1. More input on c_func() in DOS

Heh..  Well, I was thinking it would be pretty cool to have a c_func()
or similar function for DOS.  But then, I thought some more (heheh),
and, if it was implemented, it would be hard to make a non-crappy form
of it (assuming the code will be retrieved from .OBJ or .O files).  But,
I thought it would be nice to have some routines to load assembly
language procedures from binary files, for example, open_asm_bin(),
define_asm_proc(), define_asm_func(), asm_proc(), asm_func(), and

Hahaha, I bet you all are asking what the format of the file should
be...  Well, I hope this assembly source helps.  (I'm using Turbo
Assembler syntax)

; Assembly language routines for Euphoria

; Assembler stuff
IDEAL                    ; Force TASM syntax
P386                       ; Tell assembler we're using 386
protected-mode instructions
MODEL flat            ; I haven't used TASM in so long..  Is flat a
valid TASM
                                ; memory model?

   ; Code segment

   ; Some segment assumptions
   ASSUME cs:@code, ds:@code, es:@code, ss:@code
   ASSUME fs:@code, gs:@code

   ; Begin at offset 0
   ORG 0

   ; I'll just throw a tag in here.  You can decide if it should be
   ; I'm just using this as a lame mechanism to see if this is a binary
   ; file containing ASM routines for Euphoria.
   DB 'EuASM'

   ; This is the number of symbols in the file.
   NumberOfSymbols DD 2

   ; The names of the symbols (i.e. the routines and variables)
   DB 'outportd'
   DD OFFSET _outportd
   DB 'miscvar'
   DD OFFSET _miscvar

; I guess the C-calling method should be used.
PROC _outportd
   ARG portID:WORD, value:DWORD

   ; Set up the stack
   push ebp
   mov ebp, esp

   ; Assign the port ID to DX, and the value to EAX
   mov dx, [portID]
   mov eax, [value]

   ; Send the value
   out dx, eax

   ; Restore the stack and return
   pop ebp
ENDP _outportd

   ; That miscellaneous variable
   miscvar DD 0

   ; End of file

Heh..  Excuse the programming, but I haven't used TASM in quite a
while.  Well, I hope you all think this is a good idea..  If not, I
won't care..  Heh.

   The AfterBeat

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