1. RE: The 'goto' debate
- Posted by kennethroger at prodigy.net Feb 05, 2002
EX can get by with a GOTO, but EXW will need a COMEFROM.
2. RE: The 'goto' debate
- Posted by Rod Jackson <rodjackson_x at hotmail.com> Feb 06, 2002
Hmmm... the GOTO thing again. I've already said my part on this before, and I'll only raise one new point, not really an argument, but more an expression of frustation and lack of understanding of the request: Does EVERY programming language need a GOTO? I like the idea of programming languages being unique, some structured with no GOTO, some purely functional, etc. I think asking languages to natively incorporate not-necessary additions of our liking from other languages really misses the point. Why not just craft the one perfect language and go with that? Why bother with different languages? Why not just advocate PL/1? If *not* every language needs GOTO, then why can't Euphoria be one of the ones to not have it, especially since it's clearly a language not designed with a GOTO-accepting mindset? > Don't be a fanatic or fundamentalist ??? Why not? Rod Jackson
3. RE: The 'goto' debate
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Feb 06, 2002
On 6 Feb 2002, at 5:51, kennethroger at prodigy.net wrote: > > EX can get by with a GOTO, but EXW will need a COMEFROM. A COMEFROM? You mean like to know how one got to that point in the execution? Good idea, i was trying to hack Turbo Pascal to do that at one point. But why not make that possible in both dos and windows, and *nix? Kat