sort_numeric] then
>         textvalue = TextToNumber({text[1], True})
>         if textvalue[2] = 0 then
>             text[1] = textvalue[1]
>         end if
>         textvalue = TextToNumber({text[2], True})
>         if textvalue[2] = 0 then
>             text[2] = textvalue[1]
>         end if
>     end if
>     if lv_columnattr[owner][column][sort_case] = False then
>         text[1] = lower(text[1])
>         text[2] = lower(text[2])
>     end if
>     return compare(text[1], text[2]) --* sign
> end function
> Matt Lewis

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

-- Demo for Listview wrappers.
-- Matt Lewis (matthewlewis at hotmail.com)

without warning
include win32lib.ew

atom LV, TV
object junk

with trace

Win =3D create( Window, "ListView Demo", 0, Default, Default, 640, 460, =
0 )
TV =3D create( TreeView,
                300, --CW_USEDEFAULT,
                300, --CW_USEDEFAULT,

LV =3D create(   ListView,
                { "Library", "Author" },
                300, --CW_USEDEFAULT,
                300, --CW_USEDEFAULT,
                or_all({LVS_REPORT, LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS}))

atom iExw, ptr, mask, current

current =3D 0

ptr =3D allocate_string( "exw" )

iExw =3D w32Func(xLoadIcon,{instance(), ptr} )
closefolder =3D addIcon( extractIcon( "clsdfold.ico" ) ),
openfolder  =3D addIcon( extractIcon( "openfold.ico" )),
win         =3D addIcon( iExw ),
dos         =3D addIcon( extractIcon( "disk05.ico" )),
linux       =3D addIcon( extractIcon( "disk06.ico" )),
generic     =3D addIcon( extractIcon( "disks04.ico" ))

sequence folders, location, lParams, lv

folders =3D {}
location =3D {}
lParams =3D {}

folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Windows 1", 0 )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "DOS 2", 0 )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Linux 3", 0 )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Generic 4", 0 )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Library 5", =
folders[1] )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Games 6", =
folders[1] )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Library 7", =
folders[2] )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Games 8", =
folders[2] )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Library 9", =
folders[3] )
folders &=3D addTVItem( TV, closefolder, openfolder, "Games 10", =
folders[3] )

junk =3D sendMessage( Win, WM_SETICON, 0, iExw)
lv =3D {
      { "Win32Lib", "David Cuny", win},
      { "Neil", "Pete Eberlein", dos},
      { "Exotica", "Todd Riggins", win},
      { "Object Euphoria", "Mike Nelson", generic },
      { "Low-level routines", "Bernie Ryan", win},
      { "Euphoria Database System", "RDS", generic},
      { "Remote Procedure Calls", "Pete Eberlein", linux },
      { "Magefire 3D", "Pete King", win },
      { "Euphoria CGI Setup", "Irv Mullins", linux},
      { "Simple Chess Program", "Normand Blaise", linux},
      { "NeilGUI","Lewis Townsend", dos},
      { "Spectre Setup", "Pete King", win},
      { "Saving Master Yoga", "Spocky", win},
      { "Associative Lists", "Jiri Babor", generic},
      { "Mini-Assembler", "Pete Eberlein", generic},
      { "MySQL for Euphoria", "Fabio Ramirez", win },
      { "File and Pipe Libraries", "Jeff Fielding", linux},
      { "X Windows GUI Library", "Irv Mullins", linux },
      { "Lemon Headz Game", "Liquid-Nitrogen", dos},
      { "Matheval", "Matt Lewis", generic}

location =3D repeat( 0, length( lv ) )
lParams =3D location

for i =3D 1 to length(location) do
    location[i] =3D rand(6) + 4
end for

with trace

procedure droppedTV( integer id, sequence data )
    atom item, ix
    if id =3D LV then
        item =3D hitTestTV( TV )
        if item and item !=3D current then
            for i =3D 1 to length(data) do            =20
                ix =3D find(data[i], lParams )
                -- Move item to drop location
                location[ix] =3D item
                -- Remove from display
                lParams[ix] =3D 0
                ix =3D deleteItem( LV, data[i] )
            end for
        end if
    end if
end procedure
onDragAndDrop[TV ] =3D routine_id("droppedTV")

procedure TV_onChange( )
    atom ix
    if deleteItem( LV, -1 ) then end if
    lParams -=3D lParams
    current =3D getIndex( TV )

    -- show items

    ix =3D 1

    while ix <=3D length( location ) do
        if location[ix] =3D current then
            lParams[ix] =3D addLVItem( LV, lv[ix][3], lv[ix][1..2] )
        end if
        ix +=3D 1
    end while
end procedure
onChange[TV] =3D routine_id( "TV_onChange" )
-- End Code

WinMain( Win, Normal )


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3. Re: Listview help needed

----- Original Message -----
From: <annys_n at hotmail.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: Re: Listview help needed

> Hello,
> I think your answer is written in the attachment.
> I didn't write it myself, i'm still learning EU & English : )
> Greetz,
> nancy
> PS : thx to all EU-users who send their thoughts, it helps me a lot with
> EU-study
>         Hope some day I will have something to write too ; )
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matthew Lewis" <matthewwalkerlewis at YAHOO.COM>
> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:00 PM
> Subject: RE: Listview help needed
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: jordah ferguson [mailto:jorfergie03 at yahoo.com]
> > >
> > > Some one give assistance please.......or code on how you can
> > > make a listview
> > > column sort in only ascending order, when a menuItem is clicked
> >
> > This is a quick fix (it won't allow for descending sorts).  In w32lv.ew,
> > just comment out anything using 'sign':
> >
> >     integer sign, subitem, column, owner
> >     sequence text
> >     sequence textvalue
> >
> >     owner = find(id, lv_id)
> >     column = lv_allowsort[owner]
> >     if column  < 0 then
> >         --sign = -1
> >         column = - column
> >     --else
> >     --    sign = 1
> >     end if
> >
> >     text = { peek_string(lvitem_data[lParam1][2][column][1] ),
> >              peek_string(lvitem_data[lParam2][2][column][1] ) }
> >
> >     if lv_columnattr[owner][column][sort_numeric] then
> >         textvalue = TextToNumber({text[1], True})
> >         if textvalue[2] = 0 then
> >             text[1] = textvalue[1]
> >         end if
> >
> >         textvalue = TextToNumber({text[2], True})
> >         if textvalue[2] = 0 then
> >             text[2] = textvalue[1]
> >         end if
> >     end if
> >
> >     if lv_columnattr[owner][column][sort_case] = False then
> >         text[1] = lower(text[1])
> >         text[2] = lower(text[2])
> >     end if
> >     return compare(text[1], text[2]) --* sign
> > end function
> >
> >
> > Matt Lewis
> >
> >

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