1. Eu 2.4 Feature suggestions
- Posted by jzeitlin at cyburban.com Feb 14, 2002
I've been following some of the discussion on the related topic, and I've come to my conclusions on features I'd like to see in Euphoria, preferably in the next version: (1) Improved namespace handling. Currently, if I'm understanding things correctly, if I include the same file in two different namespaces, the two namespaces essentially become aliases for each other - I can't set a variable in one and not have it affect the same variable in the other. This, to me, isn't quite the right way to handle it; if I'm deliberately including the same routines in two different namespaces, there must be a reason - and I should be able to enforce keeping them separate. Also, I don't seem to be able to define a namespace except via an include. (2) execute(string). This is a feature I've always liked. Two of my favorite languages, LISP and APL, have been the languages-of-choice for some fairly complex projects simply because having this feature simplified the program. (Note: LISP has it implicitly, in that code and data are essentially interchangeable. APL has it explicitly.) (3) Support for some sort of external calls in DOS32, to correspond with the external calling capability of the Win32 and Linux versions. -- Jeff Zeitlin jzeitlin at cyburban.com