1. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

Robert Craig wrote:
> jbrown writes:
> > ... Finally, my version fixes a bug which RDS still has:
> >
> > include ./eufile.e
> > include eufile.e
> >
> > are 2 seperate files for RDS, but my parser sees 
> > them as one and the same.
> In Euphoria, if you include the same file twice,
> the second include statement is quietly ignored.
> I tried your example above, in both DOS and Linux,
> and it worked fine. I'm not sure what you consider to
> be a bug.

try this:

In file 'a.e' enter these three lines...

  global myval
  myval = 1
  ? 1

In the file 'b.ex' enter these two lines...

  include ./a.e
  include a.e

Now execute b.ex. When I do this I get ...


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2. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

Robert Craig wrote:
> Derek Parnell writes:
> > In file 'a.e' enter these three lines...
> >
> >  global myval
> >  myval = 1
> >  ? 1
> >
> > In the file 'b.ex' enter these two lines...
> >
> >  include ./a.e
> >  include a.e
> >
> > Now execute b.ex. When I do this I get ...
> >
> > 1
> > 1
> If I correct "global myval" to "global integer myval",
> and I correct "./a.e" to ".\a.e", then
> it correctly prints a single "1" on DOS or Windows.
> Or if I use "./a.e" on Linux or FreeBSD it also
> correctly prints a single "1".
> Euphoria assumes "\" in file paths on DOS and Windows,
> and "/" and Linux and FreeBSD. If you have something else
> it just passes it through to the O/S. It looks like DOS and Windows
> will accept "/" in some cases (but not all).
> Linux and FreeBSD never accept "\".

I humbly apologise. I can now see that this is a feature and not a bug.

At the MS-DOS prompt when I type:
   type ./b.ex
I get the message:

 G:\MYDOCS~1>type ./b.ex
 The syntax of the command is incorrect.

Then I enter  :
  type "./b.ex" 
and I get ...

 G:\MYDOCS~1>type "./b.ex"
 include .\a.e
 include ..\mydocs~\a.e

So it would seem that DOS accepts either type of 'slash' symbol when it 
is is clearly a part of the file-path string. 

On this basis, it could be argued that Euphoria is not compliant with 
MS-DOS systems. However, I *would *never *say *that, because Euphoria is 
perfect in every way blink


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3. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

Robert Craig wrote:
> jbrown writes:
> > In fact, when I make it
> >
> > include get.e
> > include ../euphoria/get.e --really /opt/euphoria/get.e
> >
> > it still runs, despite the fact that ../euphoria/get.e does not exist!
> >From REFMAN:
> > ... an include statement will be quietly ignored if a file with 
> > the same name has already been included. 
> That means your second include is ignored because it
> is trying to include a file with the name "get.e", and "get.e"
> has already been included. The second get.e doesn't exist, 
> but Euphoria doesn't try to open it.
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com
can I suggest then a minor change to the documentation. Currently it 
reads ...

  include filename
  . . . <big snip>
     ...an include statement will be quietly ignored if a file with 
the same name has already been included.

There appears to be a slight ambiguity. Namely that "include filename" 
seems to imply that the phrase 'filename' actually means "optional 
file-path concatenated with a file-name". eg.  mydir\xyz.e

Now further into this section we find the phrase "file name" where that 
literally means the name of a file (excluding any path information).

I could be argued that some people (eg myself) might confuse the two 
very similar terms, and wrongly assume that ...

   include dir1\abc.e
   include dir2\abc.e

would actually include two distinct files (because that's what they are) 
that coincidently had the same name . However, as you have explained 
(and I just tested), Euphoria only looks at the FILE NAME part of the 
include statement to determine if a file has been included or not.

On the other hand, you could just change Euphoria to do the obvious, 
that is use the entire normalized path-file-name to detect duplicate 
include references, just like all other languages do.


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4. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

Regardless of whether it's an intended 'feature', or a bug, it's a 

What is the reason that eu DOS/WIN can't use '/' just the same as '\'?

I prefer to use '/' so I don't have to change my code when I take it to 
It seems silly to me to force developers to use the DOS convention, 
especially considering '\' is already used in eu as the switch char.
If ANYTHING, it should only allow '/', to maintain a cross platform 


Robert Craig wrote:
> Derek Parnell writes:
> > In file 'a.e' enter these three lines...
> >
> >  global myval
> >  myval = 1
> >  ? 1
> >
> > In the file 'b.ex' enter these two lines...
> >
> >  include ./a.e
> >  include a.e
> >
> > Now execute b.ex. When I do this I get ...
> >
> > 1
> > 1
> If I correct "global myval" to "global integer myval",
> and I correct "./a.e" to ".\a.e", then
> it correctly prints a single "1" on DOS or Windows.
> Or if I use "./a.e" on Linux or FreeBSD it also
> correctly prints a single "1".
> Euphoria assumes "\" in file paths on DOS and Windows,
> and "/" and Linux and FreeBSD. If you have something else
> it just passes it through to the O/S. It looks like DOS and Windows
> will accept "/" in some cases (but not all).
> Linux and FreeBSD never accept "\".
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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5. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

You didn't explain why / is recognized as being different, when the 
meaing is clearly the same thing. I understand the logic for 
differentiating bewteen the two. If that is going to be done, it should 
be enforced, not quietly allowed, but not fully supported, what's the 
deal with that? It seems irratic to me.

You mention the suppression of duplicate includes, but the behaviour is 

For over a year now it has never even crossed my mind that I shouldn't 
be using /. Eu doesn't complain, or even warn me that it will be 
evaluated as a separate include. Instead I spent days trying to figure 
out where my code was broken. For a long time I thought I just couldn't 
use relative paths.
Even upon mentioning the problem on the list numerous times, noone 
answered my dilemna.

What ambiguities? When eu encounters include, and the platforn is not 
LNX, either allow only \, or convert / to \.

I wouldn't care if the support for / were removed, except that it would 
break code. The other option is to make the behavoiur consistent, which 
wouldn't break any code, and would be alot less confusing.


Robert Craig wrote:
> Chris Bensler writes:
> > What is the reason that eu DOS/WIN can't use '/' just the same as '\'?
> In general, you *can* use '/' just the same as '\', even
> though it is clearly not the convention on DOS or Windows.
> The thing we are quibbling about here,
> is the suppression of duplicate include files,
> where you should use the standard '\'
> on DOS/Windows to avoid ambiguities
> in rare situations, e.g. .\foo.e will look like
> the same file as foo.e and won't be included,
> but ./foo.e will look like a different file and will be included.
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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6. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

Robert Craig wrote:
> C and C++ and probably most others
> don't detect duplicate include references at all.
> You just get an avalanche of "attempt to redefine ..." messages.
> C/C++ programmers have to set up elaborate systems
> of kludgy #ifdef's to avoid redefining stuff. Bjarne Stroustrup
> has admitted that this is a flaw in the C/C++ include file mechanism.
> I'm content with the current way of handling duplicate includes.
> It's been that way for 9 years and I don't recall anyone complaining
> about it. There aren't many other features with as clean a record.  smile

As I've written before, Euphoria is perfect already blink

As a philosophical diversion: 
 Are two files the same if their names are the same or if their contents 
are the same?


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7. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Robert Craig wrote:

> > I'm content with the current way of handling duplicate includes.
> > It's been that way for 9 years and I don't recall anyone complaining
> > about it. There aren't many other features with as clean a record.  smile
> As I've written before, Euphoria is perfect already blink
> As a philosophical diversion: 
>  Are two files the same if their names are the same or if their contents 
> are the same?
> -----------
> Derek

Despite what Rob said earlier, Euphoria's namespacing 
doesn't work as well as C, Pascal, etc. It doesn't work 
as a normal programmer (if there is such a thing) would 

A simple example in C:

/* Contents of main.c */
#include "./misc.c"
#include "./gtk/misc.c"

int main()
 return 0;

/* Contents of misc.c */
void foo()

/* Contents of /gtk/misc.c */
void bar()

Save these three files, compile and execute.
[irv at localhost irv]$ ./main

Just what you'd expect, right?

Do the same thing in Euphoria, and you'll get an
[irv@localhost irv]$ exu main
bar has not been declared

Why hasn't bar() been declared?

Because to Euphoria, ./misc.e and ./gtk/misc.e are 
duplicates, even though the include name and file 
content are different. Our only option is to re-name 
one or the other. You can surely think of reasons why 
this would be undesirable, especially if we want 
to distribute programs using other peoples' includes.

I can see absolutely no reason that Euphoria should 
function in this manner.


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8. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

irv at take.maxleft.com wrote:
> Derek Parnell wrote:
> > Robert Craig wrote:
> > > I'm content with the current way of handling duplicate includes.
> > > It's been that way for 9 years and I don't recall anyone complaining
> > > about it. There aren't many other features with as clean a record.  smile
> > 
> > As I've written before, Euphoria is perfect already blink
> > 
> > As a philosophical diversion: 
> >  Are two files the same if their names are the same or if their contents 
> > are the same?
> > 
> > -----------
> > Derek
> Despite what Rob said earlier, Euphoria's namespacing 
> doesn't work as well as C, Pascal, etc. It doesn't work 
> as a normal programmer (if there is such a thing) would 
> expect.
<<code example SNIPPED>> 
> Because to Euphoria, ./misc.e and ./gtk/misc.e are 
> duplicates, even though the include name and file 
> content are different. Our only option is to re-name 
> one or the other. You can surely think of reasons why 
> this would be undesirable, especially if we want 
> to distribute programs using other peoples' includes.
> I can see absolutely no reason that Euphoria should 
> function in this manner.

Hi Irv,
don't get me wrong - I'm with you on this one. RDS has got it wrong. RDS 
was so concerned to get around the problem one has in C with duplicated 
definitions that it also removed a perfectly valid use of same-named 
files. IMHO the clear thing to do is to literally exclude truely 
duplicated files rather than just files with the same name. If one then 
goes and tries to 'trick' Euphoria by placing an include file into two 
directories and attempting to 'include' both, then they'll get what they 
deserve. This is the same as copying an include file to a new file with 
a different name and including both. 

The way I assumed that RDS was doing it was to fully normalize the 
file's path and file name, and treating '\' and '/' as the same 
character. Then you could compare two file-path-name strings for 

Of course, another way would be just to allow duplicate file references 
and issue warnings about any duplicated global identifiers while 
otherwise ignoring them.


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9. RE: My not-quite obsolete namespace parser

Derek Parnell wrote:

> Hi Irv,
> don't get me wrong - I'm with you on this one. RDS has got it wrong. RDS 
> was so concerned to get around the problem one has in C with duplicated 
> definitions that it also removed a perfectly valid use of same-named 
> files. 

Exactly. And if someone *did* include the same file 
twice, what's the harm? 

Suppose that foo.e is a copy of bar.e. With ver. 2.3,
you can include both without *any* warnings or 
problems. You can even have global variables with 
the same name in each, but with different types, 
still no  problems.

Only when you try to reference a global from your 
main program does Euphoria give an error - 
'a namespace qualifier is needed to resolve' the variable 
or function being referenced. IOW, it's asking 
"Which x are you talking about here?"

Since you are writing the program which uses those two 
files, you are fully able to answer that question,
and so where's the harm? There's not any. It would be 
nice if Euphoria was a bit more helpful, for example,
the error message read:
"global integer x in foo.e"
"global sequence x in bar.e"
"please qualify one or both include files"

That would be *much* better than just quietly 'forgetting'
an entire file just because it happens to have the same 
base name as another file.

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