1. Robot challenge -Reply


A few more specs would be useful...  How may sensors does the robot
have?  What can they detect?   Can we assume helper functions, like:
wall() - returns True if position is "on" wall, False otherwise
green() - returns True if on green square, False otherwise
red() - returns True if on red square, False otherwise

Also, what length do the sensors go out to?  One pixel?  Ten pixels?
what kind of movement functions does the robot have? And how far do
they move it?

Assuming one forward-looking sensor with a range of one pixel, the
helper functions above, and a move function that moves forward one
pixel, and turn functions that turn x degrees clockwise, a simple
algorithm would be:

while !red() do
  if wall() then
  end if
end while

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2. Re: Robot challenge -Reply

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998 11:39:12 -0600, Jay Turley <jturley at MDC.COM> wrote:

>A few more specs would be useful...  How may sensors does the robot
I leave that up to the coder.

> What can they detect?

Imminent collision with the wall - minimum. Don't trash the wall
when colliding. Also helpful if they could detect collision
with another 'bot (for later bot wars)

>Can we assume helper functions, like:
>wall() - returns True if position is "on" wall, False otherwise
>green() - returns True if on green square, False otherwise
>red() - returns True if on red square, False otherwise

Sounds like a reasonable start.

>Also, what length do the sensors go out to?  One pixel?  Ten pixels?
>what kind of movement functions does the robot have? And how far do
>they move it?

Again, up to the coder. Do you go for simple and fast, (head banger)
or complex and slow (chess master) mode?

>Assuming one forward-looking sensor with a range of one pixel, the
>helper functions above, and a move function that moves forward one
>pixel, and turn functions that turn x degrees clockwise, a simple
>algorithm would be:
>while !red() do
>  forward()
>  if wall() then
>    turn(180)
>    forward()
>    turn(270)
>  end if
>end while

Oh. I forgot to add, we need to see the bot moving on screen -
maybe a nice circle would be enough - some color other than
yellow/red/green. Get fancy if you wish. I realize that if
your algorithm is good, the bot will move so fast it will
be hard to see. Might be interesting,  tho, to stick in a
time delay to see how it works.
Naturally we'll include a timer at the call and at the exit
of the 'bot routine, and time them all on the same pc.



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