1. RE: [WIN] recursion? (get two files via open file dialog)

Dan Moyer wrote:
> Arrgh!  Not sure where/how my code got mangled, but here's what it 
> have been.  My question is, is there anything wrong with this that I 
> don't
> see?  It works, but I've never deliberately used recursion before.
> Dan Moyer
> --  Get2files.exw
> --  gets just TWO files via open files dialog
> --  by Dan Moyer   May 16, 2002
> --  based on an example by Derek Parnell
> --  code generated by Win32Lib IDE v0.10.6
> --  then hand modified
> include Win32lib.ew
> without warning
> 10, 16, 90, 30, 0 )
> global constant List3 = create( List, "List3", Window1, 10, 104, 396, 
> 160,
> 0 )
> global constant AtextBox = create( LText, "", Window1, 10, 68, 400, 24, 
> 0 )
>  files = {}
>  dirName = {}
>  posSlash = 0
>   files =
> penFileName(  
>                            Window1,                    -- parent window 
>                            "",                         -- no default name 
>                            { "Dialog Flags", {OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT},
>                            "Text File", "*.TXT",       -- text files    
>                            "All Files", "*.*" } )      -- everything else
>   if length(files) = 0 then
>      return  -- no file(s) selected, so re-ask until either select or close
>   end if
>   if not sequence( files[1]) then  -- just selected ONE file:
>        dirName = files  -- at this point has full pathname
>       posSlash = 0
>        for p = length(dirName) to 1 by -1 do
>            if equal('\\', dirName[p]) then
>               posSlash = p
>               exit
>            end if
>        end for
>        -- separate the dirname from the filename:
>        files = dirName[posSlash+1..length(dirName)] -- the file name
>        dirName = dirName[1..posSlash-1]             -- the dirname
>   else  -- must have selected more than one file:
>        dirName = files[1]                      -- get directory name
>        dirName = dirName[1..length(dirName)-1] -- remove trailing "\"
>        files = files[2 .. length(files)]       -- get all file names
>        -- but only allow TWO to be selected:
>        if length(files) > 2 then
>           setText(AtextBox, "")
>           eraseItems(List3)
>           dirName = {}
>           files = {}
>           setText(Window1, "Select no more than TWO Files")
>           GetFilesButton_onClick ()  -- RECURSION??
>           return
>        end if
>   end if
>   setText(Window1, "Gets one or TWO files")
>   -- now use the info:
>   setText(AtextBox, dirName)
>   eraseItems(List3)
>   addItem(List3, files) -- ONE addItem adds ALL items in "files"!
> end procedure
> onClick[GetFilesButton] = routine_id("GetFilesButton_onClick")
> WinMain( Window1, Normal )
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Moyer" <DANIELMOYER at prodigy.net>
> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 6:07 PM
> Subject: [WIN] recursion? (get two files via open file dialog)

it might be better to use a WHILE loop rather than recursion, in order 
to reduce potenial memory usage.

Something like...

   files = {}
   while length(files) != 2 do
      Get User Selections
      Grab files from user selections.
      if more than 2 files chosen then
           Message "Please select only two files."
      elsif less than 2 files chosen then
           Message "You must choose two files."
      end if
   end while


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