1. RE: win32lib v0.57.4 released

This is my third attempt at replying. I'm having some Topica troubles it 

euman at bellsouth.net wrote:
> insertLVColumn(ListLV,1,0,LVCFMT_LEFT,82,"Died",0)
> doesnt seem to work properly
> Columns are now only 5 pixels wide
> Maybe Im missing something.

I've tried to stick to the one-base indexing of Euphoria. Set the last 
parameter in your call to 1 rather than 0. Other than that, I can't see 
what else might be wrong. And certainly don't know why it would cause 
5-pixel columns!


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2. RE: win32lib v0.57.4 released

Thomas Parslow (PatRat) wrote:
> > - "by Thomas Parslow". GDI resource leak using wPuts and queryFont 
> > removed.
> Hi,
> This bug still seems to be present, applying the fix I posted before
> still works though...
> http://www.rapideuphoria.com/cgi-bin/esearch.exu?fromMonth=4&fromYear=7&toMonth=4&toYear=7&postedBy=thomas+parslow&keywords=queryFont+wPuts

That's weird Thomas. I tested it and got no resource leakage. Maybe my 
testing process is flawed. How exactly are you seeing the resource 
As for your fix, yes it worked  but I needed a more generic way of doing 
it, so I adapted your code to catch all font leaks, now and in the 
future. (Or so I thought).

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3. RE: win32lib v0.57.4 released

Just a couple of bugs that I found.

1. Buttons3.exw: If you maximize the writing and the buttons are left
over. You can remove this by using repaintWindow(ButtonWindow) at the
end of the resize routine.
2. Clock.exw: When you first open it, the cursor changes to a waiting
icon. It seems to work if you comment out captureMouse(ClockWin) and
3. form03.exw: This Error:
C:\Documents and Settings\Elliott\Desktop\NewWin32Lib\form03.exw:5
makeForm has not been declared
makeForm( {
4. modpbr3.exw: It says to minimize the window, but you can't.
5. projectiles.exw: It doesn't do anything when you press 'Set Gravity'
or 'Fire!!'.
6. RDmo3a.exw: Can't find print.e, line 140
7. RunDemos.exw: Can't find print.e, line 132
8. sample.exw: Can't find general.ew, line 6
9. special.exw: There is no writing in the box.
10. styles6.exw: Doesn't seem to work like styles.exw.
11. tabcontrol.exw: When you click Shrink Tabs on tab TWO, the group
boxes get cut off.
12. tooltip2.exw: always get error 461, "Failed to Acquire hWnd when
creating a control"

Well, that's it. Ended up being more than a couple I guess. Oh well.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Derek Parnell [mailto:ddparnell at bigpond.com] 
>Sent: May 5, 2002 2:32 PM
>To: EUforum
>Subject: win32lib v0.57.4 released
>Hi All,
>for those that are interested, I've place version 0.57.4 on my website:
>    http://www.users.bigpond.com/ddparnell/euphoria/w32lv057.zip 675KB
>If I don't hear of any bugs during the next week, I'll promote it to
>and get RDS to place it on the contributions section as a stamped file.

All our wanting comes from needs, thus we continiously suffer. The
intellect teaches free will, free from suffering. - Arthur Schopenhauer

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4. RE: win32lib v0.57.4 released

Elliott Sales de Andrade wrote:
> Just a couple of bugs that I found.

Thanks for giving it a go. I need all the feedback I can get.

> 1. Buttons3.exw: If you maximize the writing and the buttons are left
> over. You can remove this by using repaintWindow(ButtonWindow) at the
> end of the resize routine.

This should not have been included. It was just an experiment.

> 2. Clock.exw: When you first open it, the cursor changes to a waiting
> icon. It seems to work if you comment out captureMouse(ClockWin) and
> releaseMouse().

It doesn't on my system (from memory) so I'll look into this again.

> 3. form03.exw: This Error:
> C:\Documents and Settings\Elliott\Desktop\NewWin32Lib\form03.exw:5
> makeForm has not been declared
> makeForm( {
>        ^

This should not have been included. It is some work-in-progress for the 
v0.6x release. I must of accidently moved it from my other WIP folder. 

> 4. modpbr3.exw: It says to minimize the window, but you can't.

This should not have been included. It was just an experiment.

> 5. projectiles.exw: It doesn't do anything when you press 'Set Gravity'
> or 'Fire!!'.

This should not have been included. It was just an experiment.

> 6. RDmo3a.exw: Can't find print.e, line 140

This should not have been included. It was just an experiment. This 
might replace RunDemos in future.

> 7. RunDemos.exw: Can't find print.e, line 132

This needs the print.e library from the contributions page. Maybe I 
should remove this dependency in future.

> 8. sample.exw: Can't find general.ew, line 6

This should not have been included. It was just an experiment.

> 9. special.exw: There is no writing in the box.

This probably should not have been included. It was an experiment in 
do-it-yourself editboxes. I never bothered finishing it as I got it to a 
stage where it proved a specific point I was trying out.

> 10. styles6.exw: Doesn't seem to work like styles.exw.

This should not have been included. It has been superceded by styles.exw

> 11. tabcontrol.exw: When you click Shrink Tabs on tab TWO, the group
> boxes get cut off.

Yes I know. That is deliberate. I could deal with this but I didn't 
bother. Consider it an exercise for the reader blink

> 12. tooltip2.exw: always get error 461, "Failed to Acquire hWnd when
> creating a control"

This should not have been included. It was just an experiment.

> Well, that's it. Ended up being more than a couple I guess. Oh well.

This says more about my release (mis-)management process than the 
library. I'd better clean up my act. Sorry for the inconvenience, 


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5. RE: win32lib v0.57.4 released

Hi Derek,
I think this is the resource leak Thomas Parslow has been mentioning 
about. It is surely a resource leak because it takes some time before it 
appears. It says ezCreateFont:save Font failed. I have experienced this 
problem since ver 55.5

What i'm doing:

I am simply writing and drawing on a pixmap which i later copyBlt on a 
Win32lib Bitmap Control.
this is a sample of the garbage returned after the crash

c:\mail\win32lib.ew:201 in procedure fShowError() 
attempt to divide by 0 
    pParams = {{101'e',122'z',67'C',114'r',101'e',97'a',116't',101'e',
32' ',102'f',97'a',105'i',108'l',101'e',100'd',46'.'},491}
    pMode = 2
    lErrCode = 491
    lResponse = 1
    lStyle = 16
    s = 
110'n',116't',58':',83'S',97'a',118'v',101'e',68'D',67'C',32' ',102'f',

... called from c:\mail\win32lib.ew:212 in procedure abortErr()  
    pParams = {{101'e',122'z',67'C',114'r',101'e',97'a',116't',101'e',
32' ',102'f',97'a',105'i',108'l',101'e',100'd',46'.'},491}

... called from c:\mail\win32lib.ew:5298 in function EzCreateFont()  
    id = 3
    pDC = 4466
    faceName = {84'T',105'i',109'm',101'e',115's',32' 
32' ',82'R',111'o',109'm',97'a',110'n'}
    iDeciPtHeight = 80'P'
    iDeciPtWidth = 0
    iAttributes = 1
    fLogRes = 0
    logfont = 0
    hdc = 4466
    cxDpi = <no value>
    cyDpi = <no value>
    hFont = <no value>
    lf = 7677836
    pt = 7677900
    tm = <no value>
    savedDC = 0
    mset = 7677820
    boldFlag = <no value>
    italicFlag = <no value>
    underlineFlag = <no value>
    strikeOutFlag = <no value>
    lWidth = 0
    lEscapement = 0
    lOrientation = 0
    lCharSet = 0
    lOutPrecision = 0
    lClipPrecision = 0
    lQuality = 0
    lPitchAndFamily = 0

... called from c:\mail\win32lib.ew:5372 in function assignFont()  
    id = 3
    fontID = <no value>
    result = <no value>
    hdc = 4466
    lifetime = <no value>

... called from c:\mail\win32lib.ew:5884 in function queryFont()  
    id = 115's'
    request = 524455
    args = {7677800,15,7677784}
    useId = 3
    hdc = <no value>
    result = <no value>
    saved = {{},10,0,0}

... called from c:\mail\win32lib.ew:5939 in function getTextExtent()  
    id = 115's'
    text = 
102'f',102'f',102'f',102'f',32' ',32' '}}

Make Progress...or stand aside!
jordah Ferguson
jorfergie03 at yahoo.com 

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Thomas Parslow (PatRat) wrote:
> > > - "by Thomas Parslow". GDI resource leak using wPuts and queryFont 
> > > removed.
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > This bug still seems to be present, applying the fix I posted before
> > still works though...
> > 
> >
> > http://www.rapideuphoria.com/cgi-bin/esearch.exu?fromMonth=4&fromYear=7&toMonth=4&toYear=7&postedBy=thomas+parslow&keywords=queryFont+wPuts
> > 
> > 
> That's weird Thomas. I tested it and got no resource leakage. Maybe my 
> testing process is flawed. How exactly are you seeing the resource 
> leakage? 
> As for your fix, yes it worked  but I needed a more generic way of doing 
> it, so I adapted your code to catch all font leaks, now and in the 
> future. (Or so I thought).
> -----------
> Derek.

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6. RE: win32lib v0.57.4 released

Ouch! I just got into the office this morning to find many issue reports 
on the win32lib library. 

First , thanks for all your efforts. It is much appreciated.

Second, it will take time to respond to these as I have to do some 
research and analysis on most of them. 

Third, keep trying to break it (and maybe offer solutions too!). 
Together we can improve this tool.


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