1. RE: Changing Euphoria


Hi Shawn Pringle, you wrote on 1/31/02 9:37:11 AM:

>Ofcourse pass by reference is relatively cheap in EUPHORIA, being copy
>on write pointers.  It would seem to me that code like:
>list = append(list,a)  should be optimized to something like:
>append(!!list,a) keeping with your notation.  As, the object passed in
>will be reassigned there is no need to copy a new list in append.
>Apparently EUPHORIA already does this, at least for append.  The
>documentation says "highly optimized."

Built-in functions like append follow their own rules.
If the user writes a function that modifies one of it's
sequence parameters, the sequence is copied before
modification. If the user wants the modification AND a
return value, one or the other must be not passed to the
function or they must be combined into a sequence
(more copying!).
A third reason to add PBR (and slicing shorthands)
to Euphoria is to reduce redundancy:
I have read (and written) too many code lines like:
  MOD1_base_elements = doit (MOD1_base_elements[2..MOD1_base_elements])
Much better without the redundancy:
  doit (!!MOD1_base_elements[2..])

>As for object orientation, as you said, something like:
>      stack.push( 9 )
>would have to be stack = stack.push( 9 ), unless ofcourse we have
>stack=.push(9) for pass by reference like the other = ops.
>It may be pass by reference but we still only change things on the left
>side of the "=".

Generally, the method dispatch 'stack.push(9)' gets handled as
'push(stack, 9)' i.e. the instance to operate on is passed as a
a hidden parameter. Remember 'stack' here is an instance
(maybe of class STACK?) NOT a class!'.

In Euphoria this is:
  1) stack=push(stack,9)  -- push() can't return a value
  2) push(stack,9)    -- stack must at file scope, or unchanged

We could make the rule that class methods can either return a value
OR modify the instance but I would rather make it more general,
especially when PBR brings other advantages.


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2. RE: Changing Euphoria


Hi Shawn Pringle, you wrote on 1/29/02 1:30:25 PM:

>When it comes to changing something that is so simple and clean I
>cringe.  Euphoria was been around a long time with out many changes had
>bugs which must have been many years old.  When languages change
>programs break and implementations break.  The new bugs might show up in
>the interpreter or the 'compiler'.  Many proposed changes are features
>of C that people want in EUPHORIA because they are used to C.
>Things that need features in C are not needed in EUPHORIA:
>For Example:
>Pass by reference:
>scanf would be something like
>procedure sscanf( sequence str, sequence fmt, sequence& inputs )
>On the other hand, in today's EUPHORIA the same thing can be implemented
>function sscanf( sequence str, sequence fmt ) -- return user input
>Shawn Pringle
As I see it, there are 2 advantages to pass-by-reference:

1) More efficient.
   foo = modify(foo)  -- involves a couple of copy operations
   modify (!!foo)	 -- modifies in place (my pass-by-reference syntax)

2) Object orientation
   Methods are automatically passed the instance they are
   to work on ('this')  as the first parameter. Methods which
   modify the instance and also return a value are extremely
   awkward without 'this' beng passed by reference.

It adds complexity and power, but it does indeed compromise the
simplicity that makes Euphoria so attractive.

Karl Bochert


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3. RE: Changing Euphoria

Ofcourse pass by reference is relatively cheap in EUPHORIA, being copy 
on write pointers.  It would seem to me that code like:
list = append(list,a)  should be optimized to something like:
append(!!list,a) keeping with your notation.  As, the object passed in 
will be reassigned there is no need to copy a new list in append.

Apparently EUPHORIA already does this, at least for append.  The 
documentation says "highly optimized."  

As for object orientation, as you said, something like:
      stack.push( 9 )
would have to be stack = stack.push( 9 ), unless ofcourse we have
stack=.push(9) for pass by reference like the other = ops.

It may be pass by reference but we still only change things on the left 
side of the "=".

It sounds like we are designing a EUPHORIA++ here.


kbochert at ix.netcom.com wrote:
> -------Phoenix-Boundary-07081998-
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit
> Hi Shawn Pringle, you wrote on 1/29/02 1:30:25 PM:
> >
> >When it comes to changing something that is so simple and clean I
> >cringe.  Euphoria was been around a long time with out many changes had
> >bugs which must have been many years old.  When languages change
> >programs break and implementations break.  The new bugs might show up in
> >the interpreter or the 'compiler'.  Many proposed changes are features
> >of C that people want in EUPHORIA because they are used to C.
> >Things that need features in C are not needed in EUPHORIA:
> >
> >For Example:
> >Pass by reference:
> >
> >scanf would be something like
> >procedure sscanf( sequence str, sequence fmt, sequence& inputs )
> >
> >On the other hand, in today's EUPHORIA the same thing can be implemented
> >with
> >function sscanf( sequence str, sequence fmt ) -- return user input
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >Shawn Pringle
> >
> As I see it, there are 2 advantages to pass-by-reference:
> 1) More efficient.
>    foo = modify(foo)  -- involves a couple of copy operations
>    modify (!!foo)	 -- modifies in place (my pass-by-reference syntax)
> 2) Object orientation
>    Methods are automatically passed the instance they are
>    to work on ('this')  as the first parameter. Methods which
>    modify the instance and also return a value are extremely
>    awkward without 'this' beng passed by reference.
> It adds complexity and power, but it does indeed compromise the
> simplicity that makes Euphoria so attractive.
> Karl Bochert
> -------Phoenix-Boundary-07081998---

Shawn Pringle

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