1. win32lib v0.57.4 released

Hi All,
for those that are interested, I've place version 0.57.4 on my website:

    http://www.users.bigpond.com/ddparnell/euphoria/w32lv057.zip 675KB

If I don't hear of any bugs during the next week, I'll promote it to v0.58
and get RDS to place it on the contributions section as a stamped file.

The changes are:

-- Fixes --
- "by Matt Lewis". The Delete-All functions for ListView and TreeView now
- "by Martin Stachon". Put back 'include compat01.ew'
- "by Irv Mullins". Now handles clicking into an "empty" treeview without
- addItem() now works with empty text strings.
- "by Judith Evans and Martin Stachon". removeTVItem() now correctly resets
the 'has children' flag so that subsequent addTVItem() calls use the correct
- "by Martin Stachon". No longer crashes when using getRect() on a closed
- The demo program, 'generic.exw', now saves the text correctly.
- The setSelectedText() routine now works when the length of the selected
text is zero.
- "by Brian Broker". limitText() now works.
- "by Thomas Parslow". GDI resource leak using wPuts and queryFont removed.
- "by Brian Broker". getText() nows returns the newly
- "by Martin Stachon". replaceObject() was not handling tagged resources.
- "by Bernie Ryan". calling the Windows API "xGetScrollInfo" now works.
-  addIcon() can now be called before any ListView, TreeView, ComboBoxEx, or
FlatToolBar has been created.
-  The Destroy event is now triggered before the control is destroyed.
-  The Destroy event, when triggered for the main window, no longer crashes.

-- Enhancements --
- The Win32LibVersion constant now has a 4th entry; the date of the version.
- The getControlInfo() function now supports a new info type -
CONTROLINFO_classinfo. This returns a sequence containing the data used by
the control when created - such as Name of control type and default
background color.
- setText() no longer generates a warning message for controls that do not
support setting the text.
- setText() now supports atoms, integers, formatting mask, as well as
straight text.
- MleText controls no longer have a Horizontal scroll bar. This means that
they are now automatically in word-wrap mode.
- The Mouse event now responds to Mouse Wheel movements.
- "by Guillermo Bonvehi". shellExecute can now use NULL for the 'verb'
- shellExecute() can now supply the style flags as a sequence of individual
flag values.
- "by Thomas Parslow". The bitBlt routine can now handle the source and
destination being the same bitmap.
- getText() and setText() now work with MenuItems.
- Added Minimized and Maximized keywords that can be used in OpenWindow,
ShowWindow, and WinMain routines.
- The sendMessage(), w32Func() and w32Proc() routines can now take string
arguments. These are automatically converted to lzpstr 'C' data items for
you. The memory is acquired and released automatically.
- destroy() can now be used to remove a TabItem from a TabControl
- setFont() for RichEdit controls now allows you to specify that the change
affects the entire text or just the insertion point (the default).
- wPuts() can now specify a X,Y position to move to before displaying text.
- wPuts() can now accept numbers as the second parameter.
- When creating a StatusBar control, you can now specify the panels in the
- "by Brian Broker". addTabs() can now add tabstops to a list box.
- destroy() now works on all control types and releases child control
resoures as well.
- getOpenFileName() now supports selecting multiple files.

-- New Routines --
- There is a new routine makeMenu() which is a shorthand way of creating an
entire menu structure for a window.
- A new routine setSubFields() allows you to create sub-fields in the status
bar. setText(), getText() and setHint() now support these sub-fields.
- A new set of routines are available that implements user defined
properties for controls. These routines are defineUserProperty(),
setUserProperty(), resetUserProperty(), and getUserProperty().
- drawLines() routine allows a multiple disjoint line segments of varying
colors to be rendered in one call. This is faster than calling setPenColor()
and drawLine() multiple times.
- setTVText() used to change the text of a TreeView item.
- collapseItem() used to hide a TreeView item's children.
- toggleItem() used to hide or show a TreeView's children.
- setTVImages() used to change the TreeView item's images.
- getFocus() returns the id of the control that has focus.
- EzCreateFont() is now a global function.
- useLogicalResolution() can be used to control how font's are sized.
- assignFont() updates the font in a control's Device Context
- "by Brian Broker". insertText() and appendText().
- findItem() to locate an item in a List or Combo type of control.
- getLastMsg() returns the latest windows message.
- setLVAttr() is used to set special sorting requirements for ListView
controls, including user-defined routines.

-- Changes that might break some existing code  --
- expandItem() only takes one parameter now. It no longer needs the id of
the TreeView control.
- When creating a TabItem, the new TabItem gets focus.
- SIZENESWPointer has been renamed to SizeNESWPointer to conform to the
naming convention of the other standard Pointer Shape names.
- uFindReplaceMsg has been renamed w32FindReplaceMsg to conform with the
naming convention used with other global constants.
- insertListViewItem() now returns a sequence {index, itemid}
- The application's default icon is now set to the same as Euphoria's.
- Removed obsolete Windows 3.1 identifiers.
- The struct_LVDISPINFO() routine was removed because it wasn't used
internally and has very little use to anyone.


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2. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

TextToNumber has not been declared, line# 14250


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Derek Parnell" <ddparnell at bigpond.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: win32lib v0.57.4 released

> Hi All,
> for those that are interested, I've place version 0.57.4 on my website:
>     http://www.users.bigpond.com/ddparnell/euphoria/w32lv057.zip 675KB
> If I don't hear of any bugs during the next week, I'll promote it to v0.58
> and get RDS to place it on the contributions section as a stamped file.
> The changes are:
> -- Fixes --
> - "by Matt Lewis". The Delete-All functions for ListView and TreeView now
> work.
> - "by Martin Stachon". Put back 'include compat01.ew'
> - "by Irv Mullins". Now handles clicking into an "empty" treeview without
> crashing.
> - addItem() now works with empty text strings.
> - "by Judith Evans and Martin Stachon". removeTVItem() now correctly resets
> the 'has children' flag so that subsequent addTVItem() calls use the correct
> graphics.
> - "by Martin Stachon". No longer crashes when using getRect() on a closed
> window.
> - The demo program, 'generic.exw', now saves the text correctly.
> - The setSelectedText() routine now works when the length of the selected
> text is zero.
> - "by Brian Broker". limitText() now works.
> - "by Thomas Parslow". GDI resource leak using wPuts and queryFont removed.
> - "by Brian Broker". getText() nows returns the newly
> - "by Martin Stachon". replaceObject() was not handling tagged resources.
> - "by Bernie Ryan". calling the Windows API "xGetScrollInfo" now works.
> -  addIcon() can now be called before any ListView, TreeView, ComboBoxEx, or
> FlatToolBar has been created.
> -  The Destroy event is now triggered before the control is destroyed.
> -  The Destroy event, when triggered for the main window, no longer crashes.
> -- Enhancements --
> - The Win32LibVersion constant now has a 4th entry; the date of the version.
> - The getControlInfo() function now supports a new info type -
> CONTROLINFO_classinfo. This returns a sequence containing the data used by
> the control when created - such as Name of control type and default
> background color.
> - setText() no longer generates a warning message for controls that do not
> support setting the text.
> - setText() now supports atoms, integers, formatting mask, as well as
> straight text.
> - MleText controls no longer have a Horizontal scroll bar. This means that
> they are now automatically in word-wrap mode.
> - The Mouse event now responds to Mouse Wheel movements.
> - "by Guillermo Bonvehi". shellExecute can now use NULL for the 'verb'
> parameter.
> - shellExecute() can now supply the style flags as a sequence of individual
> flag values.
> - "by Thomas Parslow". The bitBlt routine can now handle the source and
> destination being the same bitmap.
> - getText() and setText() now work with MenuItems.
> - Added Minimized and Maximized keywords that can be used in OpenWindow,
> ShowWindow, and WinMain routines.
> - The sendMessage(), w32Func() and w32Proc() routines can now take string
> arguments. These are automatically converted to lzpstr 'C' data items for
> you. The memory is acquired and released automatically.
> - destroy() can now be used to remove a TabItem from a TabControl
> - setFont() for RichEdit controls now allows you to specify that the change
> affects the entire text or just the insertion point (the default).
> - wPuts() can now specify a X,Y position to move to before displaying text.
> - wPuts() can now accept numbers as the second parameter.
> - When creating a StatusBar control, you can now specify the panels in the
> statusbar.
> - "by Brian Broker". addTabs() can now add tabstops to a list box.
> - destroy() now works on all control types and releases child control
> resoures as well.
> - getOpenFileName() now supports selecting multiple files.
> -- New Routines --
> - There is a new routine makeMenu() which is a shorthand way of creating an
> entire menu structure for a window.
> - A new routine setSubFields() allows you to create sub-fields in the status
> bar. setText(), getText() and setHint() now support these sub-fields.
> - A new set of routines are available that implements user defined
> properties for controls. These routines are defineUserProperty(),
> setUserProperty(), resetUserProperty(), and getUserProperty().
> - drawLines() routine allows a multiple disjoint line segments of varying
> colors to be rendered in one call. This is faster than calling setPenColor()
> and drawLine() multiple times.
> - setTVText() used to change the text of a TreeView item.
> - collapseItem() used to hide a TreeView item's children.
> - toggleItem() used to hide or show a TreeView's children.
> - setTVImages() used to change the TreeView item's images.
> - getFocus() returns the id of the control that has focus.
> - EzCreateFont() is now a global function.
> - useLogicalResolution() can be used to control how font's are sized.
> - assignFont() updates the font in a control's Device Context
> - "by Brian Broker". insertText() and appendText().
> - findItem() to locate an item in a List or Combo type of control.
> - getLastMsg() returns the latest windows message.
> - setLVAttr() is used to set special sorting requirements for ListView
> controls, including user-defined routines.
> -- Changes that might break some existing code  --
> - expandItem() only takes one parameter now. It no longer needs the id of
> the TreeView control.


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3. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

Ok, i was using an old set of tk_*.e files


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4. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

Example: ListViewstyles2.exw does not display the treeview correctly


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5. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

doesnt seem to work properly

Columns are now only 5 pixels wide

Maybe Im missing something.


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6. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

> - "by Thomas Parslow". GDI resource leak using wPuts and queryFont removed.


This bug still seems to be present, applying the fix I posted before
still works though...


Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
E-Mail/Jabber: tom at almostobsolete.net
ICQ: 26359483

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7. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released


Just noticed something else:

In getPointerPos you use a poke4u, but mouse pointer coords are
sometimes negative in multi-monitor systems, using poke4s gets it
working on those systems.

Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
E-Mail/Jabber: tom at almostobsolete.net
ICQ: 26359483

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8. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released


I've found a bug in putStream, it was causing my app to crash or
output random bytes when streaming in RTF. It's probably what is
causing the problem Jordah's having as well...

In putStreamCallback you check if lRemaining is less than 1, if it is
then you return 0 (indicating success). The problem is that you don't
fill in pcb so windows sees whatever random value was in it before and
this causes problems. The fix is just to put a line which reads:

     poke4( pcb, 0 )

Just under the line which reads:

     if lRemaining < 1 then

Before the return statement.

Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
E-Mail/Jabber: tom at almostobsolete.net
ICQ: 26359483

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9. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elliott Sales de Andrade" <quantum_analyst at hotmail.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: RE: win32lib v0.57.4 released

> Just a couple of bugs that I found.

> 7. RunDemos.exw: Can't find print.e, line 132

That's my fault, I have that in for debug purposes, I'll remove it & send it
to Derek.  It's a user provided include that makes whole sequences print out
in textual form.  RunDemos wouldn't run even with that line commented out,
because it needs some data files too, which I have also sent to Derek to be
distributed with it.

> 10. styles6.exw: Doesn't seem to work like styles.exw.

styles6.exw seems to be munged up, but it's not the most recent version
anyway, there's a newer versions, "wstyles.exw" which shows more styles &
makes the styles show in status bar and be "click-copied" to clipboard for
pasting.  I'll make sure to send that version to Derek to be included in .58
or .57.5 or whatever.


Dan Moyer

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Derek Parnell [mailto:ddparnell at bigpond.com]
> >Sent: May 5, 2002 2:32 PM
> >To: EUforum
> >Subject: win32lib v0.57.4 released
> >
> >
> >Hi All,
> >for those that are interested, I've place version 0.57.4 on my website:
> >
> >    http://www.users.bigpond.com/ddparnell/euphoria/w32lv057.zip 675KB
> >
> >If I don't hear of any bugs during the next week, I'll promote it to
> v0.58
> >and get RDS to place it on the contributions section as a stamped file.
> >
> >-----------
> >Derek.
> All our wanting comes from needs, thus we continiously suffer. The
> intellect teaches free will, free from suffering. - Arthur Schopenhauer

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10. Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

----- Original Message -----
From: <euman at bellsouth.net>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: Re: win32lib v0.57.4 released

> insertLVColumn(ListLV,1,0,LVCFMT_LEFT,82,"Died",0)
> doesnt seem to work properly
> Columns are now only 5 pixels wide
> Maybe Im missing something.
The reason it is so narrow is that the LVCF_WIDTH flag wasn't used. However,
I've now changed the library to automatically include this flag if the
supplied width is greater than zero.


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