1. Standard toolkit

Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides Win32Lib that they use
regularly in their projects?  I'm mostly asking about utility functions, not
graphics libraries and such.  Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include
your own libraries that you may not have released to the archive.

Some other questions:

* If this library is in the archive and you're a registered user, have you voted
microbucks for it?

* If this library is not in the archive, why not?

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.


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2. Re: Standard toolkit

On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 07:35:22 -0700, Jason Gade
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides Win32Lib that they use
>regularly in their projects?
>I'm mostly asking about utility functions, not graphics libraries and such.  
That would be arwen you are not asking about then blink)

>Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include your own libraries 
>that you may not have released to the archive.
The main ones for me are:
ipc (though that is getting less used by me, personally)

I also use reg.ew (by Davi Tassinari de Figueiredo), though
I would prefer a read-only subset (ie just tell me what is the 
associated editor/browser/email client, etc)

They are all in the archive.

There is other stuff, like min, max, abs, which I tend to just 
copy, because I don't have a trusted, slimline, source.
I also have at least four versions (each) of upper and lower,
common memory (re-) allocation, string, stringify, Abort (erm
make that 30+ versions),  Focus (one good idea on that one), 
database.e wrappers, ..... 


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3. Re: Standard toolkit

Pete Lomax wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 07:35:22 -0700, Jason Gade
> <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:
>>Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides Win32Lib that they use
>>regularly in their projects?
>>I'm mostly asking about utility functions, not graphics libraries and such.  
> That would be arwen you are not asking about then blink)
>>Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include your own libraries 
>>that you may not have released to the archive.
> The main ones for me are:
> syswait
> ppp
> ipc (though that is getting less used by me, personally)
> I also use reg.ew (by Davi Tassinari de Figueiredo), though
> I would prefer a read-only subset (ie just tell me what is the 
> associated editor/browser/email client, etc)
> They are all in the archive.
> There is other stuff, like min, max, abs, which I tend to just 
> copy, because I don't have a trusted, slimline, source.
> I also have at least four versions (each) of upper and lower,
> common memory (re-) allocation, string, stringify, Abort (erm
> make that 30+ versions),  Focus (one good idea on that one), 
> database.e wrappers, ..... 
> Regards,
> Pete

I haven't looked much at Arwen.  Is it a good example of a library?  I 
mean just looking at how the API is exposed to the user and how the 
functions are written.  Can the code be used as an example of how to 
write *any* library?

Arwen is Windows-specific, isn't it?

Just wondering because if a set of libraries is recommended as a 
standard "user toolkit" it should be cross-platform.  That's why I was 
thinking that wxEuphoria would be a good recommendation for 
gui/networking toolkit.  I know that Win32Lib is much more mature but it 
is Windows-specific (for now).  I still think that it is probably a good 
example of how a library *should* be written but I could be wrong since 
I haven't examined it extensively either.

As per Christian Cuvier's suggestion I am kind of surveying what kind of 
library routines are currently used by programmers in Euphoria.  I think 
that is a good start towards a user toolkit/recommended set of add-on 
routines that everyone should have available.
Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

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4. Re: Standard toolkit

Jason Gade wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides Win32Lib that they use
> regularly
> in their projects?  I'm mostly asking about utility functions, not graphics
> libraries
> and such.  Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include your own
> libraries that
> you may not have released to the archive.
> Some other questions:
> * If this library is in the archive and you're a registered user, have you
> voted microbucks
> for it?
> * If this library is not in the archive, why not?
> =====================================
> Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
> j.

Hi there Jason,

There's also the "WinClass" C++ style library, which is easier to
modify than some of the big single file libraries.  It's also 
organized better in a class hierarchical order, does COM/Ole 
(has interfaces already too), and already has many custom classes.
The COM structure is the simplest found anywhere on the web i believe.

The version right now in the archive is the older version.
The new version, complete with almost every Windows class there is,
is due out around the middle of next week.  The new classes round out
the library quite nicely:

Treeview, Listview, Scrollbars, Trackbars, Rebar, Updown, TabControl,
PropertySheet, Toolbars, Calendar, AppointmentBook, Progressbars,
Marquee, as well as "Long Operation" support which is multi thread-like.

Unlike Microsoft's standard Marquee Control, the WinClass Marquee Control
works on all systems Win95,98, etc., not just XP, and of course can
be geared with it's own thread-like operation.

The PropertySheet Control is easy to use too...almost like creating
a window with child windows.

Take care,

And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

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5. Re: Standard toolkit

J> Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides
J> Win32Lib that they use regularly in their projects?  I'm mostly
J> asking about utility functions, not graphics libraries and such. 
J> Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include your own
J> libraries that you may not have released to the archive.

J> Some other questions:

J> * If this library is in the archive and you're a registered
J> user, have you voted microbucks for it?

J> * If this library is not in the archive, why not?

Having used Eu for 5 years, nearly all projects I made always include
a file I made as standard library.

So I think Eu standard library is very important.

So I translated the include file to English and removed a lot of
routines that I think would not be too useful for the others.

The file is below. Some of the routines are obtained from Euforum, but
sorry I didn't keep the original author names.

A lot of routines are still missing. I think these routines need to be
included in the standard library project:
- copy/rename/move/delete/rmdir functions, USING WIN32 API and LINUX
  SYSTEM CALLS instead of system("del " & filename,0) which I hate very
  much (personally) since it's not reliable
- *simple* hash map/set, like hash_set(key, value),
  hash_get(key, default_value), hash_find(key), etc
- date/time library, like datetime.e by CyrekSoft

If you think that my file below is suitable for inclusion, please
include it in the Std Library project, but since there is some
performance problems, please optimize it.

Looking forward for your suggestions, etc!

-- Standard Library ... by Aku 2000-2004
-- Renewed in 2005 to use English and for general public
-- Removed a lot of unused routines

include dll.e
include get.e
include wildcard.e
include file.e

object pppath
if platform() = 3 then pppath = '/' else pppath = '\\' end if

object xGetTickCount, xSleep
if platform() = WIN32 then
xGetTickCount = define_c_func(open_dll("kernel32"), "GetTickCount", {},
    xSleep = define_c_proc(open_dll("kernel32"), "Sleep", {C_ULONG})
end if

--# String / Sequence

-- left(string st, int n)
-- same as left() on VB, returns the first /n chars of st, if /n > length(/st)
-- then /st is returned
global function left(sequence st, atom n)
    if n >= length(st) then
        return st
        return st[1..n]
    end if
end function

-- mid(string st, int start, int len)
-- same as mid() on VB, returns the /len chars of /st starting from 
-- position /start. If /len = -1, /st[/start..length(/st)] is returned.
global function mid(sequence st, atom start, atom len)
    if start > length(st) then
        return ""
    elsif len = 0 or len <= -2 then
        return ""
    elsif start+len-1 > length(st) then
        return st[start..length(st)]
    elsif len = -1 then
        return st[start..length(st)]
    elsif len+start-1 < 0 then
        return ""
    elsif start < 1 then
        return st[1..len+start-1]
        return st[start..len+start-1]
    end if
end function

-- slice(string st, int start, int stop)
-- returns /st[/start../stop] but takes care of invalid subscript
global function slice(sequence st, atom start, atom stop)
    if stop = -1 then stop = length(st) end if
    if start < 1 then start = 1 end if
    if stop > length(st) then stop = length(st) end if
    if start > stop then return "" end if
    return st[start..stop]
end function

-- vslice(sequence s, int colno)
-- vertical slicing
-- for example, if /s = {{1,2}, {3,4}} and /colno = 2, 
-- then vslice(s, colno) = {2,4}
global function vslice(sequence s, atom colno)
sequence ret
    ret = {}
    for i = 1 to length(s) do
        ret = append(ret, s[i][colno])
    end for
    return ret
end function

-- right(string st, int n)
-- same as right() on VB, returns the last /n chars of st, if /n > length(/st)
-- then /st is returned
global function right(sequence st, atom n)
    if n >= length(st) then
        return st
        return st[length(st)-n+1..length(st)]
    end if
end function

-- instr(int start, string st1, string st2)
-- same as instr() in VB
-- Basically it's match(st2, /st1[start..length(/st1)]),
-- but if st2 = "", will return 1
global function instr(atom start, sequence st1, sequence st2)
integer pos
    if start > length(st1) then
        return 0
    elsif equal(st2, {}) then
        return 1
        pos = match(st2, st1[start..length(st1)])
        if pos then
            return pos + start - 1
            return 0
        end if
    end if
end function

-- instr_nc(int start, string st1, string st2)
-- non case sensitive version of instr()
global function instr_nc(atom start, sequence st1, sequence st2)
    return instr(start, lower(st1), lower(st2))
end function

-- split(string st, string delim)
-- splits /st to sequence of strings
-- example: split("abacbabacaaba", "ba") = {"a", "c", "", "caa", ""}
global function split(sequence st, sequence delim)
    sequence ret
    object pos
    while 1 do
        pos = match(delim, st)
        if pos then
            ret = append(ret, st[1..pos-1])
            st = st[pos+length(delim)..length(st)]
        end if
    end while
    ret = append(ret, st)
    return ret
end function

-- join(sequence s, string delim)
-- joins /s to the original string
-- example: join({"1", "23"}, "_") = "1_23"
global function join(sequence s, object delim)
object ret
    if not length(s) then return "" end if

    ret = ""
    for i=1 to length(s)-1 do
        ret &= s[i] & delim
    end for
    ret &= s[length(s)]
    return ret
end function

-- replace(string st, string sfind, string sreplace)
-- replaces every occurence of /sfind in /st with /sreplace
global function ganti(sequence st, sequence sfind, sequence sreplace)
atom pos, a
    pos = 1
    while 1 do
        a = instr(pos, st, sfind)
        if not a then exit end if
        st = st[1..a-1] & sreplace & st[length(sfind)+a..length(st)]
        pos = a+length(sreplace)
    end while
    return st
end function

-- part(sequence s, int pos)
-- simply returns /s[/pos] with error handling
-- useful for emulating: func(something)[pos] which is not a legal syntax in eu
-- in that case, use: part(func(something), pos)
global function part(object s, atom pos)
    if atom(s) then return s end if
    if length(s) = 0 then return 0 end if
    if pos > length(s) then return s[length(s)] end if
    if pos < 1 then return s[1] end if
    return s[pos]
end function

-- remove_dup(sequence s)
-- remove duplicates in s
global function remove_dup(sequence s)
object mark, ret
    mark = repeat(1, length(s))
    for i = 1 to length(s)-1 do
        for j = i+1 to length(s) do
            if equal(s[i], s[j]) then
                mark[j] = 0
            end if
        end for
    end for
    ret = {}
    for i = 1 to length(mark) do
        if mark[i] then
            ret = append(ret, s[i])
        end if
    end for
    return ret
end function

-- seq_insert(int at, sequence s, object new)
-- inserts /new at position /at to /s
global function seq_insert(integer at, sequence s, object new)
    s &= 0
    s[at+1..length(s)] = s[at..length(s)-1]
    s[at] = new
    return s
end function

-- seq_remove(object at, sequence s)
-- removes element(s) in position(s) /at from /s
-- /at can be an int or an {int from, int to}
global function seq_remove(object at, sequence s)
    if atom(at) then at = {at,at} end if
        s = s[1..at[1]-1] & s[at[2]+1..length(s)]
    return s
end function

-- shuffle(sequence s)
-- changes the order of elements of /s randomly
global function shuffle(sequence s)
    object temp
    integer j

    for i = length(s) to 2 by -1 do
        j = rand(i)
        temp = s[j]
        s[j] = s[i]
        s[i] = temp
    end for
    return s
end function

-- find_all(sequence s, object sfind)
-- returns positions of matching elements
-- example: find_all({1,9,3,9,9}, 9) = {2,4,5}
global function find_all(sequence s, object ofind)
object ret
    ret = {}
    for i=1 to length(s) do
        if equal(ofind, s[i]) then
            ret &= i
        end if
    end for
    return ret
end function

-- vfind(object ofind, sequence o, atom colno)
-- vertical find.
-- finds /sfind in column /colno of /o
global function vfind(object ofind, sequence o, atom colno)
    for i=1 to length(o) do
        if equal(ofind, o[i][colno]) then
            return i
        end if
    end for
    return 0
end function

-- trim(string st)
-- removes \n, \r, \t, and spaces from beginning and end of /st
global function trim(sequence st)
object p
    p = 0
    for i = 1 to length(st) do
        if find(st[i], "\n\r\t ") then
            p = i
        end if
    end for
    st = st[p+1..length(st)]
    p = length(st)+1
    for i = length(st) to 1 by -1 do
        if find(st[i], "\n\r\t ") then
            p = i
        end if
    end for
    st = st[1..p-1]
    return st
end function

-- is_string(object o)
-- determines whether /o is a sequence with atom (>=32 and <=255) 
-- or in "\n\r\t" as its elements
global function is_string(object o)
    if sequence(o) then
        for i=1 to length(o) do
            if sequence(o[i]) then
                return 0
elsif not ((o[i] >= 32 and o[i] <= 255) or find(o[i], "\n\r\t"))
                return 0
            end if
        end for
        return 1
    end if
    return 0
end function

--# Pretty Printing

object euob_tmp

procedure euob_makeString(object o)
sequence ret
    ret = "\""
    for i = 1 to length(o) do
        if o[i] = '\t' then
            ret &= "\\t"
        elsif o[i] = '\n' then
            ret &= "\\n"
        elsif o[i] = '\r' then
            ret &= "\\r"
        elsif o[i] = '"' then
            ret &= "\\\""
        elsif o[i] = '\'' then
            ret &= "\\'"
        elsif o[i] = '\\' then
            ret &= "\\\\"
            ret &= o[i]
        end if
    end for
    ret &= "\""
    euob_tmp &= ret
end procedure

procedure euob_do(object o)
    if atom(o) then
        euob_tmp &= sprintf("%.12g", o)
    elsif is_string(o) then
        euob_tmp &= "{"
        for i = 1 to length(o) do
            if i != length(o) then
                euob_tmp &= ", "
            end if
        end for
        euob_tmp &= "}"
    end if
end procedure

-- euob(object o)
-- returns a string representation of an Eu object /o
global function euob(object o)
    euob_tmp = ""
    return euob_tmp
end function

--# File and I/O

-- file_length(string filename)
-- return length of file /filename. 
-- if not found, returns -1
global function file_length(sequence filename)
object list
    list = dir(filename)
    if atom(list) or length(list) = 0 then
        return -1
    end if
    return list[1][D_SIZE]
end function

-- file_path(string st)
-- returns the 'directory' name of a file
-- supports \ for win/dos and / for linux/http etc
global function file_path(sequence st)
object ppdi, ppdi2
    st = reverse(st)
    ppdi = find('\\', st)
    ppdi2 = find('/', st)
    if length(find_all('\\', st)) = 1 and st[length(st)] = '\\' then
        return "\\"
    elsif length(find_all('/', st)) = 1 and st[length(st)] = '/' then
        return "/"
    end if
    if ppdi=0 and ppdi2=0 then
        return reverse(st)
    elsif ppdi=0 then
        return reverse(st[ppdi2+1..length(st)])
    elsif ppdi2=0 then
        return reverse(st[ppdi+1..length(st)])
    elsif ppdi < ppdi2 then
        return reverse(st[ppdi+1..length(st)])
    elsif ppdi2 <= ppdi then
        return reverse(st[ppdi2+1..length(st)])
    end if
end function

-- file_name(string st)
-- returns the 'file' name of a file
-- supports \ for win/dos and / for linux/http etc
global function file_name(sequence st)
object ppdi, ppdi2
    st = reverse(st)
    ppdi = find('\\', st)
    ppdi2 = find('/', st)
    if ppdi=0 and ppdi2=0 then
        return reverse(st)
    elsif ppdi=0 then
        return reverse(st[1..ppdi2-1])
    elsif ppdi2=0 then
        return reverse(st[1..ppdi-1])
    elsif ppdi < ppdi2 then
        return reverse(st[1..ppdi-1])
    elsif ppdi2 <= ppdi then
        return reverse(st[1..ppdi2-1])
    end if
end function

-- read_file(object f)
-- returns the contents of file /f
-- /f can be a filename or a file number as returned by open()
-- -1 is returned if failed
global function read_file(object f)
object fn, ret, kar, len
    if sequence(f) then
        len = file_length(f)
        if len = 0 then
            return ""
        elsif len < 0 then
            return -1
        end if
        ret = repeat(0, len)
        fn = open(f, "rb")
        if fn < 0 then return -1 end if
        for i = 1 to len do
            ret[i] = getc(fn)
        end for
        ret = ""
        while 1 do
            kar = getc(f)
            if kar != -1 then
                ret &= kar
            end if
        end while
    end if
    return ret
end function

-- read_lines(string f)
-- get lines of file /f as sequence of strings
-- /f can be filename or file number as returned from open()
-- \r in end of lines are discarded
-- blank lines are ignored
-- -1 if failed
global function read_lines(sequence f)
object fn, ret, y
    ret = {}
    if sequence(f) then
        fn = open(f, "r")
        fn = f
    end if
    if fn < 0 then return -1 end if
    while 1 do
        y = gets(fn)
        if atom(y) then
        end if
        if length(y) then
            if y[length(y)] = '\r' then
                y = y[1..length(y)-1]
            end if
            ret = append(ret, y)
        end if
    end while
    if sequence(f) then
    end if
    return ret
end function

-- write_lines(object f, sequence s)
-- write lines to file, opposite of read_lines
global procedure write_lines(object f, sequence s)
object fn
    if sequence(f) then 
        fn = open(f, "w")
        fn = f
    end if
    for i=1 to length(s) do
        puts(fn, s[i])
        puts(fn, "\n")
    end for

    if sequence(f) then 
    end if
end procedure

-- write_file(object f, string s)
-- write all contents to file, opposite of read_file
global procedure write_file(object f, sequence s)
object fn
    if sequence(f) then 
        fn = open(f, "wb")
        fn = f
    end if
    if fn = -1 then return end if
    puts(fn, s)
    if sequence(f) then 
    end if
end procedure

-- read_val(int fn)
-- reads a Eu object from file number /fn
-- equals value(get(/fn))[2]
global function getval(atom fn)
object temp
    temp = get(fn)
    return temp[2]
end function

-- merge_path(string path, string file)
-- merges the /file to its /path.
-- example: on win32, merge_path("c:\\abc", "def") = "c:\\abc\\def"
-- takes care of excessive slashes
global function merge_path(sequence path, sequence file)
    if length(path) = 0 then return file end if
    if path[length(path)] = pppath then
        path = path[1..length(path)-1]
    end if
    if length(file) = 0 then return path end if
    if file[1] = pppath then
        file = file[2..length(file)]
    end if
    return path & pppath & file
end function

-- file_type(string filename)
-- returns 0 if /filename does not exist
-- returns 1 if /filename is a file
-- returns 2 if /filename is a directory
global function file_type(sequence filename)
object dirfil
    if find('*', filename) or find('*', filename) then return 0 end if

    if length(filename) = 2 and filename[2] = ':' then
        filename &= "\\"
    end if
    dirfil = dir(filename)
    if sequence(dirfil) then
if find('d', dirfil[1][2]) or (length(filename)=3 and filename[2]=':')
            return 2
            return 1
        end if
        return 0
    end if
end function

--# Sequence Math

-- abs(object o)
-- returns absolute value of /o
global function abs(object o)
    return ((o>0)*2-1) * o
end function

-- sum(object o)
-- returns the sum of all atoms in /o and inside /o
global function sum(object o)
object hs
    if atom(o) then
        return o
        hs = 0
        for i = 1 to length(o) do
            hs += sum(o[i])
        end for
    end if
    return hs
end function

-- max(sequence s)
-- returns the index of the element having maximum value
global function max(sequence s)
object maxi, maxn
    maxi = 0
    maxn = -9e999
    for i = 1 to length(s) do
        if s[i] > maxn then
            maxn = s[i]
            maxi = i
        end if
    end for
    return maxi
end function

-- min(sequence s)
-- returns the index of the element having minimum value
global function min(sequence s)
object mini, minn
    mini = 0
    minn = 9e999
    for i = 1 to length(s) do
        if s[i] < minn then
            minn = s[i]
            mini = i
        end if
    end for
    return mini
end function

-- range(object o, object min, object max)
-- returns true if o is between min and max inclusive
global function range(object o, object min, object max)
    return (o >= min) and (o <= max)
end function

--# Timing

-- timer()
-- functions same as time() but with 1/1000 resolution on Win32
global function timer()
    if platform() = 2 then
        return (c_func(xGetTickCount, {})/1000)
        return time()
    end if
end function

-- stop(atom ms)
-- stops execution of the program by /ms milliseconds
global procedure stop(atom ms)
atom start
    if ms < 0 then ms = 0 end if
    if platform() = WIN32 then
        c_proc(xSleep, {ms})
        start = timer()
        while 1 do
            if timer()-start >= (ms/1000) then
            end if
        end while
    end if
end procedure

--# Misc

-- val(string o)
-- returns value(/o)[2]
global function val(sequence o)
object tp
    tp = value(o)
    return tp[2]
end function

-- iif(atom v, object iftrue, object iffalse)
-- Inline if. 
-- will return /iftrue if /v, or /iffalse if not /v.
global function kalo(atom v, object iftrue, object iffalse)
    if v then
        return iftrue
    end if
    return iffalse
end function

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6. Re: Standard toolkit

Hello aku,

Very nice!  Now how about submitting to the archive so we can download
the whole thing?

Thanks, and take care,

And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

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7. Re: Standard toolkit

Al Getz wrote:
> posted by: Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com>
> Jason Gade wrote:
>>Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides Win32Lib that they use
>>in their projects?  I'm mostly asking about utility functions, not graphics
>>and such.  Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include your own
>>libraries that
>>you may not have released to the archive.
>>Some other questions:
>>* If this library is in the archive and you're a registered user, have you
>>voted microbucks
>>for it?
>>* If this library is not in the archive, why not?
>>Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
> Hi there Jason,
> There's also the "WinClass" C++ style library, which is easier to
> modify than some of the big single file libraries.  It's also 
> organized better in a class hierarchical order, does COM/Ole 
> (has interfaces already too), and already has many custom classes.
> The COM structure is the simplest found anywhere on the web i believe.
> The version right now in the archive is the older version.
> The new version, complete with almost every Windows class there is,
> is due out around the middle of next week.  The new classes round out
> the library quite nicely:
> Treeview, Listview, Scrollbars, Trackbars, Rebar, Updown, TabControl,
> PropertySheet, Toolbars, Calendar, AppointmentBook, Progressbars,
> Marquee, as well as "Long Operation" support which is multi thread-like.
> Unlike Microsoft's standard Marquee Control, the WinClass Marquee Control
> works on all systems Win95,98, etc., not just XP, and of course can
> be geared with it's own thread-like operation.
> The PropertySheet Control is easy to use too...almost like creating
> a window with child windows.
> Take care,
> Al
> And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

I've browsed the Winclass library and I like what I see.  I do wish that 
Euphoria was more modular -- one of those things that would make OO 
programming easier.  I don't drink the OO koolaid, but I think that it 
can be a useful technique.

It would be cool if it was cross-platform, though.

One enhancement for the language itself that can't be done in a library 
is better handling of includes/imported files and namespaces.  I know 
that has been hashed out ad infinitum ad nauseum on this list.

But yet another proposal would be this:
include filename works as-is, that is include the file one time only, 
but if I "include graphics.e" and "include lib/graphics.e" the 
interpreter should recognize it as different files.

But if you "include graphics.e as circle" and then "include graphics.e 
as square" it would include graphics.e in each different namespace thus 
simulating objects.  Maybe adding an import keyword would work better 
here, and programmers would have to be careful with top-level statements 
and nesting includes.

Euphoria's method of scoping is there for OO type programming but the 
namespace and include mechanism isn't.

But I don't see any changes there any time soon.

Anyway, I do like the technique used in the Winclass library and I look 
forward to checking out the next version.

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

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8. Re: Standard toolkit

On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 18:22:31 -0700, Jason Gade <jaygade at gmail.com>

>I haven't looked much at Arwen.  Is it a good example of a library?  I 
>mean just looking at how the API is exposed to the user and how the 
>functions are written.  Can the code be used as an example of how to 
>write *any* library?
Yes. I would definitely say it is well written, small, and fast. The
code is not especially well commented, though I find it quite easy to
follow. The docs are certainly much easier to digest that (say) the
win32lib ones, but that may well have something to do with arwen 
having maybe one fifth the functionality of the latter (I've had to
add stuff to get Edita to where it is).

>Arwen is Windows-specific, isn't it?
Yes. I would [also] say arwen is an excellent way to learn how to 
use the windows API directly, but maybe I am biased because I have
been modifying it as well as/while using it.
>Just wondering because if a set of libraries is recommended as a 
>standard "user toolkit" it should be cross-platform.  That's why I was 
Just because something is not xplat should not be a reason for
refusing to recommending it. As a bad example, perhaps, I use dir
 (or Explorer) on Windows and ls (or Konqueror) on Linux. Depends.exe 
is strictly windows-only, since it examines .dll files, but should 
still feature somewhere on any recommended utility list. Sure, put 
these things lower down the list, but don't exclude them.

>thinking that wxEuphoria would be a good recommendation for 
>gui/networking toolkit.  I know that Win32Lib is much more mature but it 
>is Windows-specific (for now).  I still think that it is probably a good 
>example of how a library *should* be written but I could be wrong since 
>I haven't examined it extensively either.
Win32lib is indeed stable and feature rich. However I don't think 
anyone would actually say it should be used as an *example* of how a 
library *should* be written. That is not the same as saying there is 
no high-quality code in there, but *starting* a new library, I can't 
imagine a worse way than attempting to copy win32lib.
(I may be talking at cross purposes here; the exposed API of win32lib
is in general exceptional.)

One of the things about well-written code is that it is highly
subjective. In fact, the sole purpose of attempting to craft
well-written code is that more people can readily understand it.
I will be interested in reviewing whatever you finally declare is

>As per Christian Cuvier's suggestion I am kind of surveying what kind of 
>library routines are currently used by programmers in Euphoria.  I think 
>that is a good start towards a user toolkit/recommended set of add-on 
>routines that everyone should have available.

CK has a section on his web page devoted to this topic.


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9. Re: Standard toolkit

Pete Lomax wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 18:22:31 -0700, Jason Gade <jaygade at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>Arwen is Windows-specific, isn't it?


>>Just wondering because if a set of libraries is recommended as a 
>>standard "user toolkit" it should be cross-platform.  That's why I was 
> Just because something is not xplat should not be a reason for
> refusing to recommending it. As a bad example, perhaps, I use dir
>  (or Explorer) on Windows and ls (or Konqueror) on Linux. Depends.exe 
> is strictly windows-only, since it examines .dll files, but should 
> still feature somewhere on any recommended utility list. Sure, put 
> these things lower down the list, but don't exclude them.

Okay. I was actually trying to avoid the gui library portion at this 
point anyway and I wanted to concentrate on utility portions.  There are 
a lot of gui libraries available right now, both cross-platform and 
platform specific. I think cklester's site covers the situation pretty good.

>>thinking that wxEuphoria would be a good recommendation for 
>>gui/networking toolkit.  I know that Win32Lib is much more mature but it 
>>is Windows-specific (for now).  I still think that it is probably a good 
>>example of how a library *should* be written but I could be wrong since 
>>I haven't examined it extensively either.
> Win32lib is indeed stable and feature rich. However I don't think 
> anyone would actually say it should be used as an *example* of how a 
> library *should* be written. That is not the same as saying there is 
> no high-quality code in there, but *starting* a new library, I can't 
> imagine a worse way than attempting to copy win32lib.
> (I may be talking at cross purposes here; the exposed API of win32lib
> is in general exceptional.)
> One of the things about well-written code is that it is highly
> subjective. In fact, the sole purpose of attempting to craft
> well-written code is that more people can readily understand it.
> I will be interested in reviewing whatever you finally declare is
> well-written.

Well, that's the problem.  I'm not very good at reading source code. 
Actually, I can usually understand small pieces of the puzzle but then 
trying to take a step back and understanding the complete structure is 
difficult. That's probably why I've never moved beyond beginning 
programmer despite years of study.

But my current goal is to look at the OpenEU spec and kind of see what 
can be written into a library instead of directly into the language, 
what kinds of other utility routines are needed and/or regularly used by 
the community, and what features other languages have either in their 
libraries or core language that could be used in a Euphoria library.

I'm not even saying that I'll come up with something, I'm just surveying 
the scene such as it is. I'm thinking of trying my hand at another 
project but I've never written gui code, database code, or networking 
code and the project would require all of that.

It looks like aku saya has come up with a library project that I want to 
check out as well.

>>As per Christian Cuvier's suggestion I am kind of surveying what kind of 
>>library routines are currently used by programmers in Euphoria.  I think 
>>that is a good start towards a user toolkit/recommended set of add-on 
>>routines that everyone should have available.
> CK has a section on his web page devoted to this topic.
> Regards,
> Pete

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

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10. Re: Standard toolkit

aku saya wrote:
> J> Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides
> J> Win32Lib that they use regularly in their projects?  I'm mostly
> J> asking about utility functions, not graphics libraries and such. 
> J> Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include your own
> J> libraries that you may not have released to the archive.
> J> Some other questions:
> J> * If this library is in the archive and you're a registered
> J> user, have you voted microbucks for it?
> J> * If this library is not in the archive, why not?
> Having used Eu for 5 years, nearly all projects I made always include
> a file I made as standard library.
> So I think Eu standard library is very important.
> So I translated the include file to English and removed a lot of
> routines that I think would not be too useful for the others.
> The file is below. Some of the routines are obtained from Euforum, but
> sorry I didn't keep the original author names.
> A lot of routines are still missing. I think these routines need to be
> included in the standard library project:
> - copy/rename/move/delete/rmdir functions, USING WIN32 API and LINUX
>   SYSTEM CALLS instead of system("del " & filename,0) which I hate very
>   much (personally) since it's not reliable
> - *simple* hash map/set, like hash_set(key, value),
>   hash_get(key, default_value), hash_find(key), etc
> - date/time library, like datetime.e by CyrekSoft

Derek Parnell and Jiri Babor both have hash libraries in the archive.

> Looking forward for your suggestions, etc!

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

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11. Re: Standard toolkit

On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 08:41:21 -0700, Jason Gade <jaygade at gmail.com>

>But my current goal is to look at the OpenEU spec and kind of see what 
>can be written into a library instead of directly into the language, 
>what kinds of other utility routines are needed and/or regularly used by 
>the community, and what features other languages have either in their 
>libraries or core language that could be used in a Euphoria library.
>I'm not even saying that I'll come up with something, I'm just surveying 
>the scene such as it is. I'm thinking of trying my hand at another 
>project but I've never written gui code, database code, or networking 
>code and the project would require all of that.
That is a very good mission statement.
>It looks like aku saya has come up with a library project that I want to 
>check out as well.
Yes, that is a very good starting point (thanks aku). I have a local 
copy and I plan to post some of my recommendations (as asked for) in a
few days.


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12. Re: Standard toolkit

Jason Gade wrote:
> Al Getz wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > posted by: Al Getz <Xaxo at aol.com>
> > 
> > Jason Gade wrote:
> > 
> >>Can anyone tell me what (non-RDS) library files besides Win32Lib that they
> >>use regularly
> >>in their projects?  I'm mostly asking about utility functions, not graphics
> >>libraries
> >>and such.  Stuff like print.e, sprint.e, tk_*.e, etc.  Include your own
> >>libraries that
> >>you may not have released to the archive.
> >>
> >>Some other questions:
> >>
> >>* If this library is in the archive and you're a registered user, have you
> >>voted microbucks
> >>for it?
> >>
> >>* If this library is not in the archive, why not?
> >>
> >>=====================================
> >>Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
> >>
> >>j.
> >>
> > 
> > Hi there Jason,
> > 
> > 
> > There's also the "WinClass" C++ style library, which is easier to
> > modify than some of the big single file libraries.  It's also 
> > organized better in a class hierarchical order, does COM/Ole 
> > (has interfaces already too), and already has many custom classes.
> > The COM structure is the simplest found anywhere on the web i believe.
> > 
> > The version right now in the archive is the older version.
> > The new version, complete with almost every Windows class there is,
> > is due out around the middle of next week.  The new classes round out
> > the library quite nicely:
> > 
> > Treeview, Listview, Scrollbars, Trackbars, Rebar, Updown, TabControl,
> > PropertySheet, Toolbars, Calendar, AppointmentBook, Progressbars,
> > Marquee, as well as "Long Operation" support which is multi thread-like.
> > 
> > Unlike Microsoft's standard Marquee Control, the WinClass Marquee Control
> > works on all systems Win95,98, etc., not just XP, and of course can
> > be geared with it's own thread-like operation.
> > 
> > The PropertySheet Control is easy to use too...almost like creating
> > a window with child windows.
> > 
> > 
> > Take care,
> > Al
> > 
> > And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!
> > 
> > My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"
> I've browsed the Winclass library and I like what I see.  I do wish that 
> Euphoria was more modular -- one of those things that would make OO 
> programming easier.  I don't drink the OO koolaid, but I think that it 
> can be a useful technique.
> It would be cool if it was cross-platform, though.
> One enhancement for the language itself that can't be done in a library 
> is better handling of includes/imported files and namespaces.  I know 
> that has been hashed out ad infinitum ad nauseum on this list.
> But yet another proposal would be this:
> include filename works as-is, that is include the file one time only, 
> but if I "include graphics.e" and "include lib/graphics.e" the 
> interpreter should recognize it as different files.
> But if you "include graphics.e as circle" and then "include graphics.e 
> as square" it would include graphics.e in each different namespace thus 
> simulating objects.  Maybe adding an import keyword would work better 
> here, and programmers would have to be careful with top-level statements 
> and nesting includes.
> Euphoria's method of scoping is there for OO type programming but the 
> namespace and include mechanism isn't.
> But I don't see any changes there any time soon.
> Anyway, I do like the technique used in the Winclass library and I look 
> forward to checking out the next version.
> -- 
> ==============================
> Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
> j.

Hi there Jason,

I guess i could go cross platform with it at some point.
Yes i'd like to see Euphoria includes that can be re-included
as another name and have a whole new object to work with.

Im hoping to have the WinClass Library ready to go this week.
I realized that i didnt have a demo of the Property Sheet that
i could go public with so im throwing one together now.
My Scientific Calculator uses that class but i dont really want
to release that to the general public, and besides it has way
too much more in it to be a good demo.

Take care,

And, good luck with your Euphoria programming!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

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13. Re: Standard toolkit

left and right space padding for strings. This will truncate 
it if the string length exceeds n, which may not always be 
desirable... ;

---------------------------------------------<bonus functions>
global function Lpad(object s, integer n) --left padded text
integer l , comp
if atom(s) then s = {s} end if 
  l = length(s)
  if l<n then  comp = n -l
    s &= repeat(' ',comp)
  elsif l>n then
  s = s[1..n]
  end if 
  return s
end function
global function Rpad(object s, integer n) --right padded text
integer l , comp
l = length(s)
if atom(s) then s = {s} end if 
if l<n then  comp = n -l
 return repeat(' ',comp) & s
elsif l>n then
s = s[1..n]
end if 
return s
end function

--"ask about our layaway plan".

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14. Re: Standard toolkit

In my previous answer about libs I use, I was referring to mseval.e . 
Its author is M. Stachon.
I didn't release my custom version as a separate file as it was very 
much specialised (used in DieRoll, if you're interested).


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15. Re: Standard toolkit

Re: strings

There's nice basic (no pun intended) functions in string.e by Greg Harris

For "associated strings", there's several, i began using Jiri Babor's a while 
back. It makes up for the lack of dynamic string generation which mirc and 
many Basics have. It can also be slightly modified to make it run code on 
certain vars when you access them.

For regex, David Cuny wrote one years ago, and Bach has regex.b.


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16. Re: Standard toolkit

Kat wrote:
> Re: strings
> There's nice basic (no pun intended) functions in string.e by Greg Harris
> For "associated strings", there's several, i began using Jiri Babor's a while 
> back. It makes up for the lack of dynamic string generation which mirc and 
> many Basics have. It can also be slightly modified to make it run code on 
> certain vars when you access them.
> For regex, David Cuny wrote one years ago, and Bach has regex.b.
> Kat

Pardon my ignorance, but what is "dynamic string generation"?

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.


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17. Re: Standard toolkit

On 6 Jul 2005, at 8:14, Jason Gade wrote:

> posted by: Jason Gade <jaygade at yahoo.com>
> Kat wrote:
> > 
> > Re: strings
> > 
> > There's nice basic (no pun intended) functions in string.e by Greg Harris
> > 
> > For "associated strings", there's several, i began using Jiri Babor's a
> > while
> > back. It makes up for the lack of dynamic string generation which mirc and
> > many Basics have. It can also be slightly modified to make it run code on
> > certain vars when you access them.
> > 
> > For regex, David Cuny wrote one years ago, and Bach has regex.b.
> > 
> > Kat
> > 
> > 
> Pardon my ignorance, but what is "dynamic string generation"?

At a basic level, in some languages, you don't need to pre-declare all the 
variables you wish to use. You don't even need to state the form the name of 
the var takes or the data it holds, which makes languages like mirc very 
adept at finding things (altho mirc is so much slower than Eu it's not even on 
the same planet).

Instead of:
sequence thisvar, thatvar

you simple begin using the var's name:
anothervar = "blah"

or, like i am fond of doing in mirc:
if ( %npass.oper. [ $+ [ %net ] $+ . $+ [ %server ] $+ . $+ [ $me ] ] != $null )
; code here


if ( %iop. [ $+ [ %net ] $+ . $+ [ # ] ] == yes ) { idme }

and in that code i don't need to spec what network i am on, the server's 
name, or my nick there, or that the var even exists or what form (sequence, 
integer, etc) the var has. If the var doesn't exist, there's no error. And i
all those "& . &" to make a dotted notation to the variable's name, so i can 
do this sorta thing:

set -u0 %temp.nick&pass  $read -w [ $+ [ *=%npass.oper. [ $+ [ %net ] $+ . 
$+ [ %server ] $+ ] .* ] ] $mircdir/remotes/ctcp.ini

which is mirc's way of setting a local var, doing a file read with pattern 
matching of a var i make the name of on-the-fly.

Makes it so easy to do this too:

-- in the on:join event
set %did.id. [ $+ [ %net ] $+ . $+ [ # ]  $+ . $+ [ $me ] ] did
which makes a var like:
%did.id.dalnet.#test.kat did

-- in the on:part event
unset %did.id. [ $+ [ %net ] $+ . $+ [ # ]  $+ .* ] 

which unsets all the ident'ing i did in that channel for any nick i used while 

--in the on:quit, on:disconnect, on:start events
-- or in one alias called by them
unset %did.id.*

and all the vars signifying that i did id for any network, room, nick, and 
channel are cleared in one decidedly non-Euphoric swoop.

Can't do those things natively in Euphoria. Which is also why strtok got 
written, because i can do this in mirc:

if ( *!* at user-?*?*.dialup.mindspring.com iswm %1 ) {
  if ( $2 == 3 ) {
    return *!* $+ $right($remove($gettok($gettok(%1,1,64),2,42),~),9) $+ 
@user-* $+ $gettok($gettok($gettok(%1,1,46),2,64),2,63) $+ 
    } } 

But associated lists help a *lot*, because you can do

-- pseudocode!
proc setvar(object whatvar,object data)
-- see jiri's/derek's code for how to do this
end proc
func getvar(object whatvar)
-- see derek's/jiri's code on how...
return data
return 0
end func


if match(getvar("what."&chan&".bloo"),data[1]) then
-- falls thru, no errors, if var doesn't exist
-- normal eu code
end if

Now if i could get a:
goto "what."&chan&".bloo" 
goto gettok(data[1],32)
goto %var
like mirc has!!

wishing terribly that Euphoria was more advanced

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18. Re: Standard toolkit

Kat wrote:
> Re: strings
> There's nice basic (no pun intended) functions in string.e by Greg Harris
> For "associated strings", there's several, i began using Jiri Babor's a while 
> back. It makes up for the lack of dynamic string generation which mirc and 
> many Basics have. It can also be slightly modified to make it run code on 
> certain vars when you access them.
> For regex, David Cuny wrote one years ago, and Bach has regex.b.
> Kat

I couldn't find string.e by Greg Harris in the archive unless it is under
something else.  Doing a search for Greg Harris just comes up with two results --
Faster Palette Routines and Animation Test.

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.


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19. Re: Standard toolkit

Jason Gade wrote:
> Kat wrote:
> > 
> > Re: strings
> > 
> > There's nice basic (no pun intended) functions in string.e by Greg Harris
> > 
> > For "associated strings", there's several, i began using Jiri Babor's a
> > while
> > back. It makes up for the lack of dynamic string generation which mirc and 
> > many Basics have. It can also be slightly modified to make it run code on 
> > certain vars when you access them.
> > 
> > For regex, David Cuny wrote one years ago, and Bach has regex.b.
> > 
> > Kat
> > 
> > 
> I couldn't find string.e by Greg Harris in the archive unless it is under
> something
> else.  Doing a search for Greg Harris just comes up with two results -- Faster
> Palette
> Routines and Animation Test.

But if you meant the one by Normand Blais, then never mind.  I found it.

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.


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20. Re: Standard toolkit

On 6 Jul 2005, at 10:43, Jason Gade wrote:

> posted by: Jason Gade <jaygade at yahoo.com>
> Jason Gade wrote:
> > 
> > Kat wrote:
> > > 
> > > Re: strings
> > > 
> > > There's nice basic (no pun intended) functions in string.e by Greg Harris
> > > 
> > > For "associated strings", there's several, i began using Jiri Babor's a
> > > while back. It makes up for the lack of dynamic string generation which
> > > mirc
> > > and many Basics have. It can also be slightly modified to make it run code
> > > on certain vars when you access them.
> > > 
> > > For regex, David Cuny wrote one years ago, and Bach has regex.b.
> > > 
> > > Kat
> > > 
> > > 
> > I couldn't find string.e by Greg Harris in the archive unless it is under
> > something else.  Doing a search for Greg Harris just comes up with two
> > results
> > -- Faster Palette Routines and Animation Test.
> But if you meant the one by Normand Blais, then never mind.  I found it.

-- file:   string.e
-- author: Normand M. Blais
-- date:   January 4 1999
-- Modified 12/8/99
-- Greg Harris



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21. Re: Standard toolkit

Someone mentioned replace() earlier, here is the one i use, it's case-
insensitive, with a wildcard matching:

function replace(sequence st,sequence old_ch,sequence new_ch)
    integer k, k1, k2
    sequence newst, old_ch1, old_ch2

if match("*",old_ch)
    old_ch1 = old_ch[1..match("*",old_ch)-1]
    old_ch2 = old_ch[match("*",old_ch)+1..length(old_ch)]

      k1 = match(upper(old_ch1),upper(st))
      k2 = match(upper(old_ch2),upper(st))
      newst = ""
      while (k1 and k2) and (k2 > k1) do
        newst = newst & st[1..k1-1] & new_ch
        st = st[k1..length(st)]
        st = st[k2 + length(old_ch2)..length(st)]
        k1 = match(upper(old_ch1),upper(st))
        k2 = match(upper(old_ch2),upper(st))
      end while
      newst = newst & st
    return newst


    k = match(upper(old_ch),upper(st))
    newst = ""
    while k do
      newst = newst & st[1..k-1] & new_ch
      st = st[k+length(old_ch)..length(st)]
      k = match(upper(old_ch),upper(st))
    end while
    newst = newst & st
    return newst

  end if
end function

works like:

TheWebPage = replace(TheWebPage,")","\"")
TheWebPage = replace(TheWebPage,"<font*>","")

It can be sped up some, i'm sure. My 2nd version of replace is a bit ratty, but 
has a case switch, a do_not_replace switch, and a do_replace_only switch. 
Maybe i'll post it when cleaned up.


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22. Re: Standard toolkit

Pete Lomax wrote:

> On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 08:41:21 -0700, Jason Gade wrote:


>> It looks like aku saya has come up with a library project that I want to
>> check out as well.
> Yes, that is a very good starting point (thanks aku). I have a local
> copy and I plan to post some of my recommendations (as asked for) in a
> few days.

I disagree. At the same time, while people talk about reviving the
Standard Library Project, instead of joining the discussion and working
together with these people, Aku just post his own code, and even also
calls it "Standard Library". That's strange (to say the least).

Also, I -- as well as probably several other people here -- have some
similar code on my harddisk, too. So we all should post it now and call
it "Standard Library", or what?


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