1. The Euphoria Award
- Posted by bensler at mail.com Feb 27, 2002
Hi all, I was browsing the RDS archives, trying to think of how I could donate my RDS bucks, and thought of an idea. I'm pretty sure most of the registered users, like me aren't donating our RDS bucks every month. I propose starting a sort of council, where participants would donate $X each month towards the goal of recognizing the most common libraries. This would make it easier for eu users to decide which libraries they should use. I can see some problems with this system though, but the idea is very much in it's infancy. One problem is that if we were to vote for specific libraries each month, there would end up to be ALOT of files with donations, which isn't a bad thing, but it does deter the popularity of new contributions. A solution would require the participation of RDS to introduce a new tag to the archives legend for recommended libraries (I like the idea of a trophy icon). Each file in the archives with more than $XX genuinely earned (not through the council) RDS bucks gets a recommended tag. Files voted on through the council, would only be recommended, the $ donated wouldn't apply, or shouldn't show up at least. Maybe the council would not be a permanent part of the eu community, but only temporary, solely to recognize contributions considered essentials to most users. We would have a category, for example, 'General library' would probably have to be the first one. Which library fullfils the most general functionality: commonly used general routines, like abs(), or_all(), peek_string(), etc.. The category would have to be defined fairly thouroughly. Then there would be a voting period. People could donate their $ towards a specified library that falls within the category definition. The $ is actually donated to the council, not the library file. When the voting and tallying is done, the coucil donates the $ towords the winning nomination. There would probably need to be a head of council to have veto power in case of tie votes, and deciding a category. I'm also thinking if we were to do this, we would need to setup a new forum for the council, where voting and deciding the category would take place. Updates would be posted to the mailing list to remind people to participate, and inform people of the progress, just like any other awards system. If RDS were to take hold of this idea and fully support it, I think it could be a very promising long term solution to recognizing "useful" libraries. Unlike the micro-economy donations which reflect the "popular" libraries. People don't normally donate to things like Kat's strtok.e, but the council would take care of this. (It could also be an intriguing attraction for PC programming journalists ;) The magazine article about Euphoria that is linked to on the RDS site, pointedly like the idea of the EU community. I wonder what he would have thought of a Euphoria Award! :) Any thoughts? Chris