1. api question part2


Hi all,

Sorry, for my revious email on the issue, here is a bit more of what i
wantedto mean.

I've created a window with a multi-part statusbar. I want to place
a bitmap in the second part of the status Bar. This is what i do

--** Below are code snippets from my program to help u understand the problem

--Function: CreateStatusBar(integer parent)
--Use     : This Function creates a status bar for the specified window
--Return  :It returnsthe handle of the status window

global function CreateStatusBar(atom parent) 
atom ctrl   
   return ctrl
end function 

--Procedure: setSubFields(atom parant,parts,sequence pData)
--Use      :It sets different parts to a status Window
--         :parts is numbaer of parts and pData is the sequence of 
--         :for each element

global procedure setSubFields(atom parent,integer parts,sequence pData)  
integer len_,pointer
atom mem_loc,struc_len,x 
sequence rect
len_     = length(pData)
if len_ != parts then
wait_abort("length of pData should equal numer of parts")
end if   
pointer  = 1  
mem_loc  = get_mem(0,struc_len)
for i    = 0 to (struc_len-4) by 4 do
x =  pData[pointer]
if x<1 and x>0 then
rect = getRect(parent)  
x    = floor(rect[3]*x)  
end if
pointer += 1
end for   
len_     = sendMessage(parent,SB_SETPARTS,parts,mem_loc)
end procedure    

--Procedure: setStatusText(id,part,text)
--Use      :Use this function to set text to a status bar item
--         :use 1 for part if you have a simple status bar

global procedure setStatusText(atom id,integer part,object text)  
atom ret,block
if atom(text) then
text = sprintf("%g",text)
end if  
block = get_block()
text  = get_mem(block,text) 
if part >0 then part-=1 end if
ret  = sendMessage(id,SB_SETTEXTA,part,text)
if ret = NULL then
wait_abort("Failed to setText in SetStatusText")
end if
end procedure     

--Function: getStatusText(atom id,integer part)
--Use     :It retrieves text from a Status Bar. If the Status
--        :bar is a simple one then simply use getWindowText(id)
--        : or use this function but with part as 0
--Return  :Itreturns text from the specified part of a text bar

global function getStatusText(atom id,integer part)
integer len_,mem_stack,buffer_loc,retval
sequence str  
if part >0 then part-=1 end if
len_ = sendMessage(id,SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA,part,0) 
len_ = LOWORD(len_)  
mem_stack = get_block()
buffer_loc= get_mem(mem_stack,len_)  
retval = sendMessage(id,SB_GETTEXTA,part,buffer_loc)
if LOWORD(retval) != len_ then
wait_abort("getStatusText Failed")
end if
str = peek_string(buffer_loc)
   return str
end function   

--Function: Custom_Status(parent)
--Use     :This is my custom made status window.
--Return  :It returns the handle of the new created Wnd

global function Custom_Status(atom parent) 
atom status_id,art  
status_id = CreateStatusBar(parent) 

--#####   --Areas of Concern (The lparam of the SB_SETTEXTA message)
--####    --According to help file,this parameter represents 32 bits of data 
--###     --Qn. What do they mean 32bits of Data?, Do they mean the call_back()
--##      --From a separate procedure handling the Status Window?
art       =
--The above msg specifies an owner drawn status Window at part 3
--since the parts are zero -index based. 
--loadBitmap is just a wrap up of loadImageA C function for IMAGE_BITMAP

if art = NULL then
end if
return  status_id
end function 

global constant img = loadBitmap("c:\\full\\conn1.bmp")

The above functions are used for creating the Status bar, and making it owner
drawn through the WM_DRAWITEM message in the Window Procedure.
Anyway this is what i do in the WndProc of my program

if iMsg    = WM_CREATE then  
statuswnd  = Custom_Status(hwnd)
elsif iMsg = WM_SIZE  then 
if c_func(zIsWindow,{statuswnd}) then
status_retval = sendMessage(statuswnd,iMsg,wParam,lParam)
end if 
elsif iMsg = WM_DRAWITEM then
c_proc(zUpdateWindow, {hwnd})
childwnd_id= peek4u(lParam+4 ) 
part       = peek4u(lParam+8 ) 
wnd_hwnd   = peek4u(lParam+20) 
hdc        = peek4u(lParam+24) 
rcItem     = peek4u(lParam+28) 
bit        = peek4u(lParam+32) 

bitdc      = c_func(zCreateCompatibleDC,{hdc})
bit        = c_func(zSelectObject,{bitdc,img}) 
part       = c_func(zBitBlt,{hdc,rcItem,3,32,32,bitdc,0,0,#CC0020})
return 0


The above draws the bitmap but during WM_SIZE the image disappears.
Should i also place these routines in WM_SIZE,or WM_PAINT? I thought WM_DRAWITEM
supposed to handle all these

If possible could some one give me source code to how to overcome this
focus your answers on API

Incase all the above routines are gibberish! then do me a favor by sending me
that will keep the image on the status bar even if i'm resizing! Thx in
drawn Status bar)

Thanx Jordah Ferguson
jorfergie03 at yahoo.com

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<P>Hi all,</P>
<P>Sorry, for my revious email on the issue, here is a bit more of what
i<BR>wantedto mean.</P>
<P>I've created a window with a multi-part statusbar. I want to place<BR>a
bitmap in the second part of the status Bar. This is what i do</P>
<P>--** Below are code snippets from my program to help u understand the
CreateStatusBar(integer parent)<BR>--Use&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :&nbsp;This
Function creates a status bar for the specified window<BR>--Return&nbsp; :It
returnsthe handle of the status
<P>global function CreateStatusBar(atom parent) <BR>atom ctrl&nbsp;&nbsp;
<BR>ctrl =
0,0,0,0,parent,NULL,NULL)<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; return ctrl<BR>end function&nbsp;</P>
setSubFields(atom parant,parts,sequence
pData)<BR>--Use&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :It sets different parts to a
status Window<BR>--&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :parts is
numbaer of parts and pData is the sequence of
<BR>--&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :for each
element<BR>---------------------------------------------------------&nbsp; </P>
<P>global procedure setSubFields(atom parent,integer parts,sequence pData)&nbsp;
<BR>integer len_,pointer<BR>atom mem_loc,struc_len,x <BR>sequence
rect<BR>len_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = length(pData)<BR>if len_&nbsp;!= parts
then<BR>wait_abort("length of pData should equal numer of parts")<BR>end
if&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>struc_len=parts*4&nbsp; <BR>pointer&nbsp; = 1&nbsp;
<BR>mem_loc&nbsp; = get_mem(0,struc_len)<BR>for i&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0 to
(struc_len-4) by 4 do<BR>x =&nbsp; pData[pointer]<BR>if x&lt;1 and x&gt;0
then<BR>rect = getRect(parent)&nbsp; <BR>x&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
floor(rect[3]*x)&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>end if<BR>poke4(mem_loc+i,x)&nbsp; <BR>pointer +=
1<BR>end for&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>len_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
sendMessage(parent,SB_SETPARTS,parts,mem_loc)<BR>end procedure&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
setStatusText(id,part,text)<BR>--Use&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :Use this
function to set text to a status bar
item<BR>--&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :use 1 for part if you
have a simple status
bar<BR>---------------------------------------------------------&nbsp;&nbsp; </P>
<P>global procedure setStatusText(atom id,integer part,object text)&nbsp;
<BR>atom ret,block<BR>if atom(text) then<BR>text = sprintf("%g",text)<BR>end
if&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>block = get_block()<BR>text&nbsp; =
get_mem(block,text)&nbsp;<BR>if part &gt;0 then part-=1 end if<BR>ret&nbsp; =
sendMessage(id,SB_SETTEXTA,part,text)<BR>if ret = NULL then<BR>wait_abort("Failed
to setText in SetStatusText")<BR>end if<BR>free_block(block)<BR>end
procedure&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </P>
getStatusText(atom id,integer part)<BR>--Use&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :It
retrieves text from a Status Bar. If the
Status<BR>--&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :bar is a simple one then
simply use getWindowText(id)<BR>--&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : or
use this function but with part as 0<BR>--Return&nbsp; :Itreturns text from the
specified part of a text
bar<BR>---------------------------------------------------------&nbsp; </P>
<P>global function getStatusText(atom id,integer part)<BR>integer
len_,mem_stack,buffer_loc,retval<BR>sequence str&nbsp; <BR>if part &gt;0 then
part-=1 end if<BR>len_ = sendMessage(id,SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA,part,0)&nbsp;<BR>len_ =
LOWORD(len_)&nbsp; <BR>mem_stack = get_block()<BR>buffer_loc=
get_mem(mem_stack,len_)&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>retval =
sendMessage(id,SB_GETTEXTA,part,buffer_loc)<BR>if LOWORD(retval) != len_
then<BR>wait_abort("getStatusText Failed")<BR>end if<BR>str =
peek_string(buffer_loc)<BR>free_block(mem_stack)<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; return
str<BR>end function&nbsp;&nbsp; </P>
Custom_Status(parent)<BR>--Use&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :This is my custom made
status window.<BR>--Return&nbsp; :It returns the handle of the new created
Wnd<BR>--------------------------------------------------------- </P>
<P>global function Custom_Status(atom parent)&nbsp;<BR>atom status_id,art&nbsp;
<BR>status_id = CreateStatusBar(parent)
<P>--#####&nbsp;&nbsp; --Areas of Concern (The lparam of the SB_SETTEXTA
message)<BR>--####&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; --According to help file,this parameter
represents 32 bits of data <BR>--###&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; --Qn. What do they
mean 32bits of Data?, Do they mean the
call_back()<BR>--##&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; --From a separate procedure
handling the Status Window?<BR>art&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
above msg specifies an owner drawn status Window at part 3<BR>--since the parts
are zero -index based. <BR>--loadBitmap is just a wrap up of loadImageA C
function for IMAGE_BITMAP<BR>--####</P>
<P>if art = NULL then<BR>wait_abort("Failed")<BR>end if<BR>return&nbsp;
status_id<BR>end function </P>
<P>global constant img = loadBitmap("c:\\full\\conn1.bmp")</P>
<P>The above functions are used for creating the Status bar, and making it
owner<BR>drawn through the WM_DRAWITEM message in the Window Procedure.<BR>Anyway
this is what i do in the WndProc of my program</P>
<P>if iMsg&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = WM_CREATE then&nbsp; <BR>statuswnd&nbsp; =
Custom_Status(hwnd)<BR>elsif iMsg = WM_SIZE&nbsp; then&nbsp;<BR>if
c_func(zIsWindow,{statuswnd}) then<BR>status_retval =
<BR>end if <BR>elsif iMsg = WM_DRAWITEM then<BR>c_proc(zUpdateWindow,
{hwnd})<BR>childwnd_id= peek4u(lParam+4 )
<BR>part&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = peek4u(lParam+8 )
<BR>wnd_hwnd&nbsp;&nbsp; =
peek4u(lParam+20)&nbsp;<BR>hdc&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
peek4u(lParam+24) <BR>rcItem&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
peek4u(lParam+28)&nbsp;<BR>bit&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
<P>bitdc&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
<BR>return 0</P>
<P>The above draws the bitmap but during WM_SIZE the image disappears.<BR>Should
i also place these routines in WM_SIZE,or WM_PAINT? I thought WM_DRAWITEM
was<BR>supposed to handle all these</P>
<P>If possible could some one give me source code to how to overcome this
problem.Please<BR>focus your answers on API</P>
<P>Incase all the above routines are gibberish! then do me a favor by sending me
code<BR>that will keep the image on the status bar even if i'm resizing! Thx in
advance(User<BR>drawn Status bar)</P>
<P>Thanx Jordah Ferguson<BR><A href="mailto:jorfergie03 at
yahoo.com">jorfergie03 at yahoo.com</A></P><p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You
for Video Highlights</a> of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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2. Re: api question part2


>The above draws the bitmap but during WM_SIZE the image disappears.
>Should i also place these routines in WM_SIZE,or WM_PAINT? I thought 
>supposed to handle all these
>If possible could some one give me source code to how to overcome this 
>focus your answers on API
>Incase all the above routines are gibberish! then do me a favor by sending 
>me code
>that will keep the image on the status bar even if i'm resizing! Thx in 
>drawn Status bar)
>Thanx Jordah Ferguson
>jorfergie03 at yahoo.com

Heres some code I just whipped up.  Enjoy.
Don Phillips


without warning
include Win32Lib.ew

constant SBT_OWNERDRAW = #1000
constant WM_DRAWITEM   = #2B

atom Void

MainWin = create( Window, "Status Bar Test", NULL, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0 
SBTest	= create( StatusBar, "", MainWin, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 )

-- divide a status bar into sections
procedure setStatusDivisions( integer ClientWidth, sequence Parts )
	atom aWidths
	sequence NewWidths
	integer NumParts

	NumParts = length( Parts ) + 1
	NewWidths = repeat( ClientWidth, NumParts-1 )
	NewWidths *= Parts
	NewWidths &= -1

	aWidths = allocate( NumParts * 4 )
	poke4( aWidths, NewWidths )
	Void = sendMessage( SBTest, SB_SETPARTS, NumParts, aWidths )
	free( aWidths )
end procedure

-- capture ownerdraw message
procedure onEvent_MainWin( atom Msg, atom wParam, atom lParam )
	atom hDC
	atom hdcMem
	atom OldhBitmap
	atom BitmapInfo

	if Msg = WM_DRAWITEM then
		-- test to see if hwnd matches custom status bar
		if getHandle(SBTest) = peek4u(lParam+20) then

			-- create dc and select bitmap into it
			hdcMem = w32Func( xCreateCompatibleDC, {peek4u(lParam+24)} )
		    OldhBitmap = w32Func( xSelectObject, {hdcMem,peek4u(lParam+44)} )

			-- get size of the bitmap
			BitmapInfo = allocate( SIZEOF_BITMAP )
			Void = w32Func( xGetObject, {peek4u(lParam+44),SIZEOF_BITMAP,BitmapInfo} 

			-- bitblt it to the status bar
			Void = w32Func( xBitBlt, 

			-- free used memory
			free( BitmapInfo )
			Void = w32Func( xSelectObject, {hdcMem,OldhBitmap} )
			Void = w32Func( xDeleteDC, {hdcMem} )
		end if
	end if
end procedure
onEvent[ MainWin ] = routine_id( "onEvent_MainWin" )

-- reset parts of status bar on resize
procedure onResize_MainWin( integer Style, integer CX, integer CY )
	setStatusDivisions( CX, {0.25,0.5,0.75} )
end procedure
onResize[ MainWin ] = routine_id( "onResize_MainWin" )

-- set up the owner drawn portion of the status bar
procedure onOpen_MainWin()
	atom hBitmap
	sequence MainWincr

	MainWincr = getClientRect( MainWin )
	setStatusDivisions( MainWincr[3], {0.25,0.5,0.75} )

	-- load a bitmap
	hBitmap = loadBitmapFromFile( "tiles.bmp" )
	Void = sendMessage( SBTest, SB_SETTEXT, or_bits(SBT_OWNERDRAW,2), hBitmap )
end procedure
onOpen[ MainWin ] = routine_id( "onOpen_MainWin" )

-- event loop
WinMain( MainWin, Normal )



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